Create countdown and counter before and after a certain value - r

I want to create a variable that counts down a given number of steps before certain value and counts up a given number steps after the value.
In the example below, I want to have a counters before and after the grp == "b". When grp == "b" the value should be 0, and before and after the counters it should be 100.
To do this I can use case_when function as follows:
test_df2<-test_df %>%
grp == letters[index] ~ 0
,dplyr::lag(grp,1) == letters[index] ~ 1
,dplyr::lag(grp,2) == letters[index] ~ 2
,dplyr::lag(grp,3) == letters[index] ~ 3
,dplyr::lead(grp,1) == letters[index] ~ -1
,dplyr::lead(grp,2) == letters[index] ~ -2
,dplyr::lead(grp,3) == letters[index] ~ -3
,dplyr::lead(grp,4) == letters[index] ~ -4
,dplyr::lead(grp,5) == letters[index] ~ -5
The problem is the variables "before" and "after" are not static! So I should make a function to do it as follows:
How to make a function to do it?
I created a function but if there us a better and easy solution please feel free to add an answer:
test_df2<- test_df %>%
group_by(grp) %>%
dplyr::mutate( fr=ifelse(grp==ltr,dplyr::first(id),0 )) %>%
ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate( fr=max(fr)) %>%
mutate(fr=-(fr-id)) %>%
mutate(fr=ifelse(fr<0,fr,0 ))
test_df2<- test_df2 %>%
group_by(grp) %>%
dplyr::mutate( lst=ifelse(grp==ltr,dplyr::last(id),0 )) %>%
ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate( lst=max(lst)) %>%
mutate(lst=-(lst-id)) %>%
mutate(lst=ifelse(lst>0,lst,0 ))
test_df2<- test_df2 %>% ungroup() %>%
test_df2 %>% mutate(ifelse(before_after >= -before &
before_after <=after,before_after,others))
This may help:
test_df3<-test_df %>%
group_by(grp) %>%
mutate(is_group_b=ifelse(grp==letters[index],1,0)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(nr=row_number()) %>%
mutate(nr=nr*is_group_b) %>%
mutate(nr=ifelse(nr==0,NA,nr)) %>%
mutate(min_nr=min(nr,na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
mutate(nr=ifelse(,0,nr)) %>%
mutate(vl=(row_number()-min_nr)) %>%
mutate(vl=vl*(1-is_group_b)) %>%

Try this:
test_df %>%
group_by(grp) %>%
mutate(value = ifelse(grp == letters[index-1] & row_number() <= 5, 100, (before:1)*-1),
value1 = ifelse(grp == letters[index+1] & row_number() > 3, 100, 1:after)) %>%
mutate(value = case_when(grp == letters[index] ~ 0,
grp == letters[index-1] ~ value,
grp == letters[index+1] ~ value1), .keep="unused") %>%
id grp value
<int> <chr> <dbl>
1 1 a 100
2 2 a 100
3 3 a 100
4 4 a 100
5 5 a 100
6 6 a -5
7 7 a -4
8 8 a -3
9 9 a -2
10 10 a -1
11 11 b 0
12 12 b 0
13 13 b 0
14 14 b 0
15 15 b 0
16 16 b 0
17 17 b 0
18 18 b 0
19 19 b 0
20 20 b 0
21 21 c 1
22 22 c 2
23 23 c 3
24 24 c 100
25 25 c 100
26 26 c 100
27 27 c 100
28 28 c 100
29 29 c 100
30 30 c 100

Set result column to 100. Get indices of the focal group. Create replacement values (countdown - zeros - countup) of given lengths. Replace result at relevant indices.
d = data.frame(id = 1:12, grp = rep(letters[1:3], each = 4))
before = 2
after = 3
g = "b"
d$x = 100
i = which(d$grp == g)
v = c(-before:-1, rep(0, length(i)), seq(after))
d$x = replace(d$x, i[1] - before + 0:(length(v) - 1), v)
# id grp x
# 1 1 a 100
# 2 2 a 100
# 3 3 a -2
# 4 4 a -1
# 5 5 b 0
# 6 6 b 0
# 7 7 b 0
# 8 8 b 0
# 9 9 c 1
# 10 10 c 2
# 11 11 c 3
# 12 12 c 100
Depending on the data, you may want to add a check so that indices of before- and after-sequences are kept within the bounds of the data, e.g. using %in%:
d = data.frame(id = 1:8, grp = rep(letters[1:3], c(1, 5, 2)))
before = 2
after = 3
g = "b"
d$x = 100
i = which(d$grp == g)
v = c(-before:-1, rep(0, length(i)), seq(after))
i2 = i[1] - before + 0:(length(v) - 1)
ok = i2 %in% seq_len(nrow(d)) # <~ check if indices are within range of data
d$x = replace(d$x, i2[ok], v[ok])
# id grp x
# 1 1 a -1 # leading countdown truncated
# 2 2 b 0
# 3 3 b 0
# 4 4 b 0
# 5 5 b 0
# 6 6 b 0
# 7 7 c 1
# 8 8 c 2 # trailing counter truncated


R rowwise replace the first instance of the minimum

How can I do the following:
replace all values < 6 with NA,
if there is only one NA in the row, replace the first instance of the minimum value with -99?
Some data that includes an ID variable and a total column:
df <- data.frame(id = c(1,2,3,4,5), a = c(10,12,4,17,3), b = c(9,12,3,20,6), c = c(2,2,10,10,10), d = c(12,16,12,10,12))
df$total <- apply(df[,c(2:5)], 1, sum)
id a b c d total
1 10 9 2 12 33
2 12 12 2 16 42
3 4 3 10 12 29
4 17 20 10 10 57
5 3 6 10 12 31
My desired output is
id a b c d total
1 10 -99 NA 12 33
2 -99 12 NA 16 42
3 NA NA 10 12 29
4 17 20 10 10 57
5 NA -99 10 12 31
My attempt
df_mod <- df %>%
# Make <6 NA
.cols = 'a':'total',
.x < 6 ~ as.numeric(NA),
TRUE ~ .x
) %>%
# Add a count of NAs
rowwise() %>%
mutate(Count_NA = sum( %>%
# Transpose and get row minimum
df_mod2 <- t(df_mod[,-c(1,ncol(df_mod))]) %>%
apply(., 2, function(a){
min <- min(a, na.rm = TRUE)
) %>%
cbind(df_mod, .) %>%
rename(., min = .) %>%
# If count_NA = 1 replace the first instance of min
df_mod2 %>%
rowwise() %>%
.cols = 'a':'total',
Count_NA == 1 & .x == min ~ replace(.x, first(match(min, .x)), -99),
TRUE ~ .x)
) %>%
select(-'Count_NA', -'min')
Which gives the following
id a b c d total
1 10 -99 NA 12 33
2 -99 -99 NA 16 42
3 NA NA 10 12 29
4 17 20 10 10 57
5 NA -99 10 12 31
If you're willing to pivot rather than work rowwise, then this solution will work.
df %>%
pivot_longer(names_to = 'col',
values_to = 'val',
-c(id, total)) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(val2 = rank(val, ties.method = 'first'),
val = ifelse(val < 6, NA , val),
val = ifelse(sum( == 1 & val2 == 2, -99, val)) %>%
select(-val2) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = col,
values_from = val) %>%
relocate(total, .after = "d")
Here's the result:
# A tibble: 5 × 6
# Groups: id [5]
id a b c d total
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 10 -99 NA 12 33
2 2 -99 12 NA 16 42
3 3 NA NA 10 12 29
4 4 17 20 10 10 57
5 5 NA -99 10 12 31
It is not clear what you mean by '2nd' minimum value because you replace minimum value. You can use data.table:
(cols) := transpose(
transpose(lapply(.SD, function(x) fifelse(x < 6, NA_real_, x))),
function(x) if(sum( == 1) replace(x, which.min(x), -99) else x
.SDcols = setdiff(names(df), "id")

sample values by group with conditions

I have grouped data and I want to create a new variable value that will take the value 0 or 1.
Every group needs at least one observation where value==1.
But groups cannot have more than 2 observations where value==1.
Ideally I can set it so no more than 25% of groups only have one observation where value==1.
# sample can break the rules
tibble(group = c(rep("A", 3),
rep("B", 6),
rep("C", 4),
rep("D", 5))) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(value = sample(c(0, 1), n(), replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.8, 0.2)))
One solution would be to create a listing of your unique group labels and shuffle those (here I get the unique group labels via nest). Then depending on whether the group is in the first 25% of rows of the data frame, you can assign either a) a random number between 1 and 2, or b) always 2. Finally, you can use the assigned number to define how 0s and 1s should be sampled for each group, and then unnest the result.
result <- df %>%
nest(data = -group) %>%
.[sample(1:nrow(.), nrow(.)), ] %>% # shuffle the group order
value_count = ifelse(row_number() / n() <= 0.25, sample(1:2, n(), replace = T), 2)
) %>%
rowwise() %>%
count = nrow(data),
value = list(sample(c(rep(1, value_count), rep(0, count - value_count)), count))
) %>%
unnest(value) %>%
select(-data, -value_count, -count)
group value
<chr> <dbl>
1 B 0
2 B 0
3 B 0
4 B 0
5 B 1
6 B 0
7 A 1
8 A 1
9 A 0
10 D 1
11 D 0
12 D 1
13 D 0
14 D 0
15 C 1
16 C 0
17 C 0
18 C 1
Looks like I was beat to the punch, but here's another way to do it:
# sample can break the rules
x <- tibble(group = c(rep("A", 3),
rep("B", 6),
rep("C", 4),
rep("D", 5)))
# Make all 'var' =1, then set all but first of each group to 0.
xx <- x %>% group_by(group) %>%
mutate(var = row_number()) %>%
mutate(var = ifelse(var == 1, 1, 0))
pct_with_two <- .75 # percentage of groups with two 1's
samp_size <- floor(length(unique(xx$group)) * pct_with_two) #round down to whole number
addl_one <- sample(unique(xx$group), size = samp_size, replace = F)
xx %>%
mutate(var2 = case_when(
group %in% addl_one & row_number() == 2 ~ 1,
TRUE ~0)) %>%
mutate(var = var+var2) %>%
#> # A tibble: 18 x 2
#> # Groups: group [4]
#> group var
#> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 A 1
#> 2 A 1
#> 3 A 0
#> 4 B 1
#> 5 B 0
#> 6 B 0
#> 7 B 0
#> 8 B 0
#> 9 B 0
#> 10 C 1
#> 11 C 1
#> 12 C 0
#> 13 C 0
#> 14 D 1
#> 15 D 1
#> 16 D 0
#> 17 D 0
#> 18 D 0
Created on 2022-03-11 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

dplyr collapse 'tail' rows into larger groups

df <- tibble(a = as.factor(1:20), b = c(50, 20, 13, rep(2, 10), rep(1, 7)))
How do I make dplyr look at this data frame df and collapse all these occurences of 2 into a single summed group, and collapse all the occurrences of 1 into a single summed group? And also keep the rest of the data frame.
Turn this:
# A tibble: 20 x 2
a b
<fct> <dbl>
1 1 50
2 2 20
3 3 13
4 4 2
5 5 2
6 6 2
7 7 2
8 8 2
9 9 2
10 10 2
11 11 2
12 12 2
13 13 2
14 14 1
15 15 1
16 16 1
17 17 1
18 18 1
19 19 1
20 20 1
into this:
# A tibble: 5 x 2
a b
<fct> <dbl>
1 1 50
2 2 20
3 3 13
4 grp2 20
5 grp1 7
[Edit] - I fixed the example data. Sorry about that.
We group by a manufactured sortkey to maintain sort order. We used the fact that b is in descending order in the input but if that is not the case in your actual data then replace sortkey = -b with the more general sortkey = data.table::rleid(b) or the longer sortkey = cumsum(coalesce(b != lag(b), FALSE)) .
We also convert b to the group names giving a new a. It wasn't clear which groups are to be converted to grp... form. Hard-coded 1 and 2? Any group with more than one row? Groups at the end with more than one row? At any rate it would be easy enough to change the condition in the if_else once that were clarified.
Finally perform the summation and then remove the sortkey.
df %>%
group_by(sortkey = -b, a = paste0(if_else(b %in% 1:2, "grp", ""), b)) %>%
summarize(b = sum(b)) %>%
ungroup %>%
# A tibble: 5 x 2
a b
<chr> <int>
1 50 50
2 20 20
3 13 13
4 grp2 20
5 grp1 7
Here's a way. I have converted a from factor to character to make things easier. You can convert it back to factor if you want. Also your test data was a bit wrong.
df <- tibble(a = as.character(1:20), b = c(50, 20, 13, rep(2, 10), rep(1, 7)))
df %>%
a = case_when(
b == 1 ~ "grp1",
b == 2 ~ "grp2",
TRUE ~ a
) %>%
group_by(a) %>%
summarise(b = sum(b))
# A tibble: 5 x 2
a b
<chr> <dbl>
1 1 50
2 2 20
3 3 13
4 grp1 7
5 grp2 20
This is an approach which gives you the desired names for groups & where you don't need to think in advance how many cases like that you would need (e.g. it would create grp3, grp4, ... depending on the number in b).
df %>%
grp = as.numeric(lag(df$b) != df$b),
grp = cumsum(ifelse(, 0, grp))
) %>% group_by(grp) %>%
a = ifelse(n() > 1, paste0("grp", b), a),
b = sum(b)
) %>% ungroup() %>% distinct(a, b)
a b
<chr> <dbl>
1 1 50
2 2 20
3 3 13
4 grp2 20
5 grp1 7
Note that the code could be also condensed but that leads to a certain lack of readability in my opinion:
df %>%
group_by(grp = cumsum(ifelse($b) != df$b)), 0, as.numeric(lag(df$b) != df$b)))) %>%
a = ifelse(n() > 1, paste0("grp", b), a),
b = sum(b)
) %>% ungroup() %>% distinct(a, b)

How to remove subsequent values after first instance only when other values are absent

I am trying to remove zeros after the first instance of a zero, when all future values are 0. Eventually I would love to do this group_by species but baby steps. Here's an example;
# Sample
value<-c(90, 50, 40, 0, 30, 30, 0, 10, 0, 0)
df<-data.frame(id, time, value)
id time value
1 a 1 90
2 b 2 50
3 c 3 40
4 d 4 0
5 e 5 30
6 f 6 30
7 g 7 0
8 h 8 10
9 i 9 0
10 j 10 0
I would like to see observation id "j" and only observation id "j" removed. I am not even sure where to start. Any suggestions are much appreciated!
In base R only.It uses rle to get the number of trailing zeros, if any. Then subsets the dataframe with head.
r <- rle(df$value == 0)
if(r$values[length(r$values)]) head(df, -(r$lengths[length(r$values)] - 1))
# id time value
#1 a 1 90
#2 b 2 50
#3 c 3 40
#4 d 4 0
#5 e 5 30
#6 f 6 30
#7 g 7 0
#8 h 8 10
#9 i 9 0
You can write a function with the code above, and maybe *apply it to groups.
trailingZeros <- function(DF, col = "value"){
r <- rle(DF[[col]] == 0)
if(r$values[length(r$values)] && r$lengths[length(r$values)] > 1)
head(DF, -(r$lengths[length(r$values)] - 1))
Note that this also works with a larger number of trailing zeros.
id2 <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k")
time2 <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)
value2 <- c(90, 50, 40, 0, 30, 30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0) # One more zero at end
df2 <- data.frame(id = id2, time = time2, value = value2)
here is a solution within the tidyverse which also works on a larger number of trailing zeros:
df <- tibble(id = letters[1:11], time = 1:11,
value = c(90,50,40,0,30,30,0,10,0,0,0))
df %>%
slice(n():1) %>%
slice(c(which(cumsum(value > 0) > 0)[1] - 1, which(cumsum(value > 0) > 0))) %>%
Tidyverse solution that also works with groups
based on sample data (without grouping)
code can be shortened, but this looks very readable ;-)
df %>%
#arrange by id
arrange( id ) %>%
#no grouping valiable in sample data.. so don't use group_by here
#group_by( group) %>%
#create dummy's: position in group, last value of group, position of last non-zero in group, previous value (within group)
mutate( pos_in_group = 1:n() ) %>%
mutate( last_value = last( value ) ) %>%
mutate( pos_last_not_zero = max( which( value != 0) ) ) %>%
mutate( prev_value = lag( value ) ) %>%
#filter all rows where:
# the last value of the group != 0 AND
# the previous row (within the group) != 0 AND
# the position of the row is 'below' the last non-zero measurement (in the group)
filter( !(last_value == 0 & prev_value == 0 & pos_in_group >= pos_last_not_zero + 1 ) ) %>%
#throw away the dummy's
select( -c( pos_in_group, last_value, pos_last_not_zero, prev_value ) )
# id time value
# 1 a 1 90
# 2 b 2 50
# 3 c 3 40
# 4 d 4 0
# 5 e 5 30
# 6 f 6 30
# 7 g 7 0
# 8 h 8 10
# 9 i 9 0
Example with some grouping involved
# Sample
value = c(90,0,0,40,0,0,30,30,0,0,0)
df<-data.frame(id, group, time, value)
# id group time value
# 1 a 1 1 90
# 2 b 1 2 0
# 3 c 1 3 0
# 4 d 1 4 40
# 5 e 1 5 0
# 6 f 1 6 0
# 7 g 2 7 30
# 8 h 2 8 30
# 9 i 2 9 0
# 10 j 2 10 0
# 11 k 2 11 0
df %>%
#arrange by id
arrange( id ) %>%
group_by( group) %>%
#create dummy's: position in group, last value of group, position of last non-zero in group, previous value (within group)
mutate( pos_in_group = 1:n() ) %>%
mutate( last_value = last( value ) ) %>%
mutate( pos_last_not_zero = max( which( value != 0) ) ) %>%
mutate( prev_value = lag( value ) ) %>%
#filter all rows where:
# the last value of the group != 0 AND
# the previous row (within the group) != 0 AND
# the position of the row is 'below' the last non-zero measurement (in the group)
filter( !(last_value == 0 & prev_value == 0 & pos_in_group >= pos_last_not_zero + 1 ) ) %>%
#throuw away the dummy's
select( -c( pos_in_group, last_value, pos_last_not_zero, prev_value ) )
# # A tibble: 8 x 4
# # Groups: group [2]
# id group time value
# <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 a 1 1 90
# 2 b 1 2 0
# 3 c 1 3 0
# 4 d 1 4 40
# 5 e 1 5 0
# 6 g 2 7 30
# 7 h 2 8 30
# 8 i 2 9 0

check tables exceeding certain values and count number of times exceed respective threshold by respective id and label

I have a dataframe df
df <- data.frame(id =c(1,2,1,4,1,5,6),
label=c("a","b", "a", "a","a", "e", "a"),
color = c("g","a","g","g","a","a","a"),
threshold = c(12, 10, 12, 12, 12, 35, 40),
value =c(32.1,0,15.0,10,1,50,45),stringsAsFactors = F
Threshold value is based on the label
I should get a table below like this by considering each id,with respective label how many times exceeding its threshold by the value
Color is independent in consideration for calculating the exceed values
I tried like this
final_df <- df %>%
mutate(check = if_else(value > threshold, 1, 0)) %>%
group_by(id, label) %>%
summarise(exceed = sum(check))
But instead of getting with respective id i have got the number of total in exceed
With base R only, use aggregate.
aggregate( ~ id + label, df, function(i) sum(df[i, 4] < df[i, 5]))
# id label
#1 1 a 2
#2 4 a 0
#3 6 a 1
#4 2 b 0
#5 5 e 1
In order to match the expected output posted in the question, it will take a little extra work.
exceed <-
agg <- aggregate(exceed ~ id + label, df, function(i) sum(df[i, 4] < df[i, 5]))
res <- merge(df[1:3], agg)
# id label color exceed
#1 1 a g 2
#3 1 a a 2
#4 2 b a 0
#5 4 a g 0
#6 5 e a 1
#7 6 a a 1
By a small modification of your code:
df %>%
group_by(id, label) %>%
mutate(check = if_else(value > threshold, 1, 0)) %>%
summarise(exceed = sum(check)) %>%
group_by(id, label)
id label exceed
<dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 1 a 2
2 2 b 0
3 4 a 0
4 5 e 1
5 6 a 1
To match the expected output more closely:
df %>%
group_by(id, label) %>%
mutate(exceed = sum(if_else(value > threshold, 1, 0))) %>%
group_by(id, label, color) %>%
filter(row_number() == 1)
id label color threshold value exceed
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 a g 12 32.1 2
2 2 b a 10 0 0
3 4 a g 12 10 0
4 1 a a 12 1 2
5 5 e a 35 50 1
6 6 a a 40 45 1
df %>%
group_by(id, label) %>%
mutate(exceed = sum(value > threshold)) %>%
id label color threshold value exceed
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 1 a g 12 32.1 2
2 2 b a 10 0 0
3 4 a g 12 10 0
4 5 e a 35 50 1
5 6 a a 40 45 1
If you like the output to contain a separate row for each combination, of ID, label and color, just add a new group_by before the slice function:
df %>%
group_by(id, label) %>%
mutate(exceed = sum(value > threshold)) %>%
group_by(id, label, color) %>%
id label color threshold value exceed
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 1 a a 12 1 2
2 1 a g 12 32.1 2
3 2 b a 10 0 0
4 4 a g 12 10 0
5 5 e a 35 50 1
6 6 a a 40 45 1
A little change in your code
final_df <- df %>% mutate(check = if_else(value > threshold, 1, 0)) %>% group_by(id, label) %>% filter(check==1)
We could use table and merge :
table_ <- table(subset(df,value>threshold, c("id","label")))
df2 <- merge(unique(df[c("id","label","color")]),table_,all.x=TRUE)
df2$Freq[$Freq)] <- 0
# id label color Freq
# 1 1 a g 2
# 2 1 a a 2
# 3 2 b a 0
# 4 4 a g 0
# 5 5 e a 1
# 6 6 a a 1
