how to use most recent dev version of a package in julia? - julia

I'm trying to dev a julia package. I have it in ~/.julia/dev/<PackageName>, and I'm testing the modifications that I make to it in another REPL, using Pkg.develop() and to switch to and from the development version of the package.
The problem is that I don't seem to be able use the most recent changes (not commited) I made to the package by using Pkg.develop(). What am I doing wrong? is there a way to avoid commiting the package changes before testing them? What is a good workflow for deving and testing packages?


Automatically update package

I have written an R package, hosted on Github, that I would like users to always run the most up-to-date version. What is the best practice for checking within R, preferably at package loading, if there is a newer version? And if there is a newer version to download and install it.
I know I can get the current installed version using packageVersion('MyPackage').
I guess one way to get the repository version number would be to download the DESCRIPTION file, and use some regex to search for the version number. But is there a better way?
Having established that an update is available, is there then a safe way to install it from within the same package at loading. For example having something like
if (github_ver > installed_ver) {
embedded in the .onLoad() hook? Although this way looks risky to me.

How to use different R versions to test packages with Travis-CI?

I use Travis to test R packages hosted on GitHub (e.g. this one). That works great except that I don't seem to have any control over the R version that is used to build and check the package. In particular I would like to check packages with both the current release and devel versions of R. Is there any way to do this?
Yea! Check out R-builder. Good luck.

How can I reinstall or recompile already installed packages in Julia?

Is it possible to reinstall or recompile an already installed package in Julia? I did not find any hints in the official documentation. whos() did not reveal anything useful either.
As was pointed out in the answer below by #ivarne my question can also be understood as:
"How can I reload a package that has been loaded with import or using in a Julia session?"
This question has also been answered by #ivarne.
You can re-run the package build script with"pkgname"). The actual compiling of the packages is just in time so they are complied when you load them.
Not sure about the terminology you use, but if you think about reloading a package (with import or using), it is complicated and the best approach is to restart Julia.
A function called reload() exists, but it has some limitations. While developing a Package, you might consider using something like the Autoreload.jl package to make it easier to reload the files you are working on.
If you are developing package and heve it installed using dev command, than Base.compilecache(Base.PkgId(PDFIO)) does the job.
In this case PDFIO is the package that I'm working on.
It is more convenient than restarting julia.

How do I revert to an earlier version of a package?

I'm trying to write some SPARQL queries in R using the rrdf package. However, I get this error every time I try to load the library.
Error: package 'rrdflibs' 1.1.2 was found, but == 1.1.0 is required by 'rrdf'
Not sure why they didn't write it as >= 1.1.0. Is what they did a good programming practice?
Go to to retrieve an older version. This is a source archive, so you will have to be able to build from source (typically easy on Linux, pretty easy on MacOS, and hard on Windows; you can use the service to build a Windows binary if necessary).
Actually, based on a quick look at the package, I think you should be able to install in this case (even on Windows without Rtools) via
because the package doesn't actually contain anything that needs to be compiled.
Don't know about programming practice, you'd have to ask the authors if they had some particular reason to do it that way. (See maintainer("rrdf").) Maybe they knew the versions would not be backward/forward compatible?

How do you use multiple versions of the same R package?

In order to be able to compare two versions of a package, I need to able to choose which version of the package that I load. R's package system is set to by default to overwrite existing packages, so that you always have the latest version. How do I override this behaviour?
My thoughts so far are:
I could get the package sources, edit the descriptions to give different names and build, in effect, two different packages. I'd rather be able to work directly with the binaries though, as it is much less hassle.
I don't necessarily need to have both versions of the packages loaded at the same time (just installed somewhere at the same time). I could perhaps mess about with Sys.getenv('R_HOME') to change the place where R installs the packages, and then .libpaths() to change the place where R looks for them. This seems hacky though, so does anyone have any better ideas?
You could selectively alter the library path. For complete transparency, keep both out of your usual path and then do
library(foo, lib.loc="~/dev/foo/v1") ## loads v1
library(foo, lib.loc="~/dev/foo/v2") ## loads v2
The same works for install.packages(), of course. All these commands have a number of arguments, so the hooks you aim for may already be present. So don't look at changing R_HOME, rather look at help(install.packages) (assuming you install from source).
But AFAIK you cannot load the same package twice under the same name.
Many years have passed since the accepted answer which is of course still valid. It might however be worthwhile to mention a few new options that arised in the meanwhile:
Managing multiple versions of packages
For managing multiple versions of packages on a project (directory) level, the packrat tool can be useful: In short
Packrat enhances your project directory by storing your package dependencies inside it, rather than relying on your personal R library that is shared across all of your other R sessions.
This basically means that each of your projects can have its own "private library", isolated from the user and system libraries. If you are using RStudio, packrat is very neatly integrated and easy to use.
Installing custom package versions
In terms of installing a custom version of a package, there are many ways, perhaps the most convenient may be using the devtools package, example:
devtools::install_version("ggplot2", version = "0.9.1")
Alternatively, as suggested by Richie, there is now a more lightweight package called remotes that is a result of the decomposition of devtools into smaller packages, with very similar usage:
remotes::install_version("ggplot2", version = "0.9.1")
More info on the topic can be found:
I worked with R for a longtime now and it's only today that I thought about this. The idea came from the fact that I started dabbling with Python and the first step I had to make was to manage what they (pythonistas) call "Virtual environments". They even have dedicated tools for this seemingly important task. I informed myself more about this aspect and why they take it so seriously. I finally realized that this is a neat and important way to manage different projects with conflicting dependencies. I wanted to know why R doesn't have this feature and found that actually the concept of "environments" exists in R but not introduced to newbies like in Python. So you need to check the documentation about this and it will solve your issue.
Sorry for rambling but I thought it would help.
