airflow scheduler: WARNING - (parsing_processes = 2) when using sqlite. So we set parallelism to 1 - airflow

How can I fix the problem here?
I tried to run airflow scheduler but it does not work.

It seems to me that warning "Because we cannot use more than 1 thread (parsing_processes = 2) when using sqlite. So we set parallelism to 1." is not connected with errors. In my case the problem was caused with the processes using :8793 port. To fix it you could try using these commands:
lsof -i :8793 (install lsof beforehand if needed)
Kill processes that were printed with the command


Error: Port 5000 is not open, could not start functions emulator

✔ Deploy complete!
Project Console:
Ayhan-MacBookPro:socialape-functions macbook$ firebase serve
=== Serving from '/Users/macbook/Desktop/socialape-functions'...
Error: Port 5000 is not open, could not start functions emulator.
Run lsof -t -i tcp:5000 | xargs kill from your Terminal.
A common cause for this error occurs when the Firebase emulator is not cleanly shut down (e.g., closing your IDE that's running the emulator in an embedded Terminal session) This will leave the process running in the background and occupies the emulator's default port.
To resolve the conflict, find the process ID running on the port (here 5000) from your Terminal command line and then kill it.
The above one-liner finds the process ID and pipes it directly to kill (h/t #manav).
For additional info, check out: Find (and kill) process locking port 3000 on Mac
The bug seems to be on not your end
It is caused by a bug in a dependency (node portfinder).
A quick fix to edit it might be to use the old version of node portfinder (v 1.0.21). Alternatively, you can do it by editing node_modules/firebase-tools/lib/emulator/controller.js and changing yield pf.getPortPromise({ port, stopPort: port }) to yield pf.getPortPromise({ port, stopPort: port + 1 }).
You can see the answer to your question completely here in this SO link.
If you are facing this issue in macOS Pro then this solution is for you.
In MacOS , Port 5000 may be claimed by a new "AirPlay Receiver".
This can be disabled in Settings -> Sharing:
I'm also adding the Screenshot of settings panel for disabling AirPlay Receiver.
Disabling the AirPlay Receiver (if you do not need it) frees up port 5000.

How do I get back to the running instance of riak-shell?

I was in riak-shell when ssh lost its connection to the server. After reconnecting, I do the following:
sudo riak-shell
and get:
An instance of riak-shell is already running
So, I restarted the riak node in question. This did not seem to solve the problem. I do not see anything using ps -aux to kill. According to the docs, only one instance can run at a time. That makes sense, but when I run riak-shell from another node and try to connect to any node, I now get the following:
Error: invalid function call : connection_EXT:connect ["riak#<<<ip_address_elided>>>"]
You can connect to a specific node (whether in your riak_shell.config
or not) by typing 'connect "dev1#";' substituting your
node name for dev1.
You may need to change the Erlang cookie to do this.
See also the 'reconnect' command.
Unhandled message received is {#Ref<>,disconnected}
I have not changed the cookies during this process, and the cookie appears to be the same (at least in /etc/riak/riak_shell.config). (I am running the Riak TS AMI on AWS.)
riak-shell runs in its own Erlang VM - entirely separate from the riak node
(You don't need to run riak-shell from the machine your node is on - it uses the normal riak-erlang-client to talk to riak)
If you you are on a Linux do ps aux | grep riak_shell_app it will give you the process number you need to kill that instance:
08:30:45:~ $ ps aux | grep riak_shell_app
vagrant 4671 0.0 0.3 493260 34884 pts/4 Sl+ Aug17 0:03 /home/vagrant/riak_ee/dev/dev1/erts-5.10.3/bin/beam.smp -- -root /home/vagrant/riak_ee/dev/dev1 -progname erl -- -home /home/vagrant -- -boot /home/vagrant/riak_ee/dev/dev1/releases/2.1.1/start_clean -run riak_shell_app boot debug_off /home/vagrant/riak_ee/dev/dev1/bin/../log/riak_shell/riak_shell -noshell -config /home/vagrant/riak_ee/dev/dev1/bin/../etc/riak
I wrote a good chunk of it so let me know how you got on:

Pipeline process 5 (iteration) caused an error: Redundant argument in sprintf at /usr/bin/pt-query-digest line 2556

I am using percona-toolkit for analysing mysql-slow-query (logs). So the command is pretty basic:
pt-query-digest slowquery.log
Now the result(error) is:
18.2s user time, 100ms system time, 35.61M rss, 105.19M vsz
Current date: Thu Jul 7 17:18:43 2016
Hostname: Jammer
Files: slowquery.log
Pipeline process 5 (iteration) caused an error: Redundant argument in sprintf at /usr/bin/pt-query-digest line 2556.
Will retry pipeline process 4 (iteration) 2 more times.
..(same result prints twice)
The pipeline caused an error: Pipeline process 5 (iteration) caused an error: Redundant argument in sprintf at /usr/bin/pt-query-digest line 2556.
Terminating pipeline because process 4 (iteration) caused too many errors.
Now the specifics for the environment, I am using Ubuntu 16.04 , MariaDB 10.1.14, Percona-Toolkit 2.2.16
I found something here bug-report, but it is like a workaround and does not actually solve the error. Even after applying the patch the command result doesn't look satisfying enough.
I am facing same problem on ubuntu 16.04 MySql.
The contents of my slow query log is as follow.
/usr/sbin/mysqld, Version: 5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1-log ((Ubuntu)). started with:
Tcp port: 3306 Unix socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Time Id Command Argument
/usr/sbin/mysqld, Version: 5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1-log ((Ubuntu)). started with:
Tcp port: 3306 Unix socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Time Id Command Argument
Time: 2016-12-08T05:13:55.140764Z
User#Host: root[root] # localhost [] Id: 20
Query_time: 0.003770 Lock_time: 0.000200 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 2
SET timestamp=1481174035;
The error is same:
The pipeline caused an error: Pipeline process 5 (iteration) caused an
error: Redundant argument in sprintf at /usr/bin/pt-query-digest line 2556.
Ubuntu 16.04
MySql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.16
pt-query-digest 2.2.16
The bug appears to be fixed in the current version of the toolkit (2.2.20), and apparently in previous ones, starting from 2.2.17.
This patch seems to do the trick for this particular place in pt-query-digest:
--- percona-toolkit-2.2.16/bin/pt-query-digest 2015-11-06 14:56:23.000000000 -0500
+++ percona-toolkit-2.2.20/bin/pt-query-digest 2016-12-06 17:01:51.000000000 -0500
## -2555,8 +2583,8 ##
return sprintf(
$num =~ m/\./ || $n
- ? "%.${p}f%s"
- : '%d',
+ ? '%1$.'.$p.'f%2$s'
+ : '%1$d',
$num, $units[$n]);
But as mentioned in the original question and bug report, quite a few tools/functions were affected, the full bugfix consisted of a lot of small changes:
I might be late here. I want to share how I overcame that same error as it might help someone who is searching for an answer. At this time the latest tag of Percona toolkit is 3.0.9
I tried to run pt-query-digest after installing via apt, by downloading deb file as methods provided by Percona documentation, but any of it didn't help. It was this same error.
Pipeline process 5 (iteration) caused an error:
Redundant argument in sprintf at /usr/bin/pt-query-digest line (some line)
1 - So I deleted/removed the installation of percona-toolkit
2 - first, I cleaned/updated perl version
sudo apt-get install perl
3 - then I installed Percona toolkit from source as mentioned in the repository's readme. like this. I used branch 3.0.
git clone
cd percona-toolkit
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
Thats it. Hope this help to someone.
i found error in this version percona-toolkit-3.0.12-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
and percona-toolkit-3.0.10-1.el7.x86_64.rpm is fine, percona-toolkit is very useful to me
at ./pt-query-digest line 9302.
Terminating pipeline because process 4 (iteration) caused too many errors.
Note that you will see the error message:
"Redundant argument in sprintf at"
if you forget to put a % in front of your format spec (first argument).

How can I shut down Rserve gracefully?

I have tried many options both in Mac and in Ubuntu.
I read the Rserve documentation
and that for the Rserve and RSclient packages:
I cannot figure out what is the correct workflow for opening/closing a connection within Rserve and for shutting down Rserve 'gracefully'.
For example, in Ubuntu, I installed R from source with the ./config --enable-R-shlib (following the Rserve documentation) and also added the 'control enable' line in /etc/Rserve.conf.
In an Ubuntu terminal:
c ## this is an Rserve QAP1 connection
## Trying to shutdown the server
Error in writeBin(as.integer....): invalid connection
Error in RS.server.shutdown(c): command failed with satus code 0x4e: no control line present (control commands disabled or server shutdown)
I can, however, CLOSE the connection:
c ## Closed Rserve connection
After closing the connection, I also tried the options (also tried with argument 'c', even though the connection is closed):
So, my questions are:
1- How can I close Rserve gracefully?
2- Can Rserve be used without RSclient?
I also looked at
How to Shutdown Rserve(), running in DEBUG
but the question refers to the debug mode and is also unresolved. (I don't have enough reputation to comment/ask whether the shutdown works in the non-debug mode).
Also looked at:
how to connect to Rserve with an R client
Thanks so much!
Load Rserve and RSclient packages, then connect to the instances.
> library(Rserve)
> library(RSclient)
> Rserve(port = 6311, debug = FALSE)
> Rserve(port = 6312, debug = TRUE)
Starting Rserve...
"C:\..\Rserve.exe" --RS-port 6311
Starting Rserve...
"C:\..\Rserve_d.exe" --RS-port 6312
> rsc <- RSconnect(port = 6311)
> rscd <- RSconnect(port = 6312)
Looks like they're running...
> system('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq Rserve.exe"')
> system('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq Rserve_d.exe"')
Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
Rserve.exe 8600 Console 1 39,312 K
Rserve_d.exe 12652 Console 1 39,324 K
Let's shut 'em down.
> RSshutdown(rsc)
> RSshutdown(rscd)
And they're gone...
> system('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq Rserve.exe"')
> system('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq Rserve_d.exe"')
INFO: No tasks are running which match the specified criteria.
Rserve can be used w/o RSclient by starting it with args and/or a config script. Then you can connect to it from some other program (like Tableau) or with your own code. RSclient provides a way to pass commands/data to Rserve from an instance of R.
Hope this helps :)
On a Windows system, if you want to close an RServe instance, you can use the system function in R to close it down.
For example in R:
Rserve() # run without any arguments or ports specified
system('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq Rserve.exe"') # run this to see RServe instances and their PIDs
system('TASKKILL /PID {yourPID} /F') # run this to kill off the RServe instance with your selected PID
If you have closed your RServe instance with that PID correctly, the following message will appear:
SUCCESS: The process with PID xxxx has been terminated.
You can check the RServe instance has been closed down by entering
system('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq Rserve.exe"')
again. If there are no RServe instances running any more, you will get the message
INFO: No tasks are running which match the specified criteria.
More help and info on this topic can be seen in this related question.
Note that the 'RSClient' approach mentioned in an earlier answer is tidier and easier than this one, but I put it forward anyway for those who start RServe without knowing how to stop it.
If you are not able to shut it down within R, run the codes below to kill it in terminal. These codes work on Mac.
$ ps ax | grep Rserve # get active Rserve sessions
You will see outputs like below. 29155 is job id of the active Rserve session.
29155 /Users/userid/Library/R/3.5/library/Rserve/libs/Rserve
38562 0:00.00 grep Rserve
Then run
$ kill 29155

Monit fails to execute the complete command in start program

I'm using monit 5.4 on Mac 10.7.4 machine. When i tried to execute a example configuration
check process syslogd with pidfile /var/run/
start program = "/etc/init.d/sysklogd start"
stop program = "/etc/init.d/sysklogd stop"
if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout
from monit wiki page, I get the following error.
'syslogd' process is not running
'syslogd' trying to restart
'syslogd' start: /etc/init.d/sysklogd
'syslogd' failed to start
Monit does not take the complete command given in the "start program" of the monitrc file. It just takes the first word in the command and tries to execute it and fails. Is this a known issue? If yes, does it have a workaround? If not, what am i missing here and how to get it working?
Thanks in advance.
Try this (from
start program = "/bin/bash -c '/etc/init.d/blah start'"
Does /etc/init.d/sysklogd actually exist?
On 10.8 I have /etc/init.d/syslog and manually running /etc/init.d/syslog restart works fine.
