How to identify the recaptcha type - web-scraping

I'm trying to identify which recaptcha type this website have.
Is there a way to identify the recaptcha type dynamically?


how can i track how many people filled out my website contact form?

My website is all tagged up with Google Adwords and Analytics. The only thing left is to find how many people fill out a contact form. I mean i could individually count each email per month, but there must be an automated analytic way to do it yeah?
Is this something available on Adwords/Analytics? or do i need some manual code? Currently Google tracks the visit to /contact-us page, but nothing on the contact form itself
or is this maybe something that google wont handle but more specific to the provider of my contact form? i don't think i used any third party contact form. Pretty sure its just custom made one

Protect Wordpress contacts form from spammers

I have a project I am dealing with with a spam problem which comes through contact form. You can find this form in homepage right here (
I tried to use Google recaptcha plugin, but it didn't help. In other words, when I put recaptcha shortcode in the form, recaptcha doesn't appear.
I tried akismet, but it didn't help as well.
Could you please help me to find the solution, which will protect my form from spam?
Hey add if possible use contact form 7 for formand add google recatcha on your form.
Also add below plugin to avoid spam mail.

Is there a way map/set utm parameters in gtm?

I currently have a bunch of traffic going to my website with a query string like so:
I've installed GTM on my website and also from GTM fire a Google Analytics Page View etc. What i'm wondering is through GTM, is there a way to grab the source (facebook) from the url and set utm_source=facebook when firing the pageview tag.
Or is my only option to change all the links going to my site to be: instead?
Thank you everyone for your expert advice. Really Appreciate it.
You can fetch the parameters via an url type variable, and then use the "set fields" option in your GA tag to populate the "campaignSource" and "campaignMedium" fields. If the parameters are not present the url query variables default to "undefined", and undefined fields are not sent, so you do not need to check if values are present.

Google Analytics Custom Javascript Variable report

I'm using the Custom JavaScript variable to get the value of "User Name" and "User Email" via Google Tag Manager.
My question is, how do I create a custom report that shows all the User Email and User Name that accessed my site?
Thanks in advance.
Firstly, note that it is against Google Analytics Terms of Service to be collecting anything (name, email, address, phone, etc.) that can be used to personally identify any individual. So I hope you are not pushing that info into GA.
Secondly, generally speaking, you can push information into custom dimensions that can then be used in your GA reports (standard reports, custom reports, etc.). So if you are able to get data into a Custom JS variable, then there should be away for your to push them into a custom dimension.
Please make sure you are complying with the first point.

Pre-fill marketo forms

What's best practice for pre-filling out a form when it's not built on top of a Marketo landing page.
Forms 2.0 doesn't seem to support reading from the cookie, and the Rest API requires you to already have their Marketo ID..
I'm thinking the only way to do this would be to pass the users values through an email, but that doesn't seem like an ideal solution.
If you don't want to use the REST API for some reason, you can embed a hidden iframe with a Marketo landing page and Marketo form that has the same fields enabled to prefill. Then you can use JS to get these values and post them into the parent frame's Marketo form.
1) You can use this one : to get the ID of the customer by using filterType=cookie
2) Now that you have the ID, you can use this guide:
