Why the height of the `.container` element in the following example is `4px` instead of `0px`? [duplicate] - css

Images gain a mysterious empty space underneath, even if padding:0;margin:0 are applied.
The red border should hug the image, but there is space on the bottom side.
What causes this, and how can I remove this space?

Images (and inline-block elements in general) are treated like a character.
As such, they obey the rule of the baseline.
In normal text, the baseline is the line across the bottom of most letters, such as in this sentence.
But some letters, such as p, q, j and so on, have tails that drop below the baseline. In order to prevent these tails from colliding with letters on the next line, space is reserved between the baseline and the bottom line.
This diagram illustrates the different lines used by text:
(Image from WHATWG)
So, the image is aligned to the baseline, even if there is no text. Fortunately, the fix is very simple:
img {vertical-align:bottom}
This will align the image to the bottom of the line, also removing the mystery space.
Just be careful, if your image is small (smaller than the line height), you may start seeing mystery space appearing above the image instead. To fix this, add line-height:1px to the container element.
Hopefully this helps the many people I've seen ask about this and similar problems!

Changing img to a block level element
img {
display: block;
will also remove the space below the image.

check out this CSS jsfiddle
div {border:1px solid red;width:100px;line-height:0}
img {width:100px;}


CSS Text-Indent or Blockquote

If the CSS text-indent will only do the first line, is there anything "wrong" with using the blockquote with the attribute of text-indent: xxx; that way everything within the blockquote attribute will be indented? Or, maybe that is the "right way" and I just don't know it (new/learning HTML and CSS)
The way to indent all lines of text in a block or, really, a block as a whole is to set margin-left or padding-left on it. The choice between these properties is relevant if the block has a left border (the border appears between margin and padding) or if it has a background color or background image (the background extends to the padding but not the margin).
Using the blockquote element means in practice setting a 40px margin on the left and on the right and a 1em margin above and blow. In the 1990s, and even later, blockquote was often used for indentation, because CSS was not available. It’s a blunt instrument, and using it is frowned upon as a matter of principle.
The text-indent property allows you to indent the first line of text within an element. The amount you want the line indented by can be specified in a number of ways but is usually given in pixels or ems.
It can take a negative value, which means it can be used to push text off the browser window. You can see this technique used in this example, where the element uses a background image to represent the heading. The text has been moved far to the left, off the screen. (Background images are covered on pages 413-418.)

Inline divs with combined widths of 100% still break to next line on zoom

This has plagued me for so long, and I've only ever found solutions that reduce the issue, rather than eliminating them. Three divs of 33% width (so technically, not even 100% combined width) look just fine on my screen, but when zoomed in, the left-most div falls to the next line. Why is this?
Mind you, this is after eliminating white space in code. I use the > selector in CSS to set the font size of the containing div (that holds the other three) to zero, which achieves the same results as the uglier, less readable solutions of putting things on one line, or using HTML comments.
I shouldn't need to provide any example code. It's an issue in any set of inline-block divs set to percentage widths inside a containing div.
It is happening just because of spaces between inline-block divs...
like Code
On above code browser counts a space between and
So add css property to parent
.parent {
See difference between this fiddles
Your Problem http://jsfiddle.net/BS72X/1/
Nd here solution http://jsfiddle.net/BS72X/
Hope this helps you..

Line-height affecting spacing above first line and after last line

I've a text in side heading with multiple lines. Want the spacing the two lines to increase, so I set a line-height. When I do this, not only does it increase space between the two lines, it also increases spacing above the first line (and maybe below the second). How can I increase spacing between the two lines only, without increasing above and below.
I know it's a behavior of Line-height. but just curious if there is any good solution for this.
This is just en example to what I'm asking.
Jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jitendravyas/V3eWV/
You can use negative margins for this, although there is something to keep in mind:
line-height is a funny thing. According to CSS2.1 it doesn't specify the line-height but the minimum height of line-blocks:
On a block container element whose content is composed of inline-level elements, 'line-height' specifies the minimal height of line boxes within the element. The minimum height consists of a minimum height above the baseline and a minimum depth below it, exactly as if each line box starts with a zero-width inline box with the element's font and line height properties. We call that imaginary box a "strut." (The name is inspired by TeX.).
A line box is defined in 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts:
In an inline formatting context, boxes are laid out horizontally, one after the other, beginning at the top of a containing block. Horizontal margins, borders, and padding are respected between these boxes. The boxes may be aligned vertically in different ways: their bottoms or tops may be aligned, or the baselines of text within them may be aligned. The rectangular area that contains the boxes that form a line is called a line box.
This doesn't change in CSS3 very much, at least if you don't change the line-stacking. However, there is no property which targets your problem directly: you can't change the line-height of the ::first-line, it will always get applied.
That said, use negative margins for the time being. Even better, wrap your elements in a generic container. By using :first-child and :last-child you can add as many elements as you like.
<h1>I've a text in side heading with multiple lines. Want the spacing the two lines to increase, so I set a line-height. When I do this, not only does it increase space between the two lines, it also increases spacing above the first line.</h1>
<h1>I've a text in side heading with multiple lines. Want the spacing the two lines to increase, so I set a line-height. When I do this, not only does it increase space between the two lines, it also increases spacing above the first line.</h1>
body {padding:30px;background:yellow;border:1px solid red;margin:0}
div{background:red;margin:0;padding:0;border:1px solid green;}
div > h1:first-child{
div > h1:last-child{

How to prevent line-height from adding a margin in the top?

Whenever i use a large line-height like 1.6em it always adds a margin in the very top of the text which i don't want.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/EstpJ/1/
i want the text to be sharply lined with the borders and not have any kind of top or bottom margin.
How to fix that?
That's exactly what line-height is, it's a manual way to set the height of a line of text for the purposes of wrapping text and such. The actual visible size is determined by the font-size and to a lesser extend by the font-family. The average line-height for normal text/font is around 1.2em. Anything larger than that will cause visible letterboxing, which is exactly what you are describing. Using a smaller value will cause successive lines to overlap each other.
The only way to fix your exact example is introduce more markup to determine line numbers so that you can style the first/last line differently.
You could maybe slightly alter your markup (I prefer wrapping <p> tags around lines of text) and use a negative top margin?
As Matthew said, this is what lineheight does.
You could try to set the line height on an inner div (inside the one with borders), and counteract the top and bottom effect by also setting a negative top and bottom margin. But it's likely that the negative margin won't work in all browsers.

why use negative margins?

Just looking at some CSS here, and I noticed:
.head{position:relative;overflow:hidden;margin:-30px 0 0 -25px;width:820px;padding:20px 25px 0 25px;background:url(/images/bkg.gif) 0 0 no-repeat;}
Why would you put -30 and -25px margins?
I started typing an answer, and then found a much better one here (Wayback Machine backup). Some salient points:
Negative margins:
are valid CSS
don't break page flow
have high levels of cross-browser compatibility (although if they break your link or floated image, then try adding position: relative; that should fix it)
Their effect on unfloated elements:
applying them to the top or left of an element "pulls" that element in the appropriate direction(s)
HOWEVER, applying them to the bottom or right of an element "pulls" immediately subsequent elements into them, making them overlap
Their effect on floated elements:
this is more complex and I can't summarise it better than the article. Have a play around in Firebug to get a feel for them.
There are some brilliant examples of negative margin use in that article (especially the 3-column layout! Magic. I've used a similar technique for page layout before.) The most common use for them I've found is just to move an element a small amount to correct its position, and to make one element overlap another for visual effect.
A lot of tricks and nice effects use negative margins:
Image Replacement Trick - when you want to use that particular font and you just can't tear away from it, image replacement is the trick. Uses negative margins to push out the regular font and replace it with the "picture" font.
Image Rollovers with borders - giving a negative margin to the image the same size in pixels as the border size will keep the image, and therefore the layout, from shifting on a rollover.
Center screen positioning - using negative margins the same dimension as the height and width of the object you want to center, you can center an object in the middle of the browser.
Negative margins can be helpful when you have other element "around" that you want to e.g. have a padding for all other elements. I use it very often, read here, why:
Actually i think there is an use case where negative margins are the only right thing to do:
You want an part of a box to extend over the whole parent, even over the padding. So instead of removing the padding of the parent element an apply it to all children exept for your special case, you give your special case a negative margin. Also no haggling with positioning. Works great and is very readable.
Example: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/DpHvu
