How to find k solutions of an optimization with CVXR - r

I'm trying to find multiple solutions (TXs[1],TXs[2],TXs[3],TXs[4],TXs[5],TZs) that respect the following conditions:
# Variables :
TXs <- Variable(5)
TZs <- Variable(1)
# Objectif :
obj = abs(TXs[1] + TXs[2] + TXs[3] + TXs[4] + TXs[5] + TZs - 100)
# Conditions :
abs(TXs[1] - 2) <=1
abs(TXs[2] - 55) <= 2
abs(TXs[3] - 25) <= 0.5
abs(TXs[4] - 8) <= 1
abs(TXs[5] - 7) <= 1
abs(TZs[1] - 1.5) <= 1
cor(TXs[1], TXs[2]) = 0.77
cor(TXs[3], TXs[2]) = 0.85
cor(TXs[4], TXs[2]) = 0.88
cor(TXs[5], TXs[2]) = 0.99
cor(TZs, TXs[2]) = 0.4
abs(TXs[1] + TXs[2] + TXs[3] + TXs[4] + TXs[5] + TZs[1] - 100) <= 0.001)
I've written the following code that tries to find k solutions but it fails as I always get the same result:
# k solutions
k <- 10
solutions <- matrix(NA, nrow = k, ncol = 6)
# Variables
TXs <- Variable(5)
TZs <- Variable(1)
# Objectif
obj = abs(TXs[1] + TXs[2] + TXs[3] + TXs[4] + TXs[5] + TZs - 100)
for (i in 1:k) {
# Problem
prob = Problem(Minimize(obj),
list(abs(TXs[1] - 2) <= 1, ((TXs[1] - 2)/ 1) == (0.77 * (TXs[2] - 55)/ 2),
abs(TXs[3] - 25) <= 2, ((TXs[3] - 25)/ 2) == (0.85 * (TXs[2] - 55)/ 2),
abs(TXs[4] - 8) <= 0.5, ((TXs[4] - 8)/ 0.5) == (0.88 * (TXs[2] - 55)/ 2),
abs(TXs[5] - 7) <= 1, ((TXs[5] - 7)/ 1) == (0.99 * (TXs[2] - 55)/ 2),
abs(TZs[1] - 1.5) <= 1.2, ((TZs - 1.5)/ 1.2) == (0.4 * (TXs[2] - 55)/ 2),
abs(TXs[1] + TXs[2] + TXs[3] + TXs[4] + TXs[5] + TZs[1] - 100) <= 0.001))
result = solve(prob, verbose = TRUE )
solutions[i,] <- c(result$getValue(TXs[1]),
solutions =
colnames(solutions) = c("TXs[1]","TXs[2]","TXs[3]","TXs[4]","TXs[5]","TZs" )
solutions$Somme = rowSums(solutions)
Is there a way to modify my code to get multiple solutions? I am also open to other alternatives to "CVXR".


How can I fix this wrong result in matrix for loop in R?

I want to enter in R the following matrix (transition probability) but something I make wrong and the output is not right.
The matrix is in the picture :
my effort is the following :
A = matrix(c(0),n+1,n+1);A
A[1,2] = 1/4
A[1,1] = 3/4
A[2,1] = 1/4
A[2,2] = 1/2
A[2,1] = 1/4
for (k in 2:n) {
A[k,k+1] = 1/4
A[k,k] = 1/2
A[k,k-1] = 1/6
A[k,k-2] = 1/12
A[n,n] = 3/4
A[n,n-1] = 1/6
A[n,n-2] = 1/12}
pA = A
for (i in 10000){
pA = pA %*% A }
but the resulting columns (first 3 columns) must be: 0.2087, 0.1652, 0.1307
Any help?
You could try a slightly different approach here:
n <- 100
A <- matrix(0, n + 1, n + 1)
# create index for the diagonal and the "other" diagonales
A_diag <- matrix(c(1:(n + 1), 1:(n + 1)), ncol = 2)
A_diag_1 <- matrix(c(1:(n + 1), 1 + 1:(n + 1)), ncol = 2)
A_diag_minus_1 <- matrix(c(1:(n + 1), - 1 + 1:(n + 1)), ncol = 2)
A_diag_minus_2 <- matrix(c(1:(n + 1), - 2 + 1:(n + 1)), ncol = 2)
# populate those diagonales
A[A_diag] <- 1/2
A[A_diag_1[A_diag_1[,2] <= n + 1,]] <- 1/4
A[A_diag_minus_1[A_diag_minus_1[,2] >= 1,]] <- 1/6
A[A_diag_minus_2[A_diag_minus_2[,2] >= 1,]] <- 1/12
# create starting values
A[1, 1] <- 3/4
A[2, 1] <- 1/4
# calculate pA
pA <- A
for (i in 1:10000){ pA <- pA %*% A }
This returns
pA[1, 1:3]
#> [1] 0.2087122 0.1651514 0.1306823
For the calulation of pA you could use the expm package to speed things up:
pB <- A %^% 10000
#> [1] 0.2087122 0.1651514 0.1306823

How to just print the chart from `mult.chart` in MSQC package for statistical process control

I am using mult.chart for SPC in an Rmarkdown file for a proof of concept. I just want to print the chart and leave out all the decompositions, xmv, covariance and t2.
when I use
t <- mult.chart(na.omit(, type = "t2", Xmv = Xmv, S = S, colm = colm)
the object has everything but the chart.
> str(t)
List of 5
$ : chr "Hotelling Control Chart"
$ ucl : num 13.8
$ t2 : num [1:154, 1] 6.1 1.11 3.13 0.66 2.26 2.13 2.02 3.45 4.17 2.41 ...
$ Xmv : num [1:4] 130.9 94.8 957.4 490.1
$ covariance: num [1:4, 1:4] 320 11 130 1000 11 0.87 4.9 32 130 4.9 ...
How can I extract the chart out of it?
I updated the code of the function to add a ggplot chart to the output. I am posting the code below for everyone's benefit.
mult.chart2 <- function (type = c("chi", "t2", "mewma", "mcusum",
"mcusum2"), x, Xmv, S, colm, alpha = 0.01, lambda = 0.1,
k = 0.5, h = 5.5, phase = 1, method = "sw", ...)
type <- match.arg(type)
p <- ncol(x)
m <- nrow(x)
if (class(x) == "matrix" || class(x) == "data.frame")
(x <- array(data.matrix(x), c(m, p, 1)))
n <- dim(x)[3]
if (!missing(Xmv))
(phase <- 2)
x.jk <- matrix(0, m, p)
t2 <- matrix(0, m, 1)
x.jk <- apply(x, 1:2, mean)
if (missing(Xmv))
(Xmv <- colMeans(x.jk))
if (missing(S))
(S <- covariance(x, method = method))
if (missing(colm))
(colm <- nrow(x))
if (type == "chi") {
name <- paste("Chi-squared Control Chart")
for (ii in 1:m) {
t2[ii, 1] <- n * t(x.jk[ii, ] - Xmv) %*% solve(S) %*%
(x.jk[ii, ] - Xmv)
ucl <- qchisq(1 - alpha, p)
if (any(t2 > ucl)) {
cat("The following(s) point(s) fall outside the control limits")
t3 <- which(t2 > ucl)
if (type == "t2") {
name <- paste("Hotelling Control Chart")
for (ii in 1:m) {
t2[ii, 1] <- n * t(x.jk[ii, ] - Xmv) %*% solve(S) %*%
(x.jk[ii, ] - Xmv)
ifelse(n == 1, ifelse(phase == 1, ucl <- ((colm - 1)^2)/colm *
qbeta(1 - alpha, p/2, ((colm - p - 1)/2)), ucl <- ((p *
(colm + 1) * (colm - 1))/((colm^2) - colm * p)) *
qf(1 - alpha, p, colm - p)), ifelse(phase == 1, ucl <- (p *
(colm - 1) * (n - 1))/(colm * n - colm - p + 1) *
qf(1 - alpha, p, colm * n - colm - p + 1), ucl <- (p *
(colm + 1) * (n - 1))/(colm * n - colm - p + 1) *
qf(1 - alpha, p, colm * n - colm - p + 1)))
if (any(t2 > ucl)) {
cat("The following(s) point(s) fall outside of the control limits")
t3 <- which(t2 > ucl)
for (ii in 1:length(t3)) {
v = 1
k = 0
for (i in 1:p) {
k <- k + factorial(p)/(factorial(i) * factorial(p -
q <- matrix(0, k, p + 3)
for (i in 1:p) {
a <- t(combn(p, i))
for (l in 1:nrow(a)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(a)) {
q[v, j + 3] <- a[l, j]
v = v + 1
for (i in 1:nrow(q)) {
b <- subset(q[i, 4:ncol(q)], q[i, 4:ncol(q)] >
di <- length(b)
if (length(b) > 1) {
q[i, 1] <- n * t(Xmv[b] - x.jk[t3[ii], ][b]) %*%
solve(S[b, b]) %*% (Xmv[b] - x.jk[t3[ii],
else (q[i, 1] <- n * (x.jk[t3[ii], ][b] - Xmv[b])^2/S[b,
ifelse(n == 1, ifelse(phase == 1, q[i, 2] <- ((colm -
1)^2)/colm * qbeta(1 - alpha, di/2, (((2 *
(colm - 1)^2)/(3 * colm - 4) - di - 1)/2)),
q[i, 2] <- ((di * (colm + 1) * (colm - 1))/((colm^2) -
colm * di)) * qf(1 - alpha, di, colm -
di)), ifelse(phase == 1, q[i, 2] <- (di *
(colm - 1) * (n - 1))/(colm * n - colm -
di + 1) * qf(1 - alpha, di, colm * n - colm -
di + 1), q[i, 2] <- (di * (colm + 1) * (n -
1))/(colm * n - colm - di + 1) * qf(1 - alpha,
di, colm * n - colm - di + 1)))
q[i, 3] <- 1 - pf(q[i, 1], di, colm - 1)
colnames(q) <- c("t2 decomp", "ucl",
"p-value", 1:p)
print(list(`Decomposition of` = t3[ii]))
print(round(q, 4))
if (type == "mewma") {
h4 <- matrix(c(8.6336, 9.6476, 10.083, 10.3114, 10.4405,
10.5152, 10.5581, 10.5816, 10.5932, 10.814, 11.8961,
12.3505, 12.5845, 12.7143, 12.788, 12.8297, 12.8524,
12.8635, 12.7231, 13.8641, 14.3359, 14.576, 14.7077,
14.7818, 14.8234, 14.846, 14.857, 14.5363, 15.7293,
16.217, 16.4629, 16.5965, 16.6711, 16.7127, 16.7352,
16.7463, 16.2634, 17.5038, 18.0063, 18.2578, 18.3935,
18.4687, 18.5105, 18.5331, 18.5442, 17.9269, 19.2113,
19.7276, 19.9845, 20.1223, 20.1982, 20.2403, 20.2631,
20.2743, 19.541, 20.8665, 21.396, 21.6581, 21.798,
21.8747, 21.9171, 21.9401, 21.9515, 21.1152, 22.4796,
23.0217, 23.2887, 23.4307, 23.5082, 23.551, 23.5742,
23.5858, 22.6565, 24.0579, 24.6119, 24.8838, 25.0278,
25.1062, 25.1493, 25.1728, 25.1846), nrow = 9)
rownames(h4) <- c(seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1))
colnames(h4) <- c(1:9)
z <- matrix(0, m, p)
m1 <- rownames(h4)
m2 <- colnames(h4)
l <- lambda * 10
ucl <- h4[m1[l], m2[p - 1]]
name <- paste("MEWMA Control Chart")
for (i in 1:m) {
if (i == 1) {
z[i, ] <- lambda * (x.jk[i, ] - Xmv)
else {
z[i, ] <- lambda * (x.jk[i, ] - Xmv) + (1 - lambda) *
z[i - 1, ]
weig <- S * (lambda * (1 - ((1 - lambda)^(2 * i)))/(2 -
t2[i, 1] <- t(z[i, ]) %*% solve(weig) %*% z[i, ]
if (type == "mcusum") {
name <- paste("MCUSUM Control Chart by Crosier (1988)")
ucl <- h
dif <- sweep(x.jk, 2, Xmv)
s <- matrix(0, m, p)
ci <- matrix(0, m, 1)
ci[1] <- sqrt(dif[1, ] %*% solve((S/n)) %*% dif[1, ])
if (ci[1] > k) {
s[1, ] <- (s[1, ] + dif[1, ]) * (1 - k/ci[1])
else (s[1, ] = matrix(0, ncol = p))
for (i in 2:m) {
ci[i, ] = sqrt((s[i - 1, ] + dif[i, ]) %*% solve(S/n) %*%
(s[i - 1, ] + dif[i, ]))
if (ci[i] > k) {
s[i, ] = (s[i - 1, ] + dif[i, ]) * (1 - k/ci[i])
else {
s[i, ] = matrix(0, ncol = p)
for (i in 1:m) {
t2[i] = sqrt(s[i, ] %*% solve((S/n)) %*% (s[i, ]))
if (type == "mcusum2") {
name <- paste("MCUSUM Control Chart by Pignatiello (1990)")
ucl <- h
dif <- sweep(x.jk, 2, Xmv)
s <- matrix(0, m, p)
l <- matrix(0, m, 1)
for (i in 1:m) {
if (i == 1) {
l[i, 1] <- 1
if (i > 1) {
if (t2[i - 1, 1] > 0) {
l[i, 1] <- l[i - 1, 1] + 1
else {
l[i, 1] <- 1
if (i == ((i - l[i, 1] + 1))) {
s[i, ] <- dif[i, ]
else {
s[i, ] <- colSums(dif[(i - l[i, 1] + 1):i, ])
t2[i, 1] <- max(0, (t(s[i, ]) %*% solve(S/n) %*%
s[i, ])^0.5 - k * l[i, 1])
t3 <- which(t2 > ucl)
# par(mar = c(4, 5, 3, 5))
# plot(t2, ylim = c(0, 1.1 * max(max(t2), ucl)), main = name,
# xlab = "Sample", ylab = expression(T^2), type = "o",
# las = 1)
# points(t3, t2[t3], col = 2)
# segments(0, ucl, m, ucl, col = 2)
# mtext(paste(" UCL=", round(ucl, 2)), side = 4, at = ucl,
# las = 2)
t2df <- data.frame(t2)
t2df$oob <- ifelse(t2df$t2 > ucl, "bad", "good")
t2df$sample <- seq(1:nrow(t2df))
p2 <- ggplot(data = t2df) +
geom_point(aes(x = sample, y = t2, color = oob)) +
scale_color_manual(values = c( "Red", "Grey20")) +
geom_path(aes(x = sample, y = t2))+
geom_hline(yintercept = ucl, color = "red") +
theme(legend.position = "none")
outList = list(
ucl = round(ucl, 2),
t2 = round(t2, 2),
Xmv = round(Xmv, 2),
covariance = signif(S, 2),
plot2 = p2

Data generating for the functional regression problem

Have a problem with data generating and I have no idea how to solve this. All information provided in photo: Problem.
I think that X_i(t) in both cases should be 200 x 100 if we say that t is from 0 to 1 (length = 100). Furthermore, coefficients for polynomial should contain 200 x 4 and coefficients for fourier should contain 200 x 5. Bu I have no idea how to start to solve this problem.
Here is some code. So, I have already defined my beta's, but I can't defeat generating of X_i(t).
t <- seq(0, 1, length = 100)
beta_1t <- rep(0, 100)
plot(t, beta_1t, type = "l")
beta_2t <- (t >= 0 & t < 0.342) * ((t - 0.5)^2 - 0.025) +
(t >= 0.342 & t <= 0.658) * 0 +
(t > 0.658 & t <= 1) * (-(t - 0.5)^2 + 0.025)
plot(t, beta_2t, type = "l")
beta_3t <- t^3 - 1.6 * t^2 + 0.76 * t + 1
plot(t, beta_3t, type = "l")
poly_c <- matrix(rnorm(n = 800, mean = 0, sd = 1), ncol = 4)
four_c <- matrix(rnorm(n = 1000, mean = 0, sd = 1), ncol = 5)
As I mentioned before, there should be (X_i(t), Y_i(t)) samples. Here i = 1, 2, ..., 200; t from [0, 1] (length = 100).

Add a numeric axis to a mosaicplot

I am plotting data using a mosaic plot (with mosaicplot()) and am considering adding a numeric axis to one dimension to clarify the size of the different groups. But, I do not understand how the plot cells are aligned to the axis since it seems to range from approximately 0.2 to .98 (or something like that) on the graphics device. Here's a reproducible example:
mosaicplot(Titanic, main = "Survival on the Titanic", off = 0)
axis(1, seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
Note how a 0-1 x-axis actually extends to the left and right of the plot. Is it possible to add a set of axis labels that is scaled correctly?
par(mfrow = c(2,1), mar = c(3,4,2,1))
mp(Titanic, off = 0)
This one isn't difficult to fix, but there are a couple things going on:
obviously, the axis doesn't start at 0 nor does it end at something round which is what you get from pretty (used to calculate, draw, and label the ticks and labels). From these lines, we can see that the polygons are drawn from 50 to 950 along the x (depending on what is set for cex.axis):
x1 <- 30 + 20 * cex.axis/0.66
y1 <- 5
x2 <- 950
y2 <- 1000 - x1
Secondly, the plotting device is finished when the function exits which is why your attempt ranges from 0 to 1 instead of pretty(c(50, 950)), and I don't see any way to pass something through mosaicplot like new or add since
Warning message:
In mosaicplot.default(Titanic, new = TRUE) :
extra argument ‘new’ will be disregarded
So I don't think there is an easy fix without editing the source code (because seems like you would have to backtrace how far over your last plot has shifted the origin and how that translates to a new window which may not be the same for every plot and blah blah blah).
The only thing I changed was adding the final three lines.
## graphics:::mosaicplot.default
mp <- function (x, main = deparse(substitute(x)), sub = NULL, xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL, sort = NULL, off = NULL, dir = NULL, color = NULL,
shade = FALSE, margin = NULL, cex.axis = 0.66, las = par("las"),
border = NULL, type = c("pearson", "deviance", "FT"), ...) {
mosaic.cell <- function(X, x1, y1, x2, y2, srt.x, srt.y,
adj.x, adj.y, off, dir, color, lablevx, lablevy, maxdim,
currlev, label) {
p <- ncol(X) - 2
if (dir[1L] == "v") {
xdim <- maxdim[1L]
XP <-, xdim)
for (i in seq_len(xdim)) XP[i] <- sum(X[X[, 1L] ==
i, p])/sum(X[, p])
if (anyNA(XP))
stop("missing values in contingency table")
white <- off[1L] * (x2 - x1)/max(1, xdim - 1)
x.l <- x1
x.r <- x1 + (1 - off[1L]) * XP[1L] * (x2 - x1)
if (xdim > 1L)
for (i in 2:xdim) {
x.l <- c(x.l, x.r[i - 1L] + white)
x.r <- c(x.r, x.r[i - 1L] + white + (1 - off[1L]) *
XP[i] * (x2 - x1))
if (lablevx > 0L) {
this.lab <- if (is.null(label[[1L]][1L])) {
paste(, length(currlev)),
as.character(seq_len(xdim)), sep = ".")
else label[[1L]]
text(x = x.l + (x.r - x.l)/2, y = 1000 - 35 *
cex.axis/0.66 + 22 * cex.axis/0.65 * (lablevx -
1), srt = srt.x, adj = adj.x, cex = cex.axis,
this.lab, xpd = NA)
if (p > 2L) {
for (i in seq_len(xdim)) {
if (XP[i] > 0) {
Recall(X[X[, 1L] == i, 2L:(p + 2L), drop = FALSE],
x.l[i], y1, x.r[i], y2, srt.x, srt.y, adj.x,
adj.y, off[-1L], dir[-1L], color, lablevx -
1, (i == 1L) * lablevy, maxdim[-1L],
currlev + 1, label[2:p])
else {
segments([i], 3L), y1 + (y2 -
y1) * c(0, 2, 4)/5,[i], 3L),
y1 + (y2 - y1) * c(1, 3, 5)/5)
else {
for (i in seq_len(xdim)) {
if (XP[i] > 0) {
polygon(c(x.l[i], x.r[i], x.r[i], x.l[i]),
c(y1, y1, y2, y2), lty = if (extended)
X[i, p + 1L]
else 1L, col = color[if (extended)
X[i, p + 2L]
else i], border = border)
else {
segments([i], 3L), y1 + (y2 -
y1) * c(0, 2, 4)/5,[i], 3L),
y1 + (y2 - y1) * c(1, 3, 5)/5)
else {
ydim <- maxdim[1L]
YP <-, ydim)
for (j in seq_len(ydim)) {
YP[j] <- sum(X[X[, 1L] == j, p])/sum(X[, p])
white <- off[1L] * (y2 - y1)/(max(1, ydim - 1))
y.b <- y2 - (1 - off[1L]) * YP[1L] * (y2 - y1)
y.t <- y2
if (ydim > 1L) {
for (j in 2:ydim) {
y.b <- c(y.b, y.b[j - 1] - white - (1 - off[1L]) *
YP[j] * (y2 - y1))
y.t <- c(y.t, y.b[j - 1] - white)
if (lablevy > 0L) {
this.lab <- if (is.null(label[[1L]][1L])) {
paste(, length(currlev)),
as.character(seq_len(ydim)), sep = ".")
else label[[1L]]
text(x = 35 * cex.axis/0.66 - 20 * cex.axis/0.66 *
(lablevy - 1), y = y.b + (y.t - y.b)/2, srt = srt.y,
adj = adj.y, cex = cex.axis, this.lab, xpd = NA)
if (p > 2L) {
for (j in seq_len(ydim)) {
if (YP[j] > 0) {
Recall(X[X[, 1L] == j, 2:(p + 2), drop = FALSE],
x1, y.b[j], x2, y.t[j], srt.x, srt.y, adj.x,
adj.y, off[-1L], dir[-1L], color, (j ==
1L) * lablevx, lablevy - 1, maxdim[-1L],
currlev + 1, label[2:p])
else {
segments(x1 + (x2 - x1) * c(0, 2, 4)/5,[j],
3L), x1 + (x2 - x1) * c(1, 3, 5)/5,[j],
else {
for (j in seq_len(ydim)) {
if (YP[j] > 0) {
polygon(c(x1, x2, x2, x1), c(y.b[j], y.b[j],
y.t[j], y.t[j]), lty = if (extended)
X[j, p + 1]
else 1, col = color[if (extended)
X[j, p + 2]
else j], border = border)
else {
segments(x1 + (x2 - x1) * c(0, 2, 4)/5,[j],
3L), x1 + (x2 - x1) * c(1, 3, 5)/5,[j],
srt.x <- if (las > 1)
else 0
srt.y <- if (las == 0 || las == 3)
else 0
if (is.null(dim(x)))
x <- as.array(x)
else if (
x <- data.matrix(x)
dimd <- length(dx <- dim(x))
if (dimd == 0L || any(dx == 0L))
stop("'x' must not have 0 dimensionality")
if (!missing(...))
warning(sprintf(ngettext(length(list(...)), "extra argument %s will be disregarded",
"extra arguments %s will be disregarded"), paste(sQuote(names(list(...))),
collapse = ", ")), domain = NA)
Ind <- 1L:dx[1L]
if (dimd > 1L) {
Ind <-, prod(dx[2:dimd]))
for (i in 2:dimd) {
Ind <- cbind(Ind, c(matrix(1L:dx[i], byrow = TRUE,
nrow = prod(dx[1L:(i - 1)]), ncol = prod(dx[i:dimd]))))
Ind <- cbind(Ind, c(x))
if (is.logical(shade) && !shade) {
extended <- FALSE
Ind <- cbind(Ind, NA, NA)
else {
if (is.logical(shade))
shade <- c(2, 4)
else if (any(shade <= 0) || length(shade) > 5)
stop("invalid 'shade' specification")
extended <- TRUE
shade <- sort(shade)
breaks <- c(-Inf, -rev(shade), 0, shade, Inf)
color <- c(hsv(0, s =, to = 0, length.out = length(shade) +
1)), hsv(4/6, s =, to = 1, length.out = length(shade) +
if (is.null(margin))
margin <- as.list(1L:dimd)
E <- stats::loglin(x, margin, fit = TRUE, print = FALSE)$fit
type <- match.arg(type)
residuals <- switch(type, pearson = (x - E)/sqrt(E),
deviance = {
tmp <- 2 * (x * log(ifelse(x == 0, 1, x/E)) -
(x - E))
tmp <- sqrt(pmax(tmp, 0))
ifelse(x > E, tmp, -tmp)
}, FT = sqrt(x) + sqrt(x + 1) - sqrt(4 * E + 1))
Ind <- cbind(Ind, c(1 + (residuals < 0)), as.numeric(cut(residuals,
label <- dimnames(x)
if (is.null(off))
off <- if (dimd == 2)
2 * (dx - 1)
else, dimd)
if (length(off) != dimd)
off <- rep_len(off, dimd)
if (any(off > 50))
off <- off * 50/max(off)
if (is.null(dir) || length(dir) != dimd) {
dir <- rep_len(c("v", "h"), dimd)
if (!is.null(sort)) {
if (length(sort) != dimd)
stop("length of 'sort' does not conform to 'dim(x)'")
Ind[, seq_len(dimd)] <- Ind[, sort]
off <- off[sort]
dir <- dir[sort]
label <- label[sort]
nam.dn <- names(label)
if (is.null(xlab) && any(dir == "v"))
xlab <- nam.dn[min(which(dir == "v"))]
if (is.null(ylab) && any(dir == "h"))
ylab <- nam.dn[min(which(dir == "h"))]
ncolors <- length(tabulate(Ind[, dimd]))
if (!extended && ((is.null(color) || length(color) != ncolors))) {
color <- if (is.logical(color))
if (color[1L])
else, ncolors)
else if (is.null(color))"grey", ncolors)
else rep_len(color, ncolors)
if (!extended) {
opar <- par(usr = c(1, 1000, 1, 1000), mgp = c(1, 1,
on.exit(par(opar), add = TRUE)
else {
pin <- par("pin")
rtxt <- "Standardized\nResiduals:"
rtxtCex <- min(1, pin[1L]/(strheight(rtxt, units = "inches") *
12), pin[2L]/(strwidth(rtxt, units = "inches")/4))
rtxtWidth <- 0.1
opar <- par(usr = c(1, 1000 * (1.1 + rtxtWidth), 1, 1000),
mgp = c(1, 1, 0))
on.exit(par(opar), add = TRUE)
rtxtHeight <- strwidth(rtxt, units = "i", cex = rtxtCex)/pin[2L]
text(1000 * (1.05 + 0.5 * rtxtWidth), 0, labels = rtxt,
adj = c(0, 0.25), srt = 90, cex = rtxtCex)
len <- length(shade) + 1
bh <- 0.95 * (0.95 - rtxtHeight)/(2 * len)
x.l <- 1000 * 1.05
x.r <- 1000 * (1.05 + 0.7 * rtxtWidth)
y.t <- 1000 * rev( = 0.95, by = -bh, length.out = 2 *
y.b <- y.t - 1000 * 0.8 * bh
ltype <- c(, len),, len))
for (i in 1:(2 * len)) {
polygon(c(x.l, x.r, x.r, x.l), c(y.b[i], y.b[i],
y.t[i], y.t[i]), col = color[i], lty = ltype[i],
border = border)
brks <- round(breaks, 2)
y.m <- y.b + 1000 * 0.4 * bh
text(1000 * (1.05 + rtxtWidth), y.m, c(paste0("<", brks[2L]),
paste(brks[2:(2 * len - 1)], brks[3:(2 * len)], sep = ":"),
paste0(">", brks[2 * len])), srt = 90, cex = cex.axis,
xpd = NA)
if (!is.null(main) || !is.null(xlab) || !is.null(ylab) ||
title(main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
adj.x <- adj.y <- 0.5
x1 <- 30 + 20 * cex.axis/0.66
y1 <- 5
x2 <- 950
y2 <- 1000 - x1
maxlen.xlabel <- maxlen.ylabel <- 35 * cex.axis/0.66
if (srt.x == 90) {
maxlen.xlabel <- max(strwidth(label[[dimd + 1L - match("v",
rev(dir))]], cex = cex.axis))
adj.x <- 1
y2 <- y2 - maxlen.xlabel
if (srt.y == 0) {
maxlen.ylabel <- max(strwidth(label[[match("h", dir)]],
cex = cex.axis))
adj.y <- 0
x1 <- x1 + maxlen.ylabel
mosaic.cell(Ind, x1 = x1, y1 = y1, x2 = x2, y2 = y2, srt.x = srt.x,
srt.y = srt.y, adj.x = adj.x, adj.y = adj.y, off = off/100,
dir = dir, color = color, lablevx = 2, lablevy = 2,
maxdim = apply(as.matrix(Ind[, 1L:dimd]), 2L, max),
currlev = 1, label = label)
## new stuff
at <- seq(x1, x2, length.out = 6)
axis(1, at, (at - min(at)) / diff(range(at)))

Using R: How to repeat a function I made thousands of times keeping a count of which number it ends on for each repeat

Here's the code I made so far:
z = vector()
for(i in 1:20){
Alkie = function(T=20, lambda=2.5, k=2, mu=3) {
t = 0
N = 0
i = 1
A.t = rexp(1, lambda)
D.t = Inf
while(t[i] < T) {
t[i+1] = min(A.t, D.t)
N[i+1] = N[i] + ifelse(A.t < D.t, 1, -1)
if(A.t < D.t) {
A.t = A.t + rexp(1,lambda)
if(N[i+1] == 1) D.t = t[i+1] + rgamma(1, k, mu)
if(N[i+1] == 6) D.t = t[i+1] + rgamma(1, 0, mu)
D.t = ifelse(N[i+1] == 0, Inf, t[i+1] + rgamma(1, k, mu))
i = i + 1
cbind(t=t, N=N)
x = Alkie(T=20, lambda=2.5, k=2, mu=3)
n = nrow(x)
plot(c(x[1,1], rep(x[-1,1], each=2), x[n,1]), rep(x[,2], each=2), type="l",
xlab="t(mins)", ylab="N(t)", col="blue")
How do I store the counts?
