Serilog Console logging into multible console windows - console

Is it possible to setup serilog console sink to log into different console windows? I would like to split logging from logs based on namespace into different console windows just like I can do that with files.
The current workaround is, to do the logging into files and run tail -f on the files.
But that way the color information of the Console Output is lost and I like to keep an eye on the look looking at the color code in my dev environment .


No suitable run configuration found

I want to create a robo script for test lab in firebase. When I click on Record Robo Script I get a prompt No suitable run configuration found in Andriod Studio.
enter image description here
Make sure that there is at least one run configuration in your Android Studio project, for example, a run configuration to run/debug your app.

Appium script on an already launched app

I am automating android app tests with Appium, and I need to split my test script in half while the app is still running.
The first script initiates a log into the app, and the next script achieves it. Therefore the second script must get the app in the exact same state as it was left by the first step. The app cannot be closed meanwhile.
Is there a way to do this, and if there is, how?
Thank you!
This is quite simple.
Create your test suite directory and insert Initialization file into it.
In the Initialization file do the following setup:
Suite Setup Open Application
Suite Teardown Close All Apps
Then then in the scripts in this directory do not Open Application, just add your Appium keywords and those will use the current open application.
I use this when I need to do something in iOS application (AppiumLibrary), then do operation over same data on web client (SeleniumLibrary) and then finish in iOS and finally check in web client/database.
The file structure is something like this:
Alternatively if you just want to have separate script for logging to reuse in scripts, I prefer to create keyword resource file for setup, logging or other common tasks where I would encapsulate several steps in such keyword and reuse it in setup for different scripts.

Converted UWP... Nothing Happens

I have converted a Win32 Application to UWP using MakeAppX and it doesn't seem to run. When I click the icon in the start menu literally nothing happens except a busy icon briefly appears on the cursor.
I completed the same process with Notepad++ and all it's DLLs and that worked fine (using the exact same manifest file, just changing the exe)
My questions are:
Where does the UWP save files that it creates/temporary files etc? If I run an executable and it generates files next to it, where would that be when you run a UWP?
Can I set that location in the AppxManifest?
Is there anyway to see if it has run correctly or not?
Could this be a file permissions issue? My application needs to write to 'C:\MyFolder' & creates a folder with a load of files next to the executable upon startup and that doesn't happen.
So looking into this a bit more I came across this blog which discusses preparing for conversion. I think the above file accesses probably contravene the following:
Your app writes to the install directory for your app. For example, your app writes to a log file that you put in the same directory as your exe. This isn't supported, so you'll need to find another location, like the local app data store.
This looks like a fairly halting issue, am I correct in that assumption?
If your app is writing to the install directory you will need to change that code to write to your local app data folder instead, as the preparation guide calls out.
Write operations to the install directory are not allowed in order to ensure the ability for the app deployment stack to perform seamless, differential updates and clean uninstalls of your app.
Btw, to debug through your app launch failures you can do the following in Visual Studio: Debug -> Other Debug Target -> Debug Installed App Package -> select your app from the list of installed apps.

Running a compainion application at install

I have two WPF applications in the same solution. One is a configuration helper for the other and needs to be run before the 'big' app is run. In the VS Setup project I have included the Primary Output from both applications.
I want to run the configuration helper during the Commit phase of setup so I added a Custom Action consisting of the Primary Output of configuration helper and marked the Installer Class as false.
When I run the resulting msi, both applications are installed in the same folder as desired, but I then get an error that 'a program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected.' The msi then uninstalls.
I was hoping the configuration helper would be kicked off as the msi exits, but would also be happy with the installer hanging open until the configuration helper exits.
What am I missing?
The program you ran as a custom action has failed, probably crashed. It may need some extra error checking or tracing to see what's going on. Programs that run as custom actions are not in the same environment as running them from the interactive user's desktop. The working directory is probably not what you expect (so file paths must be specified in full) and it's probably running with the system account, because that's the way Everyone installs work, so any assumptions about user locations (including the interactive user's desktop, user folders, access to the network, access to databases, ability to show forms) will be wrong and are likely to be failure points. It's better to run configuration tools like this when the app first starts because you are now running in a normal user environment.

Is there a way to redirect output to external console from NLog in ASP.NET?

I just started using NLog in my application, and I need to see log messages in real time. When I run it in VS2010 I can look at VS output window, but when I run it on the test box I obviously don't have that option. What I need is when my app starts a console window should open and show log entries in real time.
Any idea how I could accomplish that?
P.S. Of course, I could output to a file, and have some console application monitor changes to the file and show them, but I'm hoping for some easier/existing solution.
You can try Sentinel. I had some trouble getting it connected directly to NLog, so I just had NLog output to file and used Sentinel to view the file.
