Is it possible to host a static website by configuring AWS S3 buckets and Hosted zone records properly? - custom-domain

I am newbie to AWS and asked the above question considering the following scenario.
a) I create a S3 bucket named and enable static website hosting on that S3 bucket.
b) Assuming I create a hosted zone in aws with the same name as and make it publicly accessible.
c) When I created the hosted zone then NS and SOA records are automatically created.
d) Now I create an 'A' record with Alias Enabled and linked to the S3 bucket created earlier.
e) Is it possible to access this domain by typing or Not?
I tried the above. Waiting for DNS records to propogate. As I am not sure what really links the registered domain to a hosted zone I have this doubt


Amazon API gateway not accessible using a custom domain name set up using Route 53

We are using an AWS API gateway for our APIs. These APIs are mapped to a custom domain name set up using Amazon Route53 and accessed through a frontend application hosted in amazon s3. We have 3-4 different environments for different stages (dev, stage, prod, etc). With the API domain being in the format for other environments and for prod. The one in prod works fine, however, recently, the APIs in the other environment's are not accessible using the custom domain name. All the domain mappings and A records and CNAME records have been added in Route53 and it worked until a few days ago. The NS records for have been added into I have also referred this documentation - Routing traffic for subdomains and tried adding the NS records for to, however, the API is still not accessible. There have been no major updates to the APIs either and suddenly they aren't accessible using the domain name. They can be accessed using the Invoke URL. I have also tested using another REST client, the same issue persists.
Can someone help with this or point to something to troubleshoot?

How to host ClickOnce on AWS free of charge or with the minimum possible costs?

I have a .NET Framework application and I want to host it for free or with minimal cost on AWS, what would be the best way?
You can setup an S3 bucket to host a static site. So the simplest solution would be to setup the S3 bucket, setup a domain pointing to the bucket, and serve up the files for your ClickOnce distribution from that bucket. You may need to manually adjust some of the ContentType meta values on your files if S3 does not auto-detect them correctly.
You can read more about hosting static sites on S3 here:
If it were me, I would setup an S3 bucket and then point a CloudFront distribution at that bucket. Both of these services have a free tier which should keep costs extremely minimal. The benefit of user CloudFront is that you will cut down on the S3 GetObject requests once it is cached in CloudFront and you should see a small performance improvement due to the distributed nature of CloudFront.
Take a look at this documentation for an example of using CloudFront and S3 together to serve up a static site.
At my company, we host various production interfaces using this method and it works amazingly well.

Is it possible to host multiple websites on one bucket on Google Cloud Platform?

Which is a better way to host multiple websites, all of them being static? Some are WordPress.
Should I create different buckets for all or host all on a single bucket itself? Please let me know how can I host it on a single bucket.
Following the official documentation for hosting a static website on Google Cloud Storage, you'll have to point a domain to the resource you want to serve, i.e You need to create a bucket with that name, so you'll need one bucket per domain.
Good thing is that you can create as many bucket as you want for no extra charge, as per Quotas & Limits.
Last thing I'd like to point out is that Wordpress actually isn't a static website. It's built in PHP which won't execute on Storage. There are plugins though that can generate a static website from your wordpress (or you could use App Engine Flexible).

Change default hosting firebase with AWS

I am using firebase hosting, but I want to change the url so I have created a domain with amazon (route 53) and it's approved.
I created in Route 53 a new register with the value and TXT type that firebase returns me but It still doesn't work.
How can I fix it?
Thank you,
I too have my domain managed by AWS using Route 53 DNS editor. I also wanted to host my demo app on firebase (using a subdomain) before I host the production app on AWS.
These are the steps I took;
Created a new project on Firebase.
On Firebase, I went to hosting and on the domain field I wrote as this is the subdomain I wanted to host my app on.
Firebase gave me the TXT records to verify my domain, I added the TXT record on AWS Route 53 on my domain name and the value provided by Firebase.
After the TXT records got verified (took 10 - 15 mins). I then created the subdomains, on AWS Route 53 and pointing to two of Firebase IP address on Route 53 value field (each IP on its own line) then create the route on Route 53 and click Finish on Firebase then wait for a few hours or so (may take up to 24 of them).
To everyone wishing to mix up their food and some time, technologies, you are not alone! 😁

How to host on firebase with one A record with 1and1?

I am trying to host my website on firebase through a domain I purchase through 1and1. 1and1 only gives me an option to have one A record though I need two to verify through firebase.
It is the same issue as Firebase hosting with only ONE A record , but I am not able to use this solution.
Unfortunately both A records are needed to verify with Firebase Hosting. One possibility, if it's not an apex domain (e.g. this will work for but not, is to use a CNAME pointed to <yourapp>
If it's an apex domain, you'll need to switch to a DNS provider that supports multiple A records.
