How to auto-fill this google form survey? - google-forms

I have a google form survey, and I need to auto-fill the responses (the multiple-choice options), everytime, so that i can do the survey again and again, quickly.
How can i do this?
I haven't found any way that works.
Here is the link:
enter image description here


Google Analytics: Goals with regular expressions are not working

I know that it might be odd, but I need your help with the google analytics set up.
Task: I need to set up brochure downloads as a goal for international students on a page .
In a perfect world, I would need to set up an individual goal for each type of brochure download (postgraduation, undergraduate, English courses) but I decided to start from "all brochures" to save the number of goals that I have for the view. Unfortunately, I don't have a chance to set up "events", so I have to work with goals only.
Final goal destination: Any page containing "pdf_file" in its description.
Pathway: come to International section, move to brochures, then go to brochure page (containing "pdf_file" in its description, for ex. -
The problem: I tried to use regular expressions such as "^/__data/assets/pdf_file/." or ^/pdf_file/(.) and I can't see conversions in real time test.
However, nothing helped, and goals (even the page visit) still aren't tracking correctly. What am I doing wrong? And, if possible, how can I split goals across different brochure types?
Many thanks,
You are on the right track. You just need one Goal. The problem you have is that after clicking a pdf document you are being redirected to a PDF viewer iframe. This is a PDF view "page" with no Google analytics tracking code whatsoever.If you use are using destination goals the only way this will work is by having installed the Google Analytics (GA) tracking code at the "final destination page".
One way to track pdf "views" is by creating a short url for each one, hence you will be able to track or check how many of them have views.
Another way is to create an onclick event within each link. But this is only possible if you can setup the events in GA. Creating this kind of event tracking will allow you to set up labels for each pdf's name to be able to identify or track each one of them.

Google Analytics, internal link analytics?

I'll use StackOverflow as an example.
A user can reach a question/answer page from
outside of stackoverflow
from another page of stackoverflow
from a search result
from a link in other posts (link in another question or answer)
from Similar Questions section
from a user profile page
I'd like to know how those internal links are used.
Main question is What are the percentages of each type of links which led users to the Q/A page in stackoverflow
I want to know the answer for the Q/A pages as a whole not for each individual Q/A page.
Is this implementable using GA and if so, I'd like to hear a general guide so I can dig in.
Is there a term for this kind of analysis? (internal link analysis? Knowning a term helps me to google further..)
I found one way to do this using sitesearch.
It's from 2010, and not sure its still the best way to do it.
To be able to tell different links from the same page e.g. you will need to setup enhanced link attribution by requiring the plugin via this command
ga('require', 'linkid', 'linkid.js');
the plugin also requires decorating each link that reffers to the same destination (the question) a unique id. you can also chose to decorate a container element such as a div which holds link or its parent (up to 5 levels)
there are a number of ways to get at this data.
One way is a under reporting look at Behavior>Behavior Flow. The view crates a sunkey diagram. which you can narrow down using a custom segment + creating a content grouping. The advantage of the Behavior flow is that it is visual - but it is difficult to customize.
Another approach you could take is to locate the question in the Behavior > Site Content>All pages and the set the secondary dimension to "Previous Page Path". You can use the advanced filter to select a specific question, and to limit the previous pages to page paths matching the pattern for each type of page you discussed.
To view the attribution for different links you need to select the In-Page Analytics tab.
FYI, I've implemented it using Google tag manager.
I defined event navigateToQnA.
And fired the event with different event action for different type of clicks I care about.
Maybe bit laborious than the sitesearch method I linked in the question.
But cleaner in a sense that you don't pollute url parameters to collect the data.

How to find the ID of a specific field in Qualtrics without previewing?

I'm working on a survey in Qualtrics, and am needing to make certain fields readonly (I'm currently doing this via $j("#QR\\~QID186\\#1\\~14\\~1\\~TEXT").attr("readonly", true); for any IDs I know).
I'm currently getting certain IDs by previewing the survey in my browser and inspecting the element - no problem (as pointed out in their documentation). This is working for most fields, except ones with a lot of display logic on them. The display logic is taking into account previous answers and doing calculations on them - it's a little obfuscated as I don't know the content of the survey that well. So for these fields, it's incredibly tedious just to get the field to display in the first place by manipulating my input data.
It doesn't explain if it's even possible in their documentation, so it may be a long shot, but is there actually a way for me to get the ID of an element if I'm only in the "Edit Survey" section of Qualtrics, without having to preview it?
In the top right corner of the Qualtrics screen where you have your name, the drop down from that allows you to look at account settings. Once in this menu, you can select "Qualtrics IDs" in the Grey Ribbon. From there select the survey you want to examine and a separate window will pop up with all the Question IDs associated with that survey.

Facebook's URL Linter & The Open Graph Protocol

I see many pages out there without OG tags (i.e. tags as specified here:, yet the Facebook URL Linter seems to be able to get an image and description for them.
For example - you won't see any OG tags (or even other relevant meta tags that could be used to infer said data) on the home page of:
But when you take it through Facebook, it finds a description and image:
So, what am I missing? The image and description they get seem very specific (and correct). Thanks :)
In case of missing Open-Graph tags, Facebook analyses the page and extracts the image for which it thinks it suits the best and what text should be the description text. They follow some "rules" to determine which picture, but there is also some AI involved and it's part of their systems.
If you want to control which image/title/description your page will show when shared, I would advise to always provide OG-details explicitly.

Redirecting search results into an ASP.NET page

I've an ASP.NET page with a textbox and a option from user of the following choices: Wikipedia, Google,, Flickr, Google images.
The user enters a word(s) in the textbox and selects a choice among the following.
Depending on the choice select by the user I wish to return the following.
Wikipedia: Return the content and link to the page corresponding to the topic about the word.
Google: Return the top 10 results of google search for this word.
Flickr: Return a few images atmost 10 images from flickr search
GoogleImage: Return a few images from google image search.
Dictionary: Return the meaning of the word.
How can I do that?
Since you are wanting to do some processing on the results prior to displaying them, your best bet is probably to invoke a web request on the server to fetch your results as RSS or some other parsable XML format.
So first up, we have Wikipedia, which has API support for open search, and queries with XML or JSON output. You can get the details of the API by going to:
I would think either the query action, or opensearch action would be what you want.
Right, now there is Google, which supports search results as RSS through their Active Search feature. The link takes you to the main page where you can build the query, at which point it should be easy to drop in your search terms. There is also the Google Search AJAX API, which you can find out about here (See the "Flash and other Non-Javascript Environments" section for building the URLs directly. I believe this option should give you access to Google Image results as well.
For Flickr, have a look at this App Garden page. There are several output formats available to choose from.
I wasn't able to find anything real solid on getting results from, but it does appear that they have an API. You might be able to dig through google and find some references on how to get search results as XML or JSON. There are also several other Dictionary sites which may have more information about their APIs. While searching I managed to find this SO question about word lookup from google dictionary.
Hope this helps.
Have an iframe within your page, and then set the src of the frame to the appropriate query string that you craft from the user's input.
This can be done from javascript within the page, in response to the user selecting something in the 'choice' dropdown. You can have the appropriate urls already embedded in the javascript (as variables), and just substitute in the user's input.
