How do i make an interactive legend of markers on a Leaflet map? - dictionary

I made a leaflet map with multiple customized popup markers. I'm trying to make a legend of the markers that would anchor back to the respective popups. How do I go about this?


Prospective borehole log as pop-up in Leaflet

The goal is to display borehole logs showing the characteristics of the underlying hydrogeological layers, when clicking anywhere on the map. Is there any leaflet plug-in that will display, as a pop-up, a graph of the superposed polygons, their types and thickness?

Adding a responsive sidebar to a Leaflet application in R

I am building a Leaflet application in R. I want polygons in my map to be clickable. A side bar should then show additional information about the clicked element.
The only solution I could find are in Javascript, such as this one:
I only use R and don't know how/if I can combine that with Javascript

R Plotly with Dropdown Menu

How can I use plotly to build a plot with dropdown menus for a line plot (not for a map like the below)? A simple example would be great like the rChart below.
Plot with dropdown menus (controls) using rCharts:
The only example I found using plotly with dropdown (for a map but I would like for a line plot):
Thank you.

JavaFX scene buildler charts, is there any easy way to add the ability to zoom into section chart

I just went through a tutorial for scene builder and was able to build a stacked bar chart like I wanted. Is there any easy to add the ability to zoom into certain sections of the chart and only display the selected data??
Also is there any way to add a tooltip ability so that you can select a data point and it will display x,y coordinate or preferably be able to access some object data that you can attach to points.
Thanks you so much. I am new to JavaFX,scenebuilder and I havent' found much information about the charts.

How to extract part of Leaflet map as png image?

Wondering if it is possible to let user select part of Leaflet map and extract that portion of the map as png image. I have found plugins that can narrow things down to the selected area bounds, but I don't know if there's an API in leaflet that can get to the content out given the bounds.
If you know the coords, and are using Mapbox to host your maps, then I would take a look at the Mapbox Static Maps API which you can easily use to have mapbox create a raster image for you.
