Firebase security rules for public read without authentication [duplicate] - firebase

This question already has answers here:
Firestore Security rules without Authentification
(3 answers)
Firestore security rules without auth
(1 answer)
How do we secure a Firebase Firestore without using Firestore Authentication? Or is it a must?
(1 answer)
Closed 3 days ago.
I have made an app which show pdf files and some data which are store in firestore database. And no need to signup or login to read the data through app. But I am getting mail from firebase to update security rules and I have no ideas about firebase security rules.
Can you suggest me the secure rules for firestore database so that user can able to read the data but can't allow to perform write operation.

You should first read the documentation on security rules. There is plenty of information out there to use as a guide, especially the basic rules.
You will have to give read access to each collection individually in order to avoid getting the warning email. Taking the pattern from the linked documentation, if the collection you want to give access is named "cities":
match /cities/{city} {
allow read;
Since we don't know the names of your collections, we can't tell you exactly what to do.


Firebase storage security rules bypassed if downloading via a URL? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Firebase Storage read security rules don't seem to be having any effect
(1 answer)
Firebase storage file is accessed by everyone
(1 answer)
Closed 2 months ago.
If downloading via URL, I can see that even unauthenticated users can download images stored in my Firebase storage instance, despite me having set restrictive rules for these.
Is that intended?
The link above seems to suggest that in order to enforce storage security rules I will have to use other functions:
From version 9.5 and higher, the SDK provides these functions for
direct download:
Using these functions, you can bypass
downloading from a URL, and instead return data in your code. This
allows for finer-grained access control via Firebase Security Rules.
Can someone confirm that this is the way to go to have my rules enforced?
A download URL provides public read-only access to the file and is indeed not affected by the security rules you set.
If you want to enforce the security rules, your users will have to download the file through the SDK instead of through download URLs.

Firestore rules don't seem to work with firebase node js API function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Cloud Firestore ignores rules
(1 answer)
Firestore security rules, allowing access from nodejs API
(2 answers)
Closed 6 months ago.
I have a Firebase rule for a collection but it doesn't seem to work. Currently I am disallowing writes to the doc but it doesn't seem to have any effect when I try to update it. The rules fail when the database is interacted via the firebase node js API function.
match /accounts/{accId} {
allow read: if (request.auth != null &&
(( == request.auth.uid) ||
(request.auth.uid == 'e6aaXxP6PsMWvuhCo6oOYqTTL8p2')));
allow write: if false;
If you are using the nodejs SDK initialized with a service account, that code will always bypass security rules. Security rules only apply to web and mobile applications using their platform SDKs. They do not apply to any backend SDKs. The assumption is that your code running on a secure backend is fully controlled by you and not subject to abuse.

Can I authenticate users using firebase only with a specific email? Rules of firebase firestore [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
how can i restrict access to firestore database to only requests coming from specific domain?
(2 answers)
Restricting Cloud Firestore to a specific domain
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I want to know what should be the rules in firebase to implement this? Suppose I just want to authenticate if the user email is and no other users can read and write the data of firebase firestore.
Firebase Rules 👇
allow read, write:if request;
what else to add in this to implement the above 👆

Firebase Security Open Access

My android wallpaper app is connected to Firebase Cloud Firestore. It doesn't have any user authentication because I want the user to be able to use it without fuss. To do this, it must be in open access, meaning, the user is allowed to read and write. This is dangerous as he can also edit and modify the data if he knows the project id. The project id is visible in the url of the app so this is not really a good choice. Closed access is also not an option for obvious reasons.
Is there anything I can do to protect my data without need of a user authentication? I would love to see the code needed for the Cloud Firestore and Storage to protect the data. I want the user to read only and I, as the owner, should be the only one who could write. Please refer to the images attached. Thanks a lot for taking time to answer my questions.
My data structure in Firebase Cloud Firestore:
Securing your data with Security Rules
Firebase Cloud Firestore, Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase Cloud Storage are secured by their own Security Rules. They provide access control and data validation in a simple yet expressive format and allow you to control access to documents and collections in your database.
To build user-based and role-based access systems that keep your users' data safe, you need to use Firebase Authentication with Cloud Firestore Security Rules.
Your specific use case
I assume that you store your data in Firebase Cloud Firestore and the wallpapers in Firebase Cloud Storage. The user then gets a document with a link to download a wallpaper and maybe also can upload their own wallpapers to the database.
The dangers of an open database
As you mentioned allowing all reads and writes to your database in a production app is very dangerous. Obviously, anyone with your database reference will be able to read or write data to your database. Unauthorized users could destroy your backend and there are also possibilities that costs could increase exponentially. Therefore this is not recommended. There always should be some mechanisms preventing these scenarios.
Recommendation: Using anonymous authentication first and connect later with existing Identity Providers
I recommend that you use Firebase Authentication to create and use temporary anonymous accounts to authenticate with Firebase. These temporary anonymous accounts can be used to allow users who haven't yet signed up to your app to work with data protected by security rules while not being in the way of your user experience. If an anonymous user later decides to sign up to your app, you can link their sign-in credentials to the anonymous account so that they can continue to work with their protected data in future sessions.
You could also enable Google-Sign-In, Facebook Login, Twitter, GitHub, Microsoft, Yahoo, etc. to let users authenticate in a very fast and easy way without compromising on a security standpoint if using regular password authentication is not what you want (from a UX standpoint). FirebaseUI makes it really easy to add these to your existing app. Check out the official documentation on this topic.
Implementing Cloud Firestore Security Rules
The official documentation on this is really great on how to get started with Cloud Firestore Security Rules.
However these security rules could work for you:
Allow read access to all users to the root (Not recommended because this can create huge costs in production). Users don't have write (create, update, delete) access. In this case you can edit your data via the Firebase Console. Choose either option 1 or option 2 for your project.
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
// Option 1: Matches any document in the 'root' collection.
match /root/{rumiXYZ} {
allow read: if true;
allow write: if false;
// Option 2: Matches any document in the 'root' collection or subcollections.
match /root/{document=**} {
allow read: if true;
allow write: if false;
The {document=**} path in the rules above can be used to match any document in the collection/subcollections or in the entire database. This should however not be necessary for your use case. Continue on to the guide for structuring security rules to learn how to match specific data paths and work with hierarchical data.
Don't forget to secure your Firebase Cloud Storage too!

How can one restrict Firebase Admin SDK to delete data from firebase database [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Is there a way to add security rules that apply to admin in Firebase?
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have firebase rules to restrict users from accessing certain part of my firebase databases, but how can I restrict the user initialized with Firebase Admin SDK to delete my firebase database nodes?
Thank You
When accessing Realtime Database using the Admin SDK, it has unrestricted access to your database by default. Security rules don't apply.
The only way to restrict the Admin SDK is to initialize it with UID that forces it to behave as if it authenticated as user with that UID. This is described in the documentation using databaseAuthVariableOverride. There is also another answer on SO that describes what to do for nodejs. If you scope access like this, your security rules will have to specifically call out that UID in the rules to limit its access.
