Hide and show chart container in lightningchart js - lightningchart

how do I toggle the chart visibility ,
in version 3.4 I just used jquery to $("#container").toggle(); , it used to hide/show the container...
But now When I do the same in version 4.0.0 I get following error.
Uncaught Error: EngineError: Could not create vertex buffer


Error trying to set css on typescript to devextreme component

I am using devextreme grid in my angular 5 app. When specific item is triggered the following code executes:
public setRowColor(e){
rowElement is one of the properties of row. I get the following error when this method executes:
ERROR TypeError: e.rowElement.css is not a function
Turns out this is breaking change with the new version of devextreme, so I needed to add:
import 'devextreme/integration/jquery';

Error on calling enterVR() on a-scene (chromium and nightly desktop)

I have been having issues when trying to call enterVR() on my a-scene element from within my JS code. Whether I wait for the scene to have loaded or bind enterVR() to a vive controller input, I get the following error:
Error: Failed to enter VR mode ('requestPresent'): API can only be initiated by a user gesture.
I have been using the latest chromium experimental build as well as Mozilla Nightly and the following Aframe version(master) :0.5.0 (Date 22-03-2017, Commit #bc6be7c).
Ultimately, my only goal is to begin presenting content to the headset as soon as the scene has loaded.
As the error message says, you need a user gesture like a click to enter VR. If you do it within a 'window.addEventListener('click', ...)', it should work

fullcalendar firstHour option after initialization

do you know if it is possible to set firstHour option after initialization.
I tried : $('#calendar').fullcalendar('options', 'firstHour', 10);
But it does'nt work.
Why do I need this :
I have an html file to create events, I would like the calendar to scroll to the the hour the user have selected/submitted.
Use scrollTime to determine how far down the scroll pane is initially scrolled down.
scrollTime: '10:00:00',
Setting options dynamically like you are trying to do is only supported as of version 2.9.0
I have seen people successfully set options using the following code before the functionality to dynamically set options became available:
$('#calendar').fullCalendar('getView').calendar.options.firstHour = 9;

Icon Property on Button causes Compiler Error

When I attempt to add an icon to a button like this:
<s:Button icon="#Embed(source='assets/logo.jpg')"/>
I receive this error:
Multiple markers at this line:
-Cannot resolve attribute 'icon' for component type spark.components.Button.
The documentation specifies that you can add an icon like that. See Button Reference.
It is interesting because I can add other Common Styles with no trouble. For example this compiles fine:
<s:Button color="#998877" fontSize="16"/>
What am I goofing up here? Sure it is pretty simple.
Edit: There is also an example right here. The example uses version 4.6. I am on version 4.
I ran into this when I first started using the spark components. I was too was using the original Flex 4 version. They originally didn't support an icon property. You'd have to skin it to get it to work. See the following link:
However, rather than using skins to just add a image to the button, I'd also suggest moving up to flex 4.5 and up. Those include enhancements along with the addition of the icon property to the spark button.

Highcharts Onload default select a bar

I am creating a highchart that should have a default bar selected (diff color) on load of the highchart. How is this possible on Asp.net??
You could also try out the C# wrapper for the Javascript API available at http://highcharts.codeplex.com
It proveds exhaustive support for the original Javascript API in C#, and also comes with a default implementation for an Ajax data source with a single line of code.
