how do I toggle the chart visibility ,
in version 3.4 I just used jquery to $("#container").toggle(); , it used to hide/show the container...
But now When I do the same in version 4.0.0 I get following error.
Uncaught Error: EngineError: Could not create vertex buffer
I am using devextreme grid in my angular 5 app. When specific item is triggered the following code executes:
public setRowColor(e){
rowElement is one of the properties of row. I get the following error when this method executes:
ERROR TypeError: e.rowElement.css is not a function
Turns out this is breaking change with the new version of devextreme, so I needed to add:
import 'devextreme/integration/jquery';
I have been having issues when trying to call enterVR() on my a-scene element from within my JS code. Whether I wait for the scene to have loaded or bind enterVR() to a vive controller input, I get the following error:
Error: Failed to enter VR mode ('requestPresent'): API can only be initiated by a user gesture.
I have been using the latest chromium experimental build as well as Mozilla Nightly and the following Aframe version(master) :0.5.0 (Date 22-03-2017, Commit #bc6be7c).
Ultimately, my only goal is to begin presenting content to the headset as soon as the scene has loaded.
As the error message says, you need a user gesture like a click to enter VR. If you do it within a 'window.addEventListener('click', ...)', it should work
do you know if it is possible to set firstHour option after initialization.
I tried : $('#calendar').fullcalendar('options', 'firstHour', 10);
But it does'nt work.
Why do I need this :
I have an html file to create events, I would like the calendar to scroll to the the hour the user have selected/submitted.
Use scrollTime to determine how far down the scroll pane is initially scrolled down.
scrollTime: '10:00:00',
Setting options dynamically like you are trying to do is only supported as of version 2.9.0
I have seen people successfully set options using the following code before the functionality to dynamically set options became available:
$('#calendar').fullCalendar('getView').calendar.options.firstHour = 9;
When I attempt to add an icon to a button like this:
<s:Button icon="#Embed(source='assets/logo.jpg')"/>
I receive this error:
Multiple markers at this line:
-Cannot resolve attribute 'icon' for component type spark.components.Button.
The documentation specifies that you can add an icon like that. See Button Reference.
It is interesting because I can add other Common Styles with no trouble. For example this compiles fine:
<s:Button color="#998877" fontSize="16"/>
What am I goofing up here? Sure it is pretty simple.
Edit: There is also an example right here. The example uses version 4.6. I am on version 4.
I ran into this when I first started using the spark components. I was too was using the original Flex 4 version. They originally didn't support an icon property. You'd have to skin it to get it to work. See the following link:
However, rather than using skins to just add a image to the button, I'd also suggest moving up to flex 4.5 and up. Those include enhancements along with the addition of the icon property to the spark button.
I am creating a highchart that should have a default bar selected (diff color) on load of the highchart. How is this possible on
You could also try out the C# wrapper for the Javascript API available at
It proveds exhaustive support for the original Javascript API in C#, and also comes with a default implementation for an Ajax data source with a single line of code.