Would it be possible to add Amplify to an existing react project? - aws-amplify

Currently have a react project, want to add Amplify's backend and authentication - would this be possible? Tutorials explain how to create a new react app / backend src.


Securing a .NET core API using a react frontend

Currently I have a react frontend that authenticates users using msal.js (Azure AD B2C). The backend API is built with .NET Core and currently accessible to anyone.
I would like to secure the API so that only a user authenticated on the frontend can access the API.
Is there any documentation/sample apps on how to achieve this?
Yes, you can secure the application. using React authenticate API which naturally handles the authentication which was imported by other parts of the app.
Here is the example Tutorial of creating a react App with Authentication.
The Authentication React App is based on the NPM.
here is the command that used for creating React APP auth.
create-react-app react-auth0
Also, you can go through the So thread which has related discussions.

How to create an admin Web app with client Mobile app using Flutter

Im currently working with Mobile app with firebase back end. I wonder how to build another admin Web app which should be hosted on the Web and pass data to the Mobile app. Should i open another project to build the Web app?Or build the both app within one project which should share with one firebase back end. Someone please guide me as Im clueless. Would appreciated for the sharing.
Since the application admin app is managing the same set of data, it will typically be part of the same Firebase project too. This is actually a quite common scenario, and I regularly add an admin web app to my Firebase project precisely for that purpose.

Why Does ASP.net Authentication Template not include Redux with React?

I'm trying to create a new SPA project in React or Vue using netcore3.1 or net5.0.
I want to include Identity for Auth.
There are no Vue templates.
The React Template with Redux does not allow for an identity/authentication template.
Is it considered incorrect to build a SPA and utilize the identity razor page scaffolding with a vue/react SPA?
Is there a problem with adding Redux utility to the default React.js + Identity project which uses the services.AddDefaultIdentity() & Identity UI scaffolding?

ASP.NET core 5 with react.js how remove routes from starter template?

In the JS templates that are created there is only SPA format for applications. But what if I don't need Routes and SPA? I need regular MVC with react components like slider, dropdowns etc. You can create a pure MVC project and manually add React components, but then it is not clear how to set up a server to debug react components. The approach to templates is very strange, there are only SPA projects but no other options. How can I remove react routes from the template that is being created?

How to migrate Google Smart Home Actions project and not delete Firebase instance

I have a Google Actions project which was built using the Smart Home Actions template. I would like to migrate this project in order to have the same functionality exposed in setting up a Custom project, namely the Actions Builder interface. Is it possible to upgrade the project or do I need to rebuild the project from scratch using a Custom starter template.
My existing project is currently linked to a Firebase/Firestore instance. If I have to start over by deleting my project, I do not want the delete project option in the Actions on Google console to delete the Firebase project, which I have confirmed it does. Any idea on how to prevent this from happening as well?
If your Actions project is already configured as a Smart Home project, it cannot be converted into a conversational project. You would need to create a new project.
You don't have to delete your Firebase content, and you can keep your existing Actions project. But your new conversational project will need to follow Firebase guides to connect with a separate project.
