How to get a specific value from a dictionary within a list - dictionary

I am trying to find all the keys that have the world 'symbol' and print out their respective values in one go. The data set given is wrapped in a list as well.
[{'symbol': 'BTCUSDT', 'initialMargin': '2.68109529', 'maintMargin': '0.13405476', 'unrealizedProfit': '-0.07952355', 'positionInitialMargin': '2.68109529', 'openOrderInitialMargin': '0', 'leverage': '5', 'isolated': False, 'entryPrice': '0.899', 'maxNotional': '250000', 'positionSide': 'BOTH', 'positionAmt': '15.0', 'notional': '13.40547645', 'isolatedWallet': '0', 'updateTime': '1676641281047', 'bidNotional': '0', 'askNotional': '0'}, {'symbol': 'EOSUSDT', 'initialMargin': '3.22845093', 'maintMargin': '0.08071127', 'unrealizedProfit': '-0.06225465', 'positionInitialMargin': '3.22845093', 'openOrderInitialMargin': '0', 'leverage': '5', 'isolated': False, 'entryPrice': '1.072', 'maxNotional': '2000000', 'positionSide': 'BOTH', 'positionAmt': '-15.0', 'notional': '-16.14225465', 'isolatedWallet': '0', 'updateTime': '1676641497608', 'bidNotional': '0', 'askNotional': '0'}]
So I want to pull both the 'BTCUSDT' and 'EOSUSDT' by finding the word 'symbol'
I've tried everything to get this to work.


Extracting information from string and creating new variable

I have a column with big character strings like this:
"[{'tipoTeste': 'RT-PCR', 'estadoTeste': 'Concluído',
'dataColetaTeste': {'__type': 'Date', 'iso': '2021-12-30T03:00:00.000Z'},
'resultadoTeste': 'Detectável', 'loteTeste': None,
'fabricanteTeste': None, 'codigoTipoTeste': '1', 'codigoEstadoTeste': '3',
'codigoResultadoTeste': '1', 'codigoFabricanteTeste': None}]"
And i want to create another variable called Date with the date information inside this huge string, in this case is 2021-12-30
Im not managing to grep this date information for all rows....
This would work:
str_extract_all(str, "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}")
[1] "2021-12-30"
We could use parse_date directly on the string
> as.Date(parse_date(str1))
[1] "2021-12-30"
str1 <- "[{'tipoTeste': 'RT-PCR', 'estadoTeste': 'Concluído',
'dataColetaTeste': {'__type': 'Date', 'iso': '2021-12-30T03:00:00.000Z'},
'resultadoTeste': 'Detectável', 'loteTeste': None,
'fabricanteTeste': None, 'codigoTipoTeste': '1', 'codigoEstadoTeste': '3',
'codigoResultadoTeste': '1', 'codigoFabricanteTeste': None}]"

Tinkerpop Select multiple neighbours grouped by the vertex they are neighbour with range step

I want to select all l labelled vertices along with their t,n labelled vertices grouped by their neighbours. Also I want to apply a limit on the length of the neighbours. For ex for neighbour limit = 2 something like below should be output.
{"l1",{[t1,t2]}, {}},
{"l2",{[t3]}, {[n1]}},
{"l3",{[]}, {[n2,n3]}}
For ex for neighbour limit = 1 something like below should be output.
{"l1",{[t1,t2]}, {}},
{"l2",{[t3]}, {[n1]}},
{"l3",{[]}, {[n2]}}
grelify link
g.addV('Vertex').as('1').property(single, 'name', 'l1').property(single, 'label', 'l').
addV('Vertex').as('2').property(single, 'name', 'l2').property(single, 'label', 'l').
addV('Vertex').as('3').property(single, 'name', 'l3').property(single, 'label', 'l').
addV('Tag').as('4').property(single, 'name', 't1').property(single, 'label', 't').
addV('Tag').as('5').property(single, 'name', 't2').property(single, 'label', 't').
addV('Tag').as('6').property(single, 'name', 't3').property(single, 'label', 't').
addV('neighbour1').as('7').property(single, 'name', 'n1').property(single, 'label', 'n').
addV('neighbour2').as('8').property(single, 'name', 'n2').property(single, 'label', 'n').
addV('neighbour3').as('9').property(single, 'name', 'n3').property(single, 'label', 'n').
For this output you can try doing something like this:
project('t', 'n').
You can change the limit to be the max number of neighbors you want from each type.

How to get the each value of documents from a collection in a seprate list according to the document id in flutter

For Example In a Collection there are 10 or more Documents I want to create the list of that collection according to the DocumentsId and the list contains only values not keys.
Document 1-->
'Num3': '3',
'Num4': '4',
'Num5': '5',
'Num6': '6',
'Num7': '7',
'Num8': '8',
'Num9': '9',
'Num10': '10',
Document 2-->
'Num3': '3',
'Num4': '4',
'Num5': '5',
'Num6': '6',
'Num7': '7',
'Num8': '8',
'Num9': '9',
'Num10': '10',
The list be like this for every Document
List document1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
List document2 = [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
And the every list name is the documentid
Assuming the 'Collection' is a simple map object you can do:
Map temp= { 'Num1':'1',
'Num3': '3',
'Num4': '4',
'Num5': '5',
'Num6': '6',
'Num7': '7',
'Num8': '8',
'Num9': '9',
'Num10': '10',};
var newList=temp.values.toList();
If it is a custom object you can use the map method :>;
It will iterate all the elements in the collection and 'map' every one to the property you need.
Dinamically you cannot change a variable name, but you can change a variable attributes.
What you wish can be achieved as:
List<List<int>> documents;
//access each document by its index
List document1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
documents[0]//would be equal to accessing document1
OR use a map:
Map map={[1,2,3,4,5]};

Too many functions, how to reduce it?

I am writing codes with SQLite in AutoHotkey(minor Windows language).
But, I have problem with UDF(User Define Function) in the middle of it.
So, I can not use RegExp..OMG. Therefore, I am having VERY VERY painful time now.
This post of mine.. should be VERY easy, if I used RegExp. Should be solved in 3 minutes.
Now I am struggling 3 more days - I am beginner in SQLite.
Here, I have posted SQLite help for RegeExp, actually RegExp part is fine, I have problem with CallBack function's alien return language.
SQLite/AutoHotkey, I have problem with Encoding of sqlite3_result_text return function
I have posted similar help post earlier. And got a nice answer.
I'd like to have Characters only (no signs, numbers and spaces at all)
Remove signs, numbers and spaces
"abc D E F 0123456789 !##$%^&*-+ _<>()[]{}~ =|\?:;''`., /"
But.. unfortunately I have failed to use it (failed to understand it, my bad) And.. got slightly different ideas too - considering different Languages not only ASCII-English but also Chinese/Japanese/Korean too).
So, I wrote quite straightforward method, like this;
UPDATE myTable SET myCOL = lower(
, '0', ''), '1', ''), '2', ''), '3', ''), '4', ''), '5', ''), '6', ''), '7', ''), '8', ''), '9', '')
, '!', ''), '#', ''), '#', ''), '$', ''), '%', ''), '^', ''), '&', ''), '*', ''), '-', ''), '+', ''));
UPDATE myTable SET myCOL = replace(
, '_', ''), '<', ''), '>', ''), '(', ''), ')', ''), '[', ''), ']', ''), '{', ''), '}', ''), '~', '')
, '=', ''), '|', ''), '\', ''), '?', ''), ':', ''), ';', ''), '''', ''), '`', ''), '.', ''), ',', ''), ' ', '');
It has 40 plain functions, one lower case and remove space - in total 42 functions.
Query works fine, I have confirmed.
Looks... beginnish.
Any better ideas?

Replacing key from one dictionary with the key from another

Suppose I have 2 dictionaries:
Dict #1:
statedict = {'Alaska': '02', 'Alabama': '01', 'Arkansas': '05', 'Arizona': '04', 'California':'06', 'Colorado': '08', 'Connecticut': '09','DistrictOfColumbia': '11', 'Delaware': '10', 'Florida': '12', 'Georgia': '13', 'Hawaii': '15', 'Iowa': '19', 'Idaho': '16', 'Illinois': '17', 'Indiana': '18', 'Kansas': '20', 'Kentucky': '21', 'Louisiana': '22', 'Massachusetts': '25', 'Maryland': '24', 'Maine': '23', 'Michigan': '26', 'Minnesota': '27', 'Missouri': '29', 'Mississippi': '28', 'Montana': '30', 'NorthCarolina': '37', 'NorthDakota': '38', 'Nebraska': '31', 'NewHampshire': '33', 'NewJersey': '34', 'NewMexico': '35', 'Nevada': '32', 'NewYork': '36', 'Ohio': '39', 'Oklahoma': '40', 'Oregon': '41', 'Pennsylvania': '42', 'PuertoRico': '72', 'RhodeIsland': '44', 'SouthCarolina': '45', 'SouthDakota': '46', 'Tennessee': '47', 'Texas': '48', 'Utah': '49', 'Virginia': '51', 'Vermont': '50', 'Washington': '53', 'Wisconsin': '55', 'WestVirginia': '54', 'Wyoming': '56'}
Dict #2:
master_dict = {'01': ['01034','01112'], '06': ['06245', '06025, ''06007'], '13': ['13145']}
*The actual master_dict is much longer.
Basically, I want to replace the 2-digit keys in master_dict with the long name keys in statedict. How do I do this? I am trying to use the following, but it doesn't quite work.
for k, v in master_dict.items():
for state, fip in statedict.items():
if k == fip:
master_dict[k] = statedict[state]
You can use a dictionary comprehension to make a lookup table mapping values to keys. A second dictionary comprehension performs the lookups to replace numbers with words:
lookup = {v: k for k, v in statedict.items()}
result = {lookup[k]: v for k, v in master_dict.items()}
{'Alabama': ['01034', '01112'],
'California': ['06245', '06025, 06007'],
'Georgia': ['13145']}
Try it here
