Linkedin oAuth login failure with error "Your LinkedIn Network Will Be Back Soon" - linkedin

[Here's a link to the screen recording of the issue.] (
The problem is not, in general, with accessing or logging into LinkedIn. I'm working on an app that uses the LinkedIn OAuth client to allow users to add their LinkedIn accounts.
My app redirects the user to, It opens the LinkedIn authentication screen and was working fine a few days ago.
But now, when a user enters his credentials and clicks "sign in," it does not redirect to my website, with or without an error message. But show this page.
It is not related to my LinkedIn personal account; I have tried with different accounts and different browsers. Even a user of my app has encountered this issue on his computer
I have even tried other social scheduling websites and logged on to them using LinkedIn successfully.
But when I tried creating a new LinkedIn developer app and went to the access URL with the new client ID, the same issue occurred.


Embed YT Live chat on Wordpress letting users interact with it

I have successfully embedded a live streaming with corresponding chat into my Wordpress website.
I wish my website users are able to interact with the chat embedded, but also if a user log in to my website using #gmail address, the chat remains not activated showing "sign in to chat" message.
is there a way to allow site users, logged in with gmail credentials, to interact with the chat directly from my site? I noticed that this only works if you browse through Chrome with an account, but on other browsers it doesn't work.

Having trouble linking google calendar api with my website

I created an OAuth 2.0 Client ID for my wordpress website, I am using the WordPress Appointment Booking Plugin but when I select 'Connect with Google' I get this error message:
Authorization Error
Error 403: access_denied
The developer hasn’t given you access to this app.
I am logged into the same account for everything
I found the solution,
I had to go into the OAuth consent screen and add myself as a test user

Auto login FB app users into my site

On my website, the user can log in through Facebook.
I have also created a Facebook canvas app which consists of a small part of my website.
Through the Facebook canvas app, the user can access certain features of the site regarding their site account.
It works great when the user accesses the FB app while already being logged into the site.
However, if the user accesses the FB app while NOT being logged into my site - how do I log them into my site through the app?
It would be ideal if I could somehow automatically log them into their account when accessing my site through the FB app.
If that isn't possible, I would like the user to be able to log into my site through the Facebook app.
However right now when I redirect to the oauth login I get the following error:
Refused to display
in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'DENY'.
Can I auto-login to my site when accessing the site through Facebook canvas
If not, how can the user log into my site through the canvas app?
So basically your problem was just how to call the FB login dialog from within canvas. If you use the URL redirect version, then you have to call it in the top window instance – the login dialog can not be shown in any kind of (i)frame, for security reasons¹
top.location.href=… in JavaScript, or target="_top" for a simple link can achieve that.
¹ User needs to be able to verify via address bar that they are entering their credentials on, to prevent phishing attacks.

ios login process - without external links

When a user presses on the login button via google or facebook, in ios it transfers the user to a
link in safari where the user should complete the login process.
is there a way to complete the login process with google\facebook within the app,
and not send the user to a safari page?
My ios app was rejected saying the login process should be completed within the app and should not transfer the user to a webpage in safari.
is there a way to open the google/facebook login page in the app itself using gitkit?
I assume login from an external webpage in Safari meaning e.g. the default Facebook fallback option for when a user doesn't have Facebook app installed and/or Facebook account logged in, in the Settings app.
We had the same problem with Apple for one of our app. We sent them a response saying "This is how Facebook's iOS SDK works, here's the link to the Facebook iOS SDK documentation explicitly stating the Facebook uses Safari as a fallback option by doing a quick app switch".
Next day, app was approved. I think the reviewer wasn't familiar with the authentication technology, so I think it's worth mentioning to the reviewer, hopefully it's the same case for you.
To login to Facebook without extra UI, you'd need to expect the user to have Facebook logged in, in the Settings app. From our own experience, this wasn't favourable, a number of users had the actual Facebook app installed on their device but didn't know how to login and at the time, we only offered login via the Social Framework (Facebook/Twitter through the Settings App).

Instagram API Bad request

I have a web application allowing users to login by their instagram account.
I've registered my app to Instagram.
When the user clicks the login button, I direct him to instagram page to login:{MyClientId}&redirect_uri={My call back aspx page}&response_type=token
After getting access token, I try to get user's followers by sending a GET request to this link:{The access token i've got from the previous step}
For my account (which is the account the application registered with) it works perfect.
But the problem occurs when I try to get the 'follows' from other account.
I get 'Bad request 400' error.
How can I solve this issue?
Thank you !!
This is unsolved issue because error 400 means, that user not allowed or not found (deleted by spam/bot system). Also you cannot get followers of private user, if an authentication user is not follower of him.
For the authentication users from first link you can use{The access token i've got from the previous step} link.
