How can you create a Cloudflare Durable Object in a pages project - cloudflare-workers

I have a Cloudflare Pages project (Built with Gatsby) that I wish to add a Durable Object to. Right now I can add workers by putting them into the functions directory of the project.
Cloudflare's documentation indicates I should be able to add a binding through the dashboard, but there is no option to do so.
I have tried adding a custom wrangler.toml to the project, but it does not seem to have any effect.
How can I add a Cloudflare Durable Object to the project?


Firebase dynamic links on customdomain rewrite in hosting but how

I've setup a custom domain to use for firebase Dynamic Links. Hosting has been setup in Firebase Console and I tried to use dynamic links without the customdomain, but just a
Now I want to return to use the custom domain, but from the console I'm told that:
A configuration already exists for this site. Add the snippet below to your firebase.json file and redeploy your changes. Be sure the rewrite rule is the first match for your dynamic link.
I'm not exactly sure how to handle this. Should I use the CLI and init a project to make this change or can I somehow do this from the portal itself.
If I need to use the CLI, how do I then access the existing project and make the change?
It seems you're already using Firebase Hosting outside of just for Dynamic Links. In that case you'll need to configure it through the CLI.
The configuration for Firebase Hosting must be made through deploying the firebase.json file through the Firebase CLI. There's no way to configure this directly in the Firebase console.
You can create an empty directory, run firebase init in there, and configure it to your existing project. Once that is done, you can create and deploy the minimal firebase.json file required as shown in the documentation on setting up your custom domain.

AllowOverride All Cloud Engine template

I am trying to run WordPress high availability on Google Cloud with the launcher and I get a problem with the AllowOverride All. I can set it manually on the content group instance but when another instance is created to handle the traffic, the new instance does not have the AllowOverride All on /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/wordpress.conf.
I tried adding it in the .htaccess on the root WordPress folder that will sync to all the instances but it does not work.
Is there any other alternative to add it to WordPress to get permalink working ?
You can set a startup script in your instance template. Write a script that overrides the wordpress.con file with the content that you want and it will get executed on every instance's startup.
As you are running the WordPress High Availability solution from the GCP Marketplace, so the instance creation is managed by an instance group using a template. The whole update process would be something like the following:
Go to the instance groups menu in your GCP Console, under Compute Engine.
Identify the instance groups that belong to the WordPress high availability deployment and click in the template name
Copy the template. Now you can edit the startup script under management. There might be a script already, just add yours. Give the template a name and save it.
Now, to update the instance group to use the new template, edit the instance group and change the template it uses. After that you'll need to click the Rolling update button to actually update the instances.

How to create a new action in a folder in document library in Alfresco?

I have to create new action in folder inside document library.I have been trying to add an action but its not working out. I wan the action to available in this menu:
Need some help in the implementation. When I go into Alfresco Share interface, I see the concept of sites. I decided to create a site for our application. Then inside the site, I am able to create folders underneath the site, I also see a document library location, inside which as well I can create folders
I am having a hard time choosing or deciding on an approach. Tried implementing the concepts on repo but not sure how to reflect the changes in UI using share.

Symfony: Multiple similar bundles with one master?

Let's say I have created a news portal bundle "NewsBundle" with articles, tags, events, lots of relations, quite huge and complex.
Now I want to copy this numerous times and create a Fashion News Portal, Car News Portal, Dog News portal and so on each available though an own domain. The portals differ only in templates, translations and assets. As I want to implement complex reporting, I want all the stuff in a single database and would flag all entities with the respective portal.
My question: How so I organize the code?
First I figured out, I could use routing to have the same application but different bundles for each domain.
Then I found out, that I could extend my master bundle. But it seems as this works only once.
As I did all the routing with annotations, it look like it does not work to inherit the routes from the master?
One of the hardest questions is where to put the portal switch. Somewhere I need to set a variable that tells whether its the fashion or dogs portal, so I can filter the content in all repositories accordingly.
I did that in the app.php which is for sure worst practise.
In the end I want to be able to roll out new portals easily without duplicate code.
Any ideas are much appreciated.
Greetings from Hamburg,
You need to keep your NewsBundle in your application, and to have a number of bundles revolving around it, one for each portal you intend to create.
There is no real need for bundle inheritance here. Your portal bundles depends on the NewsBundle but don't inherit from it.
Routing configuration, templating, and other behaviours related to a specific portal should go in the related bundle. There is a Resources folder in each bundle ; this is where you will need to put specific routing, translation, configuration and templates.
app/config/routing.yml is the central routing conf file where you will need to reference all other routing.yml file.
As for the switch, well, I can't answer that in detail but I think it should be set up in your server application apache or nginx (or other...).
Your problem can be solved via different environments. Each of your portal is a different environment. You can set up your web server to point different front-controllers depending on the domain requested.
For domain your front-controller would be web/app_news.php. And it will contain line:
$kernel = new AppKernel('news', false);
It will automatically load config from app/config/config_news.yml. In that config you can specify all specific parameters for your portal. You need then just implement your special loader for resources like translations that will load resources from the path specified in config_news.yml.

In Alfresco, creating folders under a site or under the document library of a site?

I am new to Alfresco. Using version 5.0.d.
I am developing CMIS based application code to index and access documents into Alfresco repository.
All these documents that our application would be storing is mainly by/for our application.
So probably a limited set of users of our clients might want to manage them through Share UI.
When I go into Alfresco Share interface, I see the concept of sites.
I decided to create a site for our application.
Then inside the site, I am able to create folders
Underneath the site, I also see a document library location, inside which as well I can create folders
I am having a hard time choosing or deciding on an approach.
In order to access the 'Sample' folder that is created directly under the 'testSite' site, CMIS (Java) code looks like this:
Folder folder = (Folder) cmisSession.getObjectByPath("/Sites/testSite/Sample");
In order to access the 'TestFolder' folder that is created under the document library of the site:'testSite', CMIS (Java) code looks like this:
Folder folder = (Folder) cmisSession.getObjectByPath("/Sites/testSite/documentLibrary/TestFolder");
Code does not look any different other than the path...
Can you tell me, why would anyone would prefer to organize their folders, one way or the other?
I also do not know if this is the best way, or if there is any other way, in CMIS API to access the folders underneath a site...
You do not necessarily need to use sites to store your contents.
Sites are designed as collaboration spaces. When you use a site you get "for free":
Simplified (but sometimes not flexible enough) role based access permissions. The idea is that a site manager decides, at the site level, the role of each user. Permissions can be applied to roles instead of groups or users. This helps to simplify the administration of permissions, but sometimes is not flexible enough. Using the API or accessing the folders of the sites in the "repository view" (see for example, you can set more granular permissions, but doing it somehow breaks the "simplified" role based permissions.
Collaboration pages: document library, blog, calendar, data lists, etc...
A site dashboard that can have a different configuration for each site and site specific dashlets
Site visibility: public, moderate, private; and the function to invite users and manage users at site level
Probably other functionality that do not come to my mind right now
As I mentioned, the "document library" is one of the pages in a site. It is designed to collaborate on contents. If you are using sites, use the document library for contents on which users will collaborate. These contents are stored in the path:
You can definitely create contents directly in /Sites/site-name/ but it won't be visible in the "document library" page of the site. This is what Alfresco does to store other type of contents associated with a site such as: data lists, calendar events, discussions, etc...
If your repository is accessed only with a custom application by CMIS, I am not sure that you will get any benefit using sites.
I wouldn't use it if you would end up with a single site.
I would suggest to use it, if you think that it can be useful to "invite" users to sites and assign permissions based on roles.
