what is best way to overide style of mui compents with next js? - next.js

i am working on mui with next js. i want to the best solution's to override of mui components style.
solution will be optimize by performance


When to use props and CSS to style Material UI elements?

I'm new to Material UI. When should I use props (in the .jsx script itself) and CSS (separate CSS stylesheet) to style MUI elements? Do I still need to use the CSS stylesheets for MUI elements at all, e.g. use CSS or sx={{}} prop? Or should it be left for non-MUI elements only?
While I understand MUI provides us with the template to make style changes using props, I also understand that we should typically follow a separation of concerns, hence the question.
Thanks a lot!
So you can check this out in their docs below.
I personally wouldn't use CSS with MUI. You can use either CSS or the sx prop to override styles, however it feels like sx is the preferred method. Using CSS requires targeting the specific classname and nesting your classes which I find is quite a lot of work for what is meant to be one-off customizations.
If you wanted to change specific MUI components, I still wouldn't use CSS as you can just create your own themes with the ThemeProvider.
The idea behind MUI is a CSS-in-JS solution so you're sort of doing away with the concept of the traditional "separation of concerns". If you prefer to set up your projects that way, things like Tailwind or SASS/SCSS are more suited to that.
So in summary, yeah I'd only use CSS with the non-MUI components, sx prop for quick style overrides, and the ThemeProvider for global style changes.

Best way to style non-MUI elements in MUI?

I'm new in React and a new dev in general;
I know that there are many ways to style elements in React itself:
importing CSS,
locally scoped CSS modules,
CSS-in-JS via Styled
Components or Emotion,
utility-first CSS like Tailwind statically
extracted CSS with libraries like "Compiled" and "Linaria",
inline styling
style object variable
and two current APIs to style MUI elements:
Styled and
When it comes to customizing MUI components, it's obvious that it's best to use one of these two; it also seems that using MUI doesn't restrict the use of all non-MUI ways to style things.
So I guess I'm asking about the "best practice", or at least "an ok practice" of minimizing the amount of styling techniques used (so that the code doesn't become bloated).
This, in turn, raises questions that are not answered obviously in the docs:
what's the difference between MUI's styled API and the "styled components" (CSS in JS via emotion that we're talking about) ?
Are there absolutely no conflicts between any of React's styling techniques and MUI APIs ?
are there styling techniques that are conflicting with MUI styling APIs ?
if non-MUI elements shouldn't be styled with MUI APIs, is it then considered a best practice to just style with your one favorite way but stick to this minimum ?
whatever way is best, are there cases when it can't be used solely ?
Example: I need to deal with a non-MUI component: to put it simply, I'm trying to center an SVG which may be either too wide or too thin for the screen and this will change dynamically. All I need is for it to be either 100% height if it's tall or 100% width if it's wide; in such way so that scroll-bars never appear.
As reddit answer says: there turns out to be no conflicts between React's and MUI's ways of styling. You just have to ensure your style’s specificity order is how you want it to be. In large codebases it’s always good to stick to one type of styling, even with MUI. It’s very likely you will need to have some styling for non-MUI components. You could use MUI’s styled(), or css in js or SASS or LESS. There is no one perfect answer - readability, maintainability and performance are your main considerations.
So since MUI's styled() should work for all non-MUI components/elements, I would go with that.

Is there any way to prevent Bootstrap from applying to select components?

I'm working on a Gatsby site that uses react-bootstrap.
I'm trying to add search functionality using Algolia but the bootstrap theming is overriding the local theming and messing with the design of the search component.
I'm wondering if there is a way on a per-component basis to prevent the bootstrap styling from being applied other than explicitly overriding each element's CSS?
I have seen a few old questions regarding removing Bootstrap from an individual element but not regarding removing Bootstrap from individual React components. Hoping there is a simple solution.

Material-UI without React / just with vanilla HTML, CSS & JS? Possible?

I learned Vanilla JS for some months and now I am building some basic things...
I wanna learn React soon, but for now I want to practice Vanilla JS a little bit before moving on...
I am searching a "CSS Framework" for easy prototyping (or: not caring so much about custom styles) and I really like the style of Material-UI. And because I want to learn React soon anyway, I don't really want to dig into two such things (like extra learning materialize or bootstrap).
Can I use Material-UI without React, with just vanilla HTML, CSS & JS?
Can I just use the CSS styling side of things, or will this result in problems?
And can you maybe give me some tips on how to do it? Is it as simple as including a style and link tag to my HTML?
Yes you can, also an alternative is Materialise, kind of a bootstrap duplicating material ui.
I used it with some of my React projects.
Yes. It is possible. Depending on what your doing, could get messy.
You can use the css classes from Material UI and native html types it renders.
<h4 class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-h4">Hello Bud</h4>
A Non JSX approach below is
Each JSX element is just syntactic sugar for calling React.createElement(component, props, ...children). So, anything you can do with JSX can also be done with just plain JavaScript.
Use the React/Material-UI files from CDN https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/tree/master/examples/cdn/
{variant: "h4"},
"Hello Bud"),
The above will render a Typography Component from Material UI within a dom node with id "hello-example"
yes, I guess this is possible. But maybe not Material-UI. Take a look at Material Component Web which is based on native vanilla methods such SASS/CSS and native JS.
I have even managed to integrate this lib with some React projects of mine.
material-components-web works with vanilla html + javascript
based on material-design-lite

Material UI - Wipe away all styles

Is there any way to completely override all material-ui styles and have components adhere to your own completely custom style guide? In essence, wiping all material-ui styles and starting from their html skeletons? Creating a new theme with mui or themeProvider for material-ui components isn't robust enough.
I've looked # material-ui source code and they have a styles.root variable. Is there was a way to access that object and make it more robust? I'm open to any ideas and recommendations.
So far what hasn't worked is:
inline styles ( you can't access the child elements of the components )
class styles ( you have to use !important with a lot of the css attributes and we're trying to avoid that )
In essence, wiping all material-ui styles and starting from their html skeletons
Material UI doesn't use seperate CSS. All CSS is driven by JS so your only option is what is offered by ThemeManager.
