Why does the flex gap changes for some flex-items only? - css

Input and Label:
Input, Icon and Label:
Icon and Label:
Label only:
There are no additional styles or margins applies to the input or label.
The container is flex with a gap set to 12px.
Where does that extra space come from when it's only the input and the label?
I am using Stencil.js.
The icon is a separate stand-alone component nested between the input and label, which are html elements. The icon is conditionally shown depending on whether or not an icon name is passed to the component.
This is what my code looks like:
return (
<a href="javascript:;" class={`dropdown-item ${this.checkboxColor}`}>
{this.checkable && <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox4" class={`form-check-input`} />}
<ifx-icon icon={this.icon}></ifx-icon>
<label htmlFor="checkbox4" class="form-check-label"><slot /></label>


How do you put padding/margin around the content of the drawer in antd?

It is showing up like this for me.
How do I make the content have padding, without having to write custom CSS and use the className property? My drawer essentially looks like this:
<Form.Item name="name" label="Name">
<Input />
You can use the antd Grid to wrap your drawer content inside a row-col wrapper. To define the padding you can use the gutter property of row.
There is already and example for that on the antd drawer demo page.

React component placeholder

I've got this component in react:
<div className={"form-group "+ this.props.className}>
I returns a column with a label as Header. Now I want it to return a column with the exact same height if I don't specify the label-property. If I just set a label without a value in it react won't display it.

InputGroup not taking remaining space

I am using react-bootstrap with a project and one component is having code as below. I want the input and button to appear together and take up the whole space provided by the Col. These both(input and button) are showing up together but the complete space is not occupied. Please Help!
<Col xs={12} md={10} mdOffset={1} >
<Form className="addGoalForm" inline onSubmit={
} >
<FormGroup className="addGoalForm">
<FormControl ref={textInput} type="text"/>
<Button bsStyle="primary" type="submit"> Add Goal </Button>
Try taking the inline prop off from the Form
The problem with your code is, you created an outer column, and added two elements inside it, they will just stack to the left - this is default behavior.
Add column size for both input and button.
Bootstrap col-xs-10 for input and col-xs-2 for button to occupy col-xs-12 of parent(consider your grid size for md, l sizes)
Create custom classes with width 80%/20% or as required.

Angular 4 - access formControl state through ng-content

I want to create custom styling for my form elements. Therefore I have to add a parent element to each input and select element. The parent element will contain the CSS classes for the styling. Example:
<div class="o-form-field is-valid">
<input formControlName="foo">
<div class="o-form-field is-invalid">
<input formControlName="bar">
<div class="o-form-field has-error">
<input formControlName="baz">
I am looking for a solution where I can replace the outer DIV with a component that watched the child input state and figures out what classes are needed. Renders the DIV in it's template and transcludes the input element. So my form template would look something like this.
<input formControlName="foo">
<input formControlName="bar">
<input formControlName="baz">
I am using Reactive forms.

Materilaize css breaking primeng rendering of input field. How do I fix this css?

I have the following code:
<div class="container" style="width:100%;">
<div class="ui-widget-header" style="padding:4px 10px;border-bottom: 0 none">
<i class="fa fa-search" style="margin:4px 4px 0 0"></i>
<input #gb type="text" pInputText size="50" placeholder="Global Filter">
<p-dataTable [value]="cars" [globalFilter]="gb">
<p-column field="vin" header="Vin"></p-column>
<p-column field="year" header="Year"></p-column>
<p-column field="brand" header="Brand"></p-column>
<p-column field="color" header="Color"></p-column>
My component has:
cars = [{
'vin': 'von',
'year': '1990',
'brand': 'Audi',
'color': 'blue'
'vin': 'another',
'year': '2050',
'brand': 'Honda',
'color': 'silver'
This should be fine, but the problem is I want to use primeng with materializecss. Is there a way I can make it so that for the input box, it does not use materializecss's styling and preserves what primeng already has? At this point, the search box looks messed up with the magnifying glass being above the input field and not inline.
Its supposed to look like this:
If materalizecss overrides same class that primeng uses, you could just load them in different order, first materalizecss then primeng css. This will ensure that primeng css will override same classes materalize defines.
Find out which class materalize overrides and try to work on that.
I think this plnkr provides an example of your problem
Here is how you can fix it
When I open developer tools and select the input box that I want to examine,
it shows me that materalize.css has a class as follows
As you can see here, this css class has highest priority and overrides primeng class. Also, it gives a hint that is :not(.browser-default) pseudoclass.
So if you give your input browser-default class, this rule won't apply.
Check this plnkr
All I did is to add browser-default class to the input
<input #gb type="text" class="browser-default" pInputText size="50" placeholder="Global Filter">
