Will next.js 13 new getData() functions work with Prisma and postgres - next.js

Next JS 13 introduced a new way to get data for components. This is sort of a combination of server-side and client-side props. When the feature was completely new there was a note about it not working when fetching data from databases, but I can’t see anything about that on the page anymore. Is it now possible to use the new getData function with Prisma and Postgres?


Azure Mobile Apps - Overriding the QueryAsync method with custom code in Table Controller

I would like to override the Query Async Method with some Custom code, so I can access an external api, get some data and then use this data to query the db tables to get the results, this should support all the default sync and paging features provided by the base method. I'm using the latest 5.0 DataSync library. Old versions returned a IQueryable so this was easy to do, but now it returns an action result. Is there any solution? Could not find any docs.
e.g. I get a set of guids from api. I query the db tables with these guids and get all the matching rows and return back to client.
I know how to override the method, call external api's, get data and query the db tables, but this provides me with a custom data format not the one that the query async gives by default with paging support.
The way to accomplish this is to create a new repository, swapping out the various CRUD elements with your own implementation. You can use the EntityTableRepository as an example. You will note that the "list" operation just returns an IQueryable, so you can do what you need to do and then return the updated IQueryable.

How to import a Json arrays without overwriting existing objects in the FireBase RealTimeDB

I import a large amount of JSON files to my FireBase DB console with this feature:
It works well when I upload arrays with lots of objects,
but if i want to upload a new array object to existing table, it overrides the existing object instead of adding the new one.
I would be happy to find a right way to "Update" the new objects to the existing table with firebase-import or any other tool.
As pointed out by Jen, you can use the Firebase CLI to update objects in your database. Just use this command:
firebase database:update /path/to/object -d newArray.json
/path/to/object - the path of the object that you want to update.
newArray.json - the json file containing the array with the new values.

dataSnapshot.key() doesn't works in new version firebase

I am trying to retrieving data from database into a ListView. I wanna store the id as dataSnapshot.key()
But it seems like new version of firebase doesn't support this function any more. When I am using it it keeping appears error.
Any one know what kind of variable can I use to instead it?

Passing value between two components in angular2-meteor project

I am using angular2-meteor.
When I try to pass a value between two components (when the value change in the first component, create an event in second component and use this new value), I have two ways right now:
One way is meteor way: using this.autorun and Session.get.
Another way is angular2 way: using Injectable service with EventEmitter.
Which way should be prior? Or is there any other better way? Thanks
Now I used angular2-meteor a while.
Although the angular2-meteor tutorial has no example so far about using or choosing Angular 2 service or Meteor Session.
But I feel angular 2 takes the lead in the front end, while meteor makes reactivity easier and also handle all back end things.
So I went with angular2 way using service to share between components. And service is very powerful like #todd-w-crone said.
If anyone has better answer, I will switch to accept that one.
I find it practical to create a new service called App.states.ts which is accessed globally and mimics Session (get / set).
I commonly import this service to all necessary components to get or set new value such as User.status, company.profile, lastProduct, etc.
Since this service is #injectable it can also make use of other services, in case a value hasn't been set already.
This allows me to ask for a variable in a component appState.getLastModifiedItem(), then in app.states.ts I'll write this function to pass this.modifiedItem or either:
Request another service item.service.ts to fetch data
Call another function with itemCollection.findOne({...}) and return such value.
You can configure Mongo queries as you want and either store static data in appState or keep subscription items in appState.
Do take into consideration that all subscriptions handled by an #injectable within a component are imported by such component. Be wary of conflicting subscriptions between components/services.

Meteor collection returns no results except in template

I'm new to the Meteor framework, and am having problems accessing data from my collection, outside of a template.
I have a small mongo collection and can retrieve and present its data without problems by using a template. However, when I try to get a cursor or array to use more directly, I get no results returned.
In my script, using find
var dataFind = Fakedata.find();
gives a cursor object, but a count of zero.
var dataFetch = Fakedata.find().fetch();
gives an empty array, length of zero.
Using the same find() or fetch() from the JS console gives populated objects as I would expect the code above to do. Within a meteor template, everything seems to work fine as well, so the pub/sub seems to be correct.
Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong here?
It looks like your subscriptions aren't ready at the time you try to access your collection data, this is a common gotcha.
When you access your collection data via templates, it is most likely via the use of template helpers which happen to be reactive, so they will rerun when your collections are ready thus displaying the correct data.
When accessing your collections in a non-reactive script though, they will appear empty if the subscription is not yet ready.
You can try using this pattern in your script to execute code only when the subscription is ready :
// we are inside the ready callback here so collection date is available
If you are looking for a more robust approach, try looking at iron:router waitOn mechanism.
