QuaternionToHopfCoordinate origin of formula in drake - math

I have a question regarding the functionality of QuaternionToHopfCoordinate in the drake library (https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake/blob/master/math/hopf_coordinate.h).
While the used formulas for HopfCoordinateToQuaternion are found in the corresponding paper, the implemented formula for QuaternionToHopfCoordinate is not presented. Could you please provide an explanation how one arrives at this formula? Are there any assumptions for that input?
I implemented the function in Python and checked the validity of the formulas with several examples.
For example, with the original quaternion q=[w,x,y,z]=[-0.2698726 , -0.0122792 , 0.1635996 , 0.94881672], the mapping QuaternionToHopfCoordinate(HopfCoordinateToQuaternion(q)) does not result in the original quaternion. (It does result in the same quaternion for HopfCoordinateToQuaternion(-q) = -q. So, the Hopf coordinates for q and -q are not the equivalent, but differ for the phi angle by pi.)
Thanks for your time and support.


What do you call it when kernel of a matrix is sought with a set (nonzero) tolerance?

This will be a strange question: I know what to do, and I am actually doing it, and it works, but I don't know how to write about it. Looking for solutions to a homogeneous matrix equation, say AX=0, I use the kernel of the parameter matrix A. But, the world being imperfect as it is, the matrix does not have a "perfect" kernel; it does have an "imperfect" one if you set a nonzero "tolerance" parameter. FWIW I'm using Scilab, the function is kernel(A,tol).
Now what are the correct terms for "imperfect kernel", or "tolerance" (of what?), how should this whole process be described in correct English and maths terminology? Should I say something like a "least-squares kernel"? "Approximate kernel"? Is tol the "tolerance of kernel-determination algorithm"? Sounds lame to me...
Depending on the method used (QR or SVD, third flag allows to choose this in Scilab implementation) the tolerance is used to determine when pivots (QR case) or singular values (SVD case) are consider to be zero. The kernel is then considered to be the associated subspace.

CRAN package submission: "Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit"

Right upfront: this is an issue I encountered when submitting an R package to CRAN. So I
dont have control of the stack size (as the issue occured on one of CRANs platforms)
I cant provide a reproducible example (as I dont know the exact configurations on CRAN)
When trying to submit the cSEM.DGP package to CRAN the automatic pretest (for Debian x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; not for Windows!) failed with the NOTE: C stack usage 7975520 is too close to the limit.
I know this is caused by a function with three arguments whose body is about 800 rows long. The function body consists of additions and multiplications of these arguments. It is the function varzeta6() which you find here (from row 647 onwards).
How can I adress this?
Things I cant do:
provide a reproducible example (at least I would not know how)
change the stack size
Things I am thinking of:
try to break the function into smaller pieces. But I dont know how to best do that.
somehow precompile? the function (to be honest, I am just guessing) so CRAN doesnt complain?
Let me know your ideas!
Details / Background
The reason why varzeta6() (and varzeta4() / varzeta5() and even more so varzeta7()) are so long and R-inefficient is that they are essentially copy-pasted from mathematica (after simplifying the mathematica code as good as possible and adapting it to be valid R code). Hence, the code is by no means R-optimized (which #MauritsEvers righly pointed out).
Why do we need mathematica? Because what we need is the general form for the model-implied construct correlation matrix of a recursive strucutral equation model with up to 8 constructs as a function of the parameters of the model equations. In addition there are constraints.
To get a feel for the problem, lets take a system of two equations that can be solved recursivly:
Y2 = beta1*Y1 + zeta1
Y3 = beta2*Y1 + beta3*Y2 + zeta2
What we are interested in is the covariances: E(Y1*Y2), E(Y1*Y3), and E(Y2*Y3) as a function of beta1, beta2, beta3 under the constraint that
E(Y1) = E(Y2) = E(Y3) = 0,
E(Y1^2) = E(Y2^2) = E(Y3^3) = 1
E(Yi*zeta_j) = 0 (with i = 1, 2, 3 and j = 1, 2)
For such a simple model, this is rather trivial:
E(Y1*Y2) = E(Y1*(beta1*Y1 + zeta1) = beta1*E(Y1^2) + E(Y1*zeta1) = beta1
E(Y1*Y3) = E(Y1*(beta2*Y1 + beta3*(beta1*Y1 + zeta1) + zeta2) = beta2 + beta3*beta1
E(Y2*Y3) = ...
But you see how quickly this gets messy when you add Y4, Y5, until Y8.
In general the model-implied construct correlation matrix can be written as (the expression actually looks more complicated because we also allow for up to 5 exgenous constructs as well. This is why varzeta1() already looks complicated. But ignore this for now.):
V(Y) = (I - B)^-1 V(zeta)(I - B)'^-1
where I is the identity matrix and B a lower triangular matrix of model parameters (the betas). V(zeta) is a diagonal matrix. The functions varzeta1(), varzeta2(), ..., varzeta7() compute the main diagonal elements. Since we constrain Var(Yi) to always be 1, the variances of the zetas follow. Take for example the equation Var(Y2) = beta1^2*Var(Y1) + Var(zeta1) --> Var(zeta1) = 1 - beta1^2. This looks simple here, but is becomes extremly complicated when we take the variance of, say, the 6th equation in such a chain of recursive equations because Var(zeta6) depends on all previous covariances betwenn Y1, ..., Y5 which are themselves dependend on their respective previous covariances.
Ok I dont know if that makes things any clearer. Here are the main point:
The code for varzeta1(), ..., varzeta7() is copy pasted from mathematica and hence not R-optimized.
Mathematica is required because, as far as I know, R cannot handle symbolic calculations.
I could R-optimze "by hand" (which is extremly tedious)
I think the structure of the varzetaX() must be taken as given. The question therefore is: can I somehow use this function anyway?
Once conceivable approach is to try to convince the CRAN maintainers that there's no easy way for you to fix the problem. This is a NOTE, not a WARNING; The CRAN repository policy says
In principle, packages must pass R CMD check without warnings or significant notes to be admitted to the main CRAN package area. If there are warnings or notes you cannot eliminate (for example because you believe them to be spurious) send an explanatory note as part of your covering email, or as a comment on the submission form
So, you could take a chance that your well-reasoned explanation (in the comments field on the submission form) will convince the CRAN maintainers. In the long run it would be best to find a way to simplify the computations, but it might not be necessary to do it before submission to CRAN.
This is a bit too long as a comment, but hopefully this will give you some ideas for optimising the code for the varzeta* functions; or at the very least, it might give you some food for thought.
There are a few things that confuse me:
All varzeta* functions have arguments beta, gamma and phi, which seem to be matrices. However, in varzeta1 you don't use beta, yet beta is the first function argument.
I struggle to link the details you give at the bottom of your post with the code for the varzeta* functions. You don't explain where the gamma and phi matrices come from, nor what they denote. Furthermore, seeing that beta are the model's parameter etimates, I don't understand why beta should be a matrix.
As I mentioned in my earlier comment, I would be very surprised if these expressions cannot be simplified. R can do a lot of matrix operations quite comfortably, there shouldn't really be a need to pre-calculate individual terms.
For example, you can use crossprod and tcrossprod to calculate cross products, and %*% implements matrix multiplication.
Secondly, a lot of mathematical operations in R are vectorised. I already mentioned that you can simplify
1 - gamma[1,1]^2 - gamma[1,2]^2 - gamma[1,3]^2 - gamma[1,4]^2 - gamma[1,5]^2
1 - sum(gamma[1, ]^2)
since the ^ operator is vectorised.
Perhaps more fundamentally, this seems somewhat of an XY problem to me where it might help to take a step back. Not knowing the full details of what you're trying to model (as I said, I can't link the details you give to the cSEM.DGP code), I would start by exploring how to solve the recursive SEM in R. I don't really see the need for Mathematica here. As I said earlier, matrix operations are very standard in R; analytically solving a set of recursive equations is also possible in R. Since you seem to come from the Mathematica realm, it might be good to discuss this with a local R coding expert.
If you must use those scary varzeta* functions (and I really doubt that), an option may be to rewrite them in C++ and then compile them with Rcpp to turn them into R functions. Perhaps that will avoid the C stack usage limit?

Recursive arc-length reparameterization of an arbitrary curve

I have a 3D parametric curve defined as P(t) = [x(t), y(t), z(t)].
I'm looking for a function to reparametrize this curve in terms of arc-length. I'm using OpenSCAD, which is a declarative language with no variables (constants only), so the solution needs to work recursively (and with no variables aside from global constants and function arguments).
More precisely, I need to write a function Q(s) that gives the point on P that is (approximately) distance s along the arc from the point where t=0. I already have functions for numeric integration and derivation that can be incorporated into the answer.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
p.s It's not possible to pass functions as a parameter in OpenSCAD, I usually get around this by just using global declarations.
The length of an arc sigma between parameter values t=0 and t=T can be computed by solving the following integral:
sigma(T) = Integral[ sqrt[ x'(t)^2 + y'(t)^2 + z'(t)^2 ],{t,0,T}]
If you want to parametrize your curve with the arc-length, you have to invert this formula. This is unfortunately rather difficult from a mathematics point of view. The simplest method is to implement a simple bisection method as a numeric solver. The computation method quickly becomes heavy so reusing previous results is ideal. The secant method is also useful as the derivative of sigma(t) is already known and equals
sigma'(t) = sqrt[ x'(t)^2 + y'(t)^2 + z'(t)^2]
Maybe not really the most helpful answer, but I hope it gives you some ideas. I cannot help you with the OpenSCad implementation.

Basis provided by Ns() in R Epi package

As I was working out how Epi generates the basis for its spline functions (via the function Ns), I was a little confused by how it handles the detrend argument.
When detrend=T I would have expected that Epi::Ns(...) would more or less project the basis given by splines::ns(...) onto the orthogonal complement of the column space of [1 t] and finally extract the set of linearly independent columns (so that we have a basis).
However, this doesn’t appear to be the exactly the case; I tried
x=seq(-0.75, 0.75, length.out=5)
Ns(x, knots=c(-0.5,0,0.5), Boundary.knots=c(-1,1), detrend=T)
detrend(ns(x, knots=c(-0.5,0,0.5), Boundary.knots=c(-1,1)), x)
The matrices produced by the above code are not the same, however, they do have the same column space (in this example) suggesting that if plugged in to a linear model, the fitted coefficients will be different but the fit (itself) will be the same.
The first question I had was; is this true in general?
The second question is why are the two different?
Regarding the second question - when detrend is specified, Epi::Ns gives a warning that fixsl is ignored.
Diving into Epi github NS.r ... in the construction of the basis, in the call to Epi::Ns above with detrend=T, the worker ns.ld() is called (a function almost identical to the guts of splines::ns()), which passes c(NA,NA) along to splines::spline.des as the derivs argument in determining a matrix const;
const <- splines::spline.des( Aknots, Boundary.knots, 4, c(2-fixsl[1],2-fixsl[2]))$design
This is the difference between what happens in Ns(detrend=T) and the call to ns() above which passes c(2,2) to splineDesign as the derivs argument.
So that explains how they are different, but not why? Does anyone have an explanation for why fixsl=c(NA,NA) is used instead of fixsl=c(F,F) in Epi::Ns()?
And does anyone have a proof/or an answer to the first question?
I think the orthogonal complement of const's column space is used so that second (or desired) derivatives are zero at the boundary (via projection of the general spline basis) - but I'm not sure about this step as I haven't dug into the mathematics, I'm just going by my 'feel' for it. Perhaps if I understood this better, the reason that the differences in the result for const from the call to splineDesign/spline.des (in ns() and Ns() respectively) would explain why the two matrices from the start are not the same, yet yield the same fit.
The fixsl=c(NA,NA) was a bug that has been fixed since a while. See the commits on the CRAN Github mirror.
I have still sent an email to the maintainer to ask if the fix could be made a little bit more consistent with the condition, but in principle this could be closed.

How do I efficiently find the maximum value in an array containing values of a smooth function?

I have a function that takes a floating point number and returns a floating point number. It can be assumed that if you were to graph the output of this function it would be 'n' shaped, ie. there would be a single maximum point, and no other points on the function with a zero slope. We also know that input value that yields this maximum output will lie between two known points, perhaps 0.0 and 1.0.
I need to efficiently find the input value that yields the maximum output value to some degree of approximation, without doing an exhaustive search.
I'm looking for something similar to Newton's Method which finds the roots of a function, but since my function is opaque I can't get its derivative.
I would like to down-thumb all the other answers so far, for various reasons, but I won't.
An excellent and efficient method for minimizing (or maximizing) smooth functions when derivatives are not available is parabolic interpolation. It is common to write the algorithm so it temporarily switches to the golden-section search (Brent's minimizer) when parabolic interpolation does not progress as fast as golden-section would.
I wrote such an algorithm in C++. Any offers?
UPDATE: There is a C version of the Brent minimizer in GSL. The archives are here: ftp://ftp.club.cc.cmu.edu/gnu/gsl/ Note that it will be covered by some flavor of GNU "copyleft."
As I write this, the latest-and-greatest appears to be gsl-1.14.tar.gz. The minimizer is located in the file gsl-1.14/min/brent.c. It appears to have termination criteria similar to what I implemented. I have not studied how it decides to switch to golden section, but for the OP, that is probably moot.
UPDATE 2: I googled up a public domain java version, translated from FORTRAN. I cannot vouch for its quality. http://www1.fpl.fs.fed.us/Fmin.java I notice that the hard-coded machine efficiency ("machine precision" in the comments) is 1/2 the value for a typical PC today. Change the value of eps to 2.22045e-16.
Edit 2: The method described in Jive Dadson is a better way to go about this. I'm leaving my answer up since it's easier to implement, if speed isn't too much of an issue.
Use a form of binary search, combined with numeric derivative approximations.
Given the interval [a, b], let x = (a + b) /2
Let epsilon be something very small.
Is (f(x + epsilon) - f(x)) positive? If yes, the function is still growing at x, so you recursively search the interval [x, b]
Otherwise, search the interval [a, x].
There might be a problem if the max lies between x and x + epsilon, but you might give this a try.
Edit: The advantage to this approach is that it exploits the known properties of the function in question. That is, I assumed by "n"-shaped, you meant, increasing-max-decreasing. Here's some Python code I wrote to test the algorithm:
def f(x):
return -x * (x - 1.0)
def findMax(function, a, b, maxSlope):
x = (a + b) / 2.0
e = 0.0001
slope = (function(x + e) - function(x)) / e
if abs(slope) < maxSlope:
return x
if slope > 0:
return findMax(function, x, b, maxSlope)
return findMax(function, a, x, maxSlope)
Typing findMax(f, 0, 3, 0.01) should return 0.504, as desired.
For optimizing a concave function, which is the type of function you are talking about, without evaluating the derivative I would use the secant method.
Given the two initial values x[0]=0.0 and x[1]=1.0 I would proceed to compute the next approximations as:
def next_x(x, xprev):
return x - f(x) * (x - xprev) / (f(x) - f(xprev))
and thus compute x[2], x[3], ... until the change in x becomes small enough.
Edit: As Jive explains, this solution is for root finding which is not the question posed. For optimization the proper solution is the Brent minimizer as explained in his answer.
The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is a Newton's method like optimizer. It has a C/C++ implementation levmar that doesn't require you to define the derivative function. Instead it will evaluate the objective function in the current neighborhood to move to the maximum.
BTW: this website appears to be updated since I last visited it, hope it's even the same one I remembered. Apparently it now also support other languages.
Given that it's only a function of a single variable and has one extremum in the interval, you don't really need Newton's method. Some sort of line search algorithm should suffice. This wikipedia article is actually not a bad starting point, if short on details. Note in particular that you could just use the method described under "direct search", starting with the end points of your interval as your two points.
I'm not sure if you'd consider that an "exhaustive search", but it should actually be pretty fast I think for this sort of function (that is, a continuous, smooth function with only one local extremum in the given interval).
You could reduce it to a simple linear fit on the delta's, finding the place where it crosses the x axis. Linear fit can be done very quickly.
Or just take 3 points (left/top/right) and fix the parabola.
It depends mostly on the nature of the underlying relation between x and y, I think.
edit this is in case you have an array of values like the question's title states. When you have a function take Newton-Raphson.
