Show google map instead of the link in Avada theme - wordpress

Does anyone know how can I make the google map in that shortcode be displayed directly? Currently it only works if I click that link. After the click it opens a pop up with the map.
I got no results / solutions on google and there's no "shortcode" or "google maps" element when I search for it..


Building a custom Google SignIn button

I want o add google sign in odoo. I put the all related details and its working fine. But I want to show same button as google have the. But odoo showing simple. But I want to show multi color icon of G and after that blue background.
I go there and find the solution but not find how to implement that on my odoo login page.
enter image description here
Any one help me about what to do?

Free, editable calendar for Wordpress site that using Elementor?

I am updating a website that was built (not by me) in Wordpress using Elementor. I'm trying to add a calendar that can list basic events and provide links to them. I found the plugin called "Wordpress Calendar" and have been able to add one of those to the draft of the site, but whenever I right-click on the calendar and choose "edit calendar," a bar pops up on the left hand side of the screen telling me about "user restrictions." So I can't actually add any events to the calendar. I think I have full access to edit the site. Is there a way to bypass Elementor and create the calendar in Wordpress code?
Is there a free way to add an editable calendar? I see this but I'm not sure how to integrate it into the Elementor site:
Sorry, I'm new to WP.
You can use this solution:
1- Install that plugin you have found
2- Visit this page and get the shortcode you need. The shortcode will display the calendar you want on any page you place the shortcode in.
3- Insert the shortcode within Elementor builder: just add a new "Shortcode" element and insert the shortcode you need into it.
Note: the calendar can only be edited by you in the backend.

Google translate does not translate menus

I am using the "Google translate my page". I placed the generated by google translate code and placed on my web-site ( It's all fine but the menu items and some other text do not get translated. What could be the cause?
Sorry, forgot to add - it can't be translated only from other languages that are available under the google translate's dropdown.

Wordpress Website Frontend Google Translate Automatically

I have wordpress site in English, i want to translate whole site to swedish using Google translate automatically when site is loading,
but i don't want to show any language selector on font end.and also don't want to show the google translate bar.
i search around 2days but can't got a answers.
is there any wordpress plugin for do this kind of magic.
thank you
You can get code for specific language from here
and select only "Swedish" add code to your site. Using javascript or jquery select the langague from select box after loading page and make the select box display:none;
$("#google_languaes").css({display: "none"});

Google custom search results page don't show any results

I'm trying to use the google custom search in a wordpress website (but without any plugin).
I've used the code google provided (the search box code and the search results page code) and the results page it's returning empty...
However the auto-complete it's working:
This is the page that should show the results:
Anyone could help me please? I've been trying for some days and can't fix the problem. :(
Thanks in advance.
By some chance did you turn on search engine blocking? Go to the admin dashboard and look at the top of the page for "Search Engines Blocked". If it's there, click on it and toggle the Site Visibility setting. Remember that once you are visible you still want to submit your URL to google. It also helps to have a sitemap.xml file to help the googlebot find all of your pages.
