send jsonlogic through grpc - grpc

everyone, I need to send jsonlogic object through gRPC, so I cannot understand how to build a message that can contain property with dynamic keys, and dynamic types of that keys value.
message JSONLogic {
string somePropperty = 1;
??? jsonLogicProperty = 2;
environment: nestjs on nodejs


GRPC call for a service which is inside a subdirectory? (Android grpc client)

This question is similar to below but my issue is with Android grpc client
How can I make a GRPC call for a service which is inside a subdirectory? (in .Net Framework)
I am getting 404 error while accessing the grpc streaming api :
UNIMPLEMENTED: HTTP status code 404
invalid content-type: text/html
headers: Metadata(:status=404,content-length=1245,content-type=text/html,server=Microsoft-IIS/10.0,request-id=5154500d-fb58-7903-65d6-3d3711129101,strict-transport-security=max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload,alt-svc=h3=":443",h3-29=":443",x-preferredroutingkeydiagnostics=1,,x-backendhttpstatus=404,x-calculatedbetarget=PUZP153MB0788.APCP153.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM,x-backendhttpstatus=404,x-rum-validated=1,x-proxy-routingcorrectness=1,x-proxy-backendserverstatus=404,x-feproxyinfo=MA0PR01CA0051.INDPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM,x-feefzinfo=MAA,ms-cv=DVBUUVj7A3ll1j03ERKRAQ.1.1,x-feserver=PS2PR02CA0054,x-firsthopcafeefz=MAA,x-powered-by=ASP.NET,x-feserver=MA0PR01CA0051,date=Tue, 11 Oct 2022 06:24:18 GMT)
The issue is that the /subdirectory_path is getting ignored by the service in the final outgoing call.
Here's the code I am using to create the grpc channel in android (gives 404)
val uri = Uri.parse("")
private val channel = let {
val builder = ManagedChannelBuilder.forTarget(
if (uri.scheme == "https") {
} else {
The uri is correct since it works with web client.
For web client the channel is defined like this (working)
var handler = new SubdirectoryHandler(httpHandler, "/subdirectory_path");
var userToken = "<token string>";
var grpcWebHandler = new GrpcWebHandler(handler);
using var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("", new GrpcChannelOptions { HttpHandler = grpcWebHandler,
Credentials = ChannelCredentials.Create(new SslCredentials(), CallCredentials.FromInterceptor((context, metadata) =>
metadata.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {userToken}");
return Task.CompletedTask;
I tried to inject the subdirectory_path in the uri for my android client but unable to find appropriate api. grpc-kotlin doesn't expose the underlying http-client used in the channel.
Could someone please help me with this issue, how can I specify the subdirectory_path? (before the service and method name)
The path for an RPC is fixed by the .proto definition. Adding prefixes to the path is unsupported.
The URI passed to forTarget() points to the resource containing the addresses to connect to. So the fully-qualified form is normally of the form dns:/// If you specified a host in the URI like dns://, then that would mean "look up at the DNS server" But there's no place to put a path prefix in the target string, as that path would only be used for address lookup, not actual RPCs.
If the web client supports path prefixes, that is a feature specific to it. It would also be using a tweaked grpc protocol that requires translation to normal backends.

gRPC server request_iterator do not finish in loop (in case C# client Python Server)

We are trying to apply gRPC bidirectional streaming. Proto:
message Request {
oneof requestTypes{
ConfigRequest configRequest = 1;
DataRequest dataRequest = 2;
message ConfigRequest {
request_quantity = 1;
message DataRequest {
string id = 1;
bytes data = 2;
service Service {
rpc FuncService(stream Request) returns (stream Response);
The client side is written in C# and contains asynchrony.
If necessary, I can clarify the client code.
The server side is in python. Python code:
def FuncServe(self, request_iterator, context):
i = 0
for request in request_iterator:
if (i==request_quantity):
The problem is the server hangs in a loop on requests, so I introduced an if-break statement. So far, everything is working, but we would like to work out the option when not all the requests stated in the config have arrived. In this case, we cannot avoid suspension in the loop and catch it. Also, I was unable to move the loop into a separate thread to control the execution time, it ends due to an empty iterator.
I would be very grateful for help in this loop problem.

Firebase Realtime Database returns 401 when trying to authenticate?

I am using REST API in my app to communicate with a Firebase RTDB, and trying to use a Google Access Token to authenticate my requests.
My issue is that with even the most permissive Rules on the database, I get HTTP error 401 in response to queries that try to authenticate.
For example, say I try to put some data in my database with the following command, I get 401 in return (all the values within < > are placeholders):
curl -XPUT -d '{ "UserID" : "<GOOGLE_UID>", "UserName" : "Clicksurfer", "CompletionMoves" : 8, "CompletionTime" : 16.21979 }' https://<FIREBASE_URL><GOOGLE_UID>.json/?access_token=<GOOGLE_ACCESS_TOKEN>
The strangest part is, when I abandon the use of access token altogether the query works:
curl -XPUT -d '{ "UserID" : "<GOOGLE_UID>", "UserName" : "Clicksurfer", "CompletionMoves" : 8, "CompletionTime" : 16.21979 }' https://<FIREBASE_URL><GOOGLE_UID>.json
As I said, I am currently using the most permissive rules for debugging:
"rules": {
".read": true,
".write": true
Any idea what might be causing this? Thanks in advance
I use the Google Play Games plugin for Unity in my project, among other things to get the AuthCode.
In order to do this, I needed to do a couple of things:
When building the config for Google Play Games during startup, I made sure to call the RequestServerAuthCode(false) method
Have the user login after Google Play Games sets up
Make sure that the relevant ClientID was supplied to Unity (in this case, it is a web client that has auth permissions on my Firebase rtdb).
This all looks like this:
public class GPGSAuthentication : MonoBehaviour
public static PlayGamesPlatform platform;
void Start()
if (platform == null)
PlayGamesClientConfiguration config = new PlayGamesClientConfiguration.Builder().RequestServerAuthCode(false).Build();
PlayGamesPlatform.DebugLogEnabled = true;
platform = PlayGamesPlatform.Activate();
Social.Active.localUser.Authenticate(success =>
if (success)
Debug.Log("GSPS - Logged in successfully");
Debug.Log("GSPS - Falied to login");
Now that we've done this, we can call PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.GetServerAuthCode() in order to get the AuthCode.
I traded in my AuthCode for an Access Token by sending a POST request to In my query, I supply 4 fields:
client_id, which has the ID of the previously used client (where we got the AuthCode from).
client_secret, which has the correlating secret.
grant_type, which is always with the value "authorization_code"
code, which has the value of the AuthCode we got.
In response, I get a 200 response with 4 parameters:
access_token, the token I (fail to) use when authenticating against my Firebase rtdb.
token_type, the type of the aforementioned token.
expires_in, the amount of time before the token expires (I presume in seconds unit)
refresh_token, a token which can be used in order to get a new access_token without having to keep the Google user connected.
I then supply this access_token value to the queries I send to my DB, and promptly get the 401 error.

How to response with a success JSON format after completing a transaction in corda

Hi everyone i am working on a project in which i need to send a response in JSON format to the CLI that the Transaction have completed let me give you an example.Consider that i have stated a flow Start ExampleFlow pojo: {iouValue: 7}, otherParty: "O=PartyB,L=London,C=GB" and the result will be Starting
Generating transaction based on new IOU.
Verifying contract constraints.
Signing transaction with our private key.
Gathering the counter party's signature.
Collecting signatures from counterparties.
Verifying collected signatures.
Obtaining notary signature and recording transaction.
Broadcasting transaction to participants
Flow completed with result: SignedTransaction(id=F95406D901209BA77396C1A4D375585C6E051414EE22BE441FC02E5AE147A050)
but what i want is that their should be a JSON format result not all of it but something like this
{response: success }
i just want some success response in JSON format
i am using IOU project
You can achieve that by establishing an RPC connection with your node; call the flow, then return the JSON object.
There are a couple of approaches that you can follow, and I recommend that you go through the samples repository to explore them:
Create a webserver (SpringBoot application) that server REST API's that call your flows and return a JSON object:
Create a simple Java app that establishes an RPC connection with your node and serves as a client to call a certain method/flow:
If you follow the webserver sample, you can add a method to your controller that does something like:
#GetMapping(value = "/my-api", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
private ResponseEntity<YourObject> getSomething() {
// Some code that calls your flow and returns YourObject.
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(YourObject);
so i got the answer what u need to do is add this dependency in client build.gradle
cordaCompile "net.corda:corda-jackson:$corda_release_version"
after that you just need to implement this code snip
String json = "";
try {
ObjectMapper mapper = JacksonSupport.createNonRpcMapper();
json = mapper.writeValueAsString(results);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
return json;
result can be any datatype you want to convert to json

SASL_SSL integration with EmbeddedKafka

I've been following this blog post to implement an embedded sasl_ssl
#TestPropertySource(properties = {
public class ListenerIntegrationTest2 {
static final String INBOUND = "inbound-topic";
static final String OUTBOUND = "outbound-topic";
static {
System.setProperty("", "src/test/java/configs/kafka/kafka_jaas.conf");
public static final EmbeddedKafkaRule KAFKA = new EmbeddedKafkaRule(1, true, 1,
ListenerIntegrationTest2.INBOUND, ListenerIntegrationTest2.OUTBOUND)
.brokerProperty("listeners", "SASL_SSL://localhost:9092, PLAINTEXT://localhost:9093")
.brokerProperty("ssl.keystore.location", "src/test/java/configs/kafka/kafka.broker1.keystore.jks")
.brokerProperty("ssl.keystore.password", "pass")
.brokerProperty("ssl.key.password", "pass")
.brokerProperty("ssl.client.auth", "required")
.brokerProperty("ssl.truststore.location", "src/test/java/configs/kafka/kafka.broker1.truststore.jks")
.brokerProperty("ssl.truststore.password", "pass")
.brokerProperty("", "SASL_SSL")
.brokerProperty("sasl.enabled.mechanisms", "PLAIN,SASL_SSL")
.brokerProperty("", "SASL_SSL");
When I use the PLAINTEXT://localhost:9093 config I get the following:
WARN org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient - [Controller id=0, targetBrokerId=0] Connection to node 0 terminated during authentication. This may indicate that authentication failed due to invalid credentials.
However, when I remove it, I get org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Tried to check server's port before server was started or checked for port of non-existing protocol
I've tried changing the SecurityProtocol type to autodiscover which style of broker communication it should be using (it's hardcoded to plaintext - this should probably get fixed):
if (this.kafkaPorts[i] == 0) {
this.kafkaPorts[i] = TestUtils.boundPort(server, SecurityProperties.forName(this.brokerProperties.getOrDefault("security.protocol", SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT).toString()); // or whatever property can give me the security protocol I should be using to communicate
I still get the following error: WARN org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient - [Controller id=0, targetBrokerId=0] Connection to node 0 terminated during authentication. This may indicate that authentication failed due to invalid credentials.
Is there a way to correctly configure embedded kafka to be sasl_ssl enabled?
