Is there a plugin, where user can input anniversary dates (Like wedding, birthdays, engagement..etc) and then send automated emails or SMS on the date - wordpress

We are a gift shop, and we are looking for a plugin, where user can input anniversary dates (Like wedding, birthdays, engagement...etc) and then WordPress send him automated emails or SMS on the date of anniversary, this to remind the user to purchase a gift for this occasion,
Tried some birthday's plugin, it is all not what I want


WooCommerce REST API to get Customer information by phone number

I am integrating WooCommerce with another app that requires to pull customer data from WooCommerce based on their phone numbers instead of Customer ID or Email.
I didn't find any standard parameter for the number number.

Bulk change the order date for all orders of a specific product in Woocommerce

How would I bulk change the order date for a specific product in Woocommerce?
We have an integration into Royal Mail click and dropto create postage, but the royal mail integration only downloads orders made in the past 7 days. When pre-orders get released that were made over a week ago they don't get transferred over unless I change the order date, and its a slow process to do manually.
I would love to be able to simplify this.
Happy to run a custom piece of SQL.
Any ideas?

Woocommerce: Place order, but accept payment later?

Step 1: My WooCommerce shop is attached to a warehouse. I need customers to add products to cart, and then to place their order without making any payment or selecting any shipping.
Next, someone from my warehouse receives the order, and makes edits to the order, and then manually adds a shipping cost to the total invoice.
Step 2: The updated order is then sent back to the customer notifying them of the total cost of the order and then asks the customer to make payment via credit cart or bank transfer.
What I have done so far:
I have configured Step 1 to work correctly - using cheque as Gateway method. What I cannot do is Step 2, accept Payment via a different gateway,
Plugin: WooCommerce Purchase Order Gateway, but that doesn't allow for payment to be captured via WooCommerce later on
What's the best practice here?
I solved this by using WooCommerce Request a Quote plugin, and configuring it to replace the "Add to Cart" button.
Once the Quote list has been submitted, someone from my end confirms the order and uses the Order's Action menu to send Customer Invoice which provides a hyperlink back to the payment gateway: Paypal, Credit Card, Direct Deposit etc.
Looking for same feature, this plugin helped me. but it allow you to send your client invoice

Sending E-mail notifications for two different dates.

I have a requirement form one of the department from my company, they want to have two dates in their content profile, one is expiring date and other is follow up date. Their demand is they want to have notification from expiring date one month before and for the follow up date they want to have notification after every seven days. I know how to handle the notification for expiring date, that part is done. The issue is not don't know how to achieve notification fucntionality with follow up date.
I have developed a custom component for this, in which I have wrote code for the mail sending for follow up date. But the issue is for I am not being able to fetch the author's email address and for temporary basis I have hard coded the email address for that.
I would like to know from you guys, if I am on the correct path, If I am then how should I fetch the Author's Email address.
PS: If required I will post my java component's code here.
Did you consider using the OOTB Notification of Expiration component?

Change product currency and price in ubercart-based drupal with variable price

I run a donation site in Drupal, that soon needs to expand to another country, and will need to support not only switch of language, but also currency. The thing is, users donate money to charity in their own currency, and this needs to be summed up to a total amount of donations shown to the current user in their own currency.
A fundraiser is an ubercart product that users "buy" at a variable price, thus making a donation. I am creating a custom Donation node with each ubercart purchase containing CCK fields such as the amount donated.
So what I need to allow is this:
A user makes a donation in, say, Euro, EUR
Another user makes a donation in Danish Kroner, DKK
A third user views the site in US locale and should see all the donations converted to USD based off of the exchange rate at the time of donation for all the donations.
And it gets a little more difficult: We are using the UC variable price module to allow users to donate any amount they see fit.
So can this be accomplished using Drupal and Ubercart, and if so, how?
I am afraid that you will end up writing your own plug-in to convert currencies.
The problem with the conversion is, this is something that changes but you already realized this. The only source of exchange rates I know is Oanda and they seem to have their own Data Feed.
Unfortunately, I cannot tell if you would be allowed to use it for free, I believe it would be good to ask them.
