azure devops dotnet core app : why "dotnet restore" job fails? - .net-core

I have an azure pipeline for a dotnet core app, and when it executes this job , i got:
2023-02-16T17:02:26.7325011Z 1>C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\6.0.406\NuGet.targets(132,5): error : '6.1.6,6.2.3' is not a valid version string. [D:\a\1\s\WebApp\WebApp.csproj]
2023-02-16T17:02:26.7944327Z System.ArgumentException: '6.1.6,6.2.3' is not a valid version string.
2023-02-16T17:02:26.7945294Z at NuGet.Versioning.VersionRange.Parse(String value, Boolean allowFloating)
2023-02-16T17:02:26.7946303Z at NuGet.Versioning.VersionRange.Parse(String value)
2023-02-16T17:02:26.7947172Z at NuGet.Commands.MSBuildRestoreUtility.AddPackageReferences(PackageSpec spec, IEnumerable`1 items, Boolean isCpvmEnabled)
2023-02-16T17:02:26.7948010Z at NuGet.Commands.MSBuildRestoreUtility.GetPackageSpec(IEnumerable`1 items)
2023-02-16T17:02:26.7948973Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
2023-02-16T17:02:26.7949761Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext()
2023-02-16T17:02:26.7950412Z at NuGet.Commands.MSBuildRestoreUtility.GetDependencySpec(IEnumerable`1 items)
2023-02-16T17:02:26.7951037Z at NuGet.Build.Tasks.RestoreTask.ExecuteAsync(ILogger log)
2023-02-16T17:02:26.7951399Z Done executing task "RestoreTask" -- FAILED.
2023-02-16T17:02:26.7951774Z 1>Done building target "Restore" in project "WebApp.csproj" -- FAILED.
2023-02-16T17:02:26.7961752Z 1>Done Building Project "D:\a\1\s\WebApp\WebApp.csproj" (Restore target(s)) -- FAILED.
2023-02-16T17:02:26.8026122Z Build FAILED.
2023-02-16T17:02:26.8030306Z "D:\a\1\s\WebApp\WebApp.csproj" (Restore target) (1) ->
2023-02-16T17:02:26.8030690Z (Restore target) ->
2023-02-16T17:02:26.8031149Z C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\6.0.406\NuGet.targets(132,5): error : '6.1.6,6.2.3' is not a valid version string. [D:\a\1\s\WebApp\WebApp.csproj]
2023-02-16T17:02:26.8031674Z 0 Warning(s)
2023-02-16T17:02:26.8031958Z 1 Error(s)
2023-02-16T17:02:26.8034195Z Time Elapsed 00:00:00.91
2023-02-16T17:02:26.8611133Z ##[error]Error: The process 'C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\dotnet.exe' failed with exit code 1
2023-02-16T17:02:26.8625609Z ##[error]Packages failed to restore
2023-02-16T17:02:26.8631699Z Info: Azure Pipelines hosted agents have been updated and now contain .Net 5.x SDK/Runtime along with the older .Net Core version which are currently lts. Unless you have locked down a SDK version for your project(s), 5.x SDK might be picked up which might have breaking behavior as compared to previous versions. You can learn more about the breaking changes here: and . To learn about more such changes and troubleshoot, refer here:
2023-02-16T17:02:26.8710382Z ##[section]Finishing: Restore Nuget Packages
I am unable to figure out why, any help please ?

In your error you can see it says
System.ArgumentException: '6.1.6,6.2.3' is not a valid version string.
And indeed your problem is actually in this file:
where you have that invalid Version string in your package reference:
<PackageReference Include="System.Management.Automation" Version="6.1.6,6.2.3" />


got error " The "RazorGenerate" task failed unexpectedly. " .After Updating to VS 16.8 and upgrade to .net 5.. the core version target is Core 2.2

When Build Project. Error The "RazorGenerate" task failed unexpectedly. .Net Core 2.2
The fix for me was to introduce a new System Environment Variable with the Key "DOTNET_HOST_PATH" and the value "dotnet" and then to restart Visual Studio.
I did 3 steps to get it to build AND to get the ( ~/ ) variable to work.
Open cmd and write this: setx DOTNET_HOST_PATH "%ProgramFiles%\dotnet\dotnet.exe"
Open C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk in here delete the folder: NuGetFallbackFolder
Restart your pc!
It worked on the build server, after I added this Nuget package:
Since I added the Net.SDK.Razor package, it builds successfully.
I had also added Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Design, but only Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor is actually needed.

Pivotal .NetCore 3.1 dotnet-runtime Error During Deployment

I want to deploy my project using Pivotal from Bamboo. During the deployment of my .NetCore 3.1 project, I'm getting the error "Unable to install dotnet-runtime: could not find a version of dotnet-runtime to install". The deployment stack is set to cflinuxfs3.
I've tried specifying dotnet runtime version (3.1 and 3.1.5) in .csproj file but it got the same error so I removed it.
I've also created a buildpack.yml file and specified the .netcore sdk version as 3.1.x in there.
I'm sharing the property group from csproj and the manifest.yml file.
-- Error Log --
Downloading app package...
Downloaded app package (6.4M)
-----> Dotnet-Core Buildpack version 2.3.12
-----> Supplying Dotnet Core
-----> Installing libunwind 1.4.0
using the default SDK
-----> Installing dotnet-sdk 3.1.301
-----> Installing dotnet-runtime 3.1.5
-----> Finalizing Dotnet Core
ERROR Unable to install dotnet-runtime: could not find a version of dotnet-runtime to install Failed to compile droplet: Failed to
run finalize script: exit status 12 Exit status 223 Cell
ffe536bc-374c-46b5-a620-e3366dab6b22 stopping instance
Error staging application: App staging failed in the buildpack compile
-- .csproj --
-- manifest.yml --
- name: projectName
memory: 1G
timeout: 240
instances: 1
- route: routeAddress
- ProjectName.Redis
- ProjectName.Dynatrace
- ProjectName.ConfigServer
DT_TAGS: ((appName)) ((dc))-((env))
TZ: country
Ok, here's what is happening.
The code is looking at the RuntimeFrameworkVersion in your .csproj file.
When that is empty, it's going to look at the TargetFramework and attempt to find a substring match using the regex netcoreapp(.*).
It is expecting that to have a single match, but in your case it does not, so you get that error message: could not find a version of dotnet-runtime to install.
Based on your .csproj file, it seems like what you have should be OK though. I did a quick check and the regex works and returns the version.
You could try setting RuntimeFrameworkVersion which would take a slightly different code path and might work for you.
You are trying to perform a source-based deployment. You could try dotnet publish first followed by a Framework Dependent Deployment which again would force a different code path.
It might be that the buildpack isn't finding your file, but it's hard to say without more info.

Azure Devops - dotnetcore build fails consistently - process failed to start

Am setting up a small project build, which is in .Net Core. dotnet build fails everytime with below log:
2019-10-03T21:31:54.5434435Z ##[section]Starting: dotnet build
2019-10-03T21:31:54.5559431Z ==============================================================================
2019-10-03T21:31:54.5559511Z Task : .NET Core
2019-10-03T21:31:54.5559544Z Description : Build, test, package, or publish a dotnet application, or run a custom dotnet command
2019-10-03T21:31:54.5559595Z Version : 2.158.0
2019-10-03T21:31:54.5559626Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2019-10-03T21:31:54.5559679Z Help :
2019-10-03T21:31:54.5559712Z ==============================================================================
2019-10-03T21:31:55.3428758Z [command]C:\windows\system32\ 65001
2019-10-03T21:31:55.3566253Z Active code page: 65001
2019-10-03T21:31:55.5334629Z [command]C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\dotnet.exe build d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool.csproj --no-restore
2019-10-03T21:31:55.5534100Z ##[error]Error: There was an error when attempting to execute the process 'C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\dotnet.exe'. This may indicate the process failed to start. Error: spawn C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\dotnet.exe ENOENT
2019-10-03T21:31:55.5546833Z ##[error]Dotnet command failed with non-zero exit code on the following projects : d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool.csproj
2019-10-03T21:31:55.5625878Z ##[section]Finishing: dotnet build
I have now added a dotnet SDK activity to load 2.2.x version and then then an explicit dotnet restore step (even though its not needed technically as build should do a restore too). But, the restore step passes, but it fails every time in the build step.
Some partial logs from the restore process are shown below -
2019-10-03T21:30:25.5826687Z ##[section]Starting: dotnet restore
2019-10-03T21:30:25.5942577Z ==============================================================================
2019-10-03T21:30:25.5942669Z Task : .NET Core
2019-10-03T21:30:25.5942702Z Description : Build, test, package, or publish a dotnet application, or run a custom dotnet command
2019-10-03T21:30:25.5942756Z Version : 2.158.0
2019-10-03T21:30:25.5942787Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2019-10-03T21:30:25.5942837Z Help :
2019-10-03T21:30:25.5942869Z ==============================================================================
2019-10-03T21:30:27.1500592Z [command]C:\windows\system32\ 65001
2019-10-03T21:30:27.7292436Z Active code page: 65001
2019-10-03T21:30:27.7296084Z SYSTEMVSSCONNECTION exists true
2019-10-03T21:30:28.0692275Z SYSTEMVSSCONNECTION exists true
2019-10-03T21:30:28.5211540Z SYSTEMVSSCONNECTION exists true
2019-10-03T21:30:28.5240738Z Saving NuGet.config to a temporary config file.
2019-10-03T21:30:28.5284543Z Saving NuGet.config to a temporary config file.
2019-10-03T21:30:28.5338058Z [command]C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\dotnet.exe restore d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool.csproj --configfile d:\a\_temp\Nuget\tempNuGet_05ce1f4cc83beb812b37be120d7010969ab1a363.config --verbosity Detailed
2019-10-03T21:30:31.1633338Z Welcome to .NET Core!
2019-10-03T21:30:31.1633445Z ---------------------
2019-10-03T21:30:31.1633487Z Learn more about .NET Core:
2019-10-03T21:30:31.1633556Z Use 'dotnet --help' to see available commands or visit:
2019-10-03T21:30:31.1633618Z Telemetry
2019-10-03T21:30:31.1633654Z ---------
2019-10-03T21:30:31.1633712Z The .NET Core tools collect usage data in order to help us improve your experience. The data is anonymous and doesn't include command-line arguments. The data is collected by Microsoft and shared with the community. You can opt-out of telemetry by setting the DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT environment variable to '1' or 'true' using your favorite shell.
2019-10-03T21:30:31.1633924Z Read more about .NET Core CLI Tools telemetry:
2019-10-03T21:30:31.1686360Z Configuring...
2019-10-03T21:30:31.1686911Z --------------
2019-10-03T21:30:31.1687446Z A command is running to populate your local package cache to improve restore speed and enable offline access. This command takes up to one minute to complete and only runs once.
2019-10-03T21:30:44.4629886Z Decompressing .......... 13256 ms
2019-10-03T21:31:36.6357349Z Expanding .......... 51984 ms
2019-10-03T21:31:38.0762691Z ASP.NET Core
2019-10-03T21:31:38.0762874Z ------------
2019-10-03T21:31:38.0763054Z Successfully installed the ASP.NET Core HTTPS Development Certificate.
2019-10-03T21:31:38.0763284Z To trust the certificate run 'dotnet dev-certs https --trust' (Windows and macOS only). For establishing trust on other platforms refer to the platform specific documentation.
2019-10-03T21:31:38.0763446Z For more information on configuring HTTPS see
2019-10-03T21:31:38.4176357Z Build started 10/3/2019 9:31:38 PM.
2019-10-03T21:31:38.9605866Z 0>Resolving SDK 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk'...
2019-10-03T21:31:38.9816247Z Property reassignment: $(MSBuildProjectExtensionsPath)="d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\obj\" (previous value: "obj\") at C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\2.2.402\Current\Microsoft.Common.props (56,5)
2019-10-03T21:31:38.9833374Z Property reassignment: $(MSBuildAllProjects)=";C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\2.2.402\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\Sdk\Sdk.props;C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\2.2.402\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.props" (previous value: ";C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\2.2.402\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\Sdk\Sdk.props") at C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\2.2.402\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.props (15,5)
2019-10-03T21:31:38.9949011Z Property reassignment: $(MSBuildAllProjects)=";C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\2.2.402\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\Sdk\Sdk.props;C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\2.2.402\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.props;C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\2.2.402\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.DefaultItems.props" (previous value: ";C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\2.2.402\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\Sdk\Sdk.props;C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\2.2.402\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.props") at C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\2.2.402\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.DefaultItems.props (21,5)
2019-10-03T21:31:47.9997847Z Generating MSBuild file d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool\GDPR.OutputProvider\obj\GDPR.OutputProvider.csproj.nuget.g.props.
2019-10-03T21:31:47.9998017Z Generating MSBuild file d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool\GDPR.OutputProvider\obj\GDPR.OutputProvider.csproj.nuget.g.targets.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0229473Z Writing assets file to disk. Path: d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool\GDPR.OutputProvider\obj\project.assets.json
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0229714Z Checking compatibility of packages on .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0229774Z Checking compatibility for GDPR.Output.IO 1.0.0 with .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0229817Z Checking compatibility for NETStandard.Library 2.0.3 with .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0229859Z Checking compatibility for GDPR.Common 1.0.0 with .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0229916Z Checking compatibility for GDPR.Logger 1.0.0 with .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0229955Z Checking compatibility for GDPR.ObjectModel 1.0.0 with .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0229996Z Checking compatibility for WindowsAzure.Storage 9.3.3 with .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0230054Z Checking compatibility for Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms 1.1.0 with .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0230299Z Checking compatibility for Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault 3.0.3 with .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0230341Z Checking compatibility for Microsoft.Azure.Management.KeyVault 2.4.3 with .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0230394Z Checking compatibility for Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication 1.0.3 with .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0230457Z Checking compatibility for Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory 5.0.5 with .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0230500Z Checking compatibility for Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.Authentication 2.4.0 with .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:48.0230543Z Checking compatibility for System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates 4.3.2 with .NETStandard,Version=v2.0.
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4289388Z All packages and projects are compatible with .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.1.
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4454996Z Committing restore...
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4459080Z Generating MSBuild file d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\obj\MyTool.csproj.nuget.g.props.
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4460039Z Generating MSBuild file d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\obj\MyTool.csproj.nuget.g.targets.
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4461496Z Writing assets file to disk. Path: d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\obj\project.assets.json
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4567260Z Writing cache file to disk. Path: d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\obj\MyTool.csproj.nuget.cache
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4573630Z Restore completed in 4.12 sec for d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool.csproj.
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4662703Z NuGet Config files used:
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4663349Z d:\a\_temp\Nuget\tempNuGet_05ce1f4cc83beb812b37be120d7010969ab1a363.config
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4664744Z Feeds used:
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4786633Z Installed:
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4796944Z 7 package(s) to d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool\MyTool.Logger\MyTool.Logger.csproj
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4803020Z 32 package(s) to d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool\MyTool.Common\MyTool.Common.csproj
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4803472Z 33 package(s) to d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool\MyTool.OutputProvider\MyTool.OutputProvider.csproj
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4803792Z 34 package(s) to d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool\MyTool.Output.IO\MyTool.Output.IO.csproj
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4804056Z 33 package(s) to d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool\MyTool.SearchFilter\MyTool.SearchFilter.csproj
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4804362Z 32 package(s) to d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool\MyTool.PiiData\MyTool.PiiData.csproj
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4805159Z 42 package(s) to d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool\MyTool.SearchHandler\MyTool.SearchHandler.csproj
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4805573Z 42 package(s) to d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool.App\MyTool.App.csproj
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4805849Z 46 package(s) to d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool.csproj
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4806121Z Done executing task "RestoreTask".
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4806389Z 1>Done building target "Restore" in project "MyTool.csproj".
2019-10-03T21:31:54.4806658Z 1>Done Building Project "d:\a\r1\a\MyTool\DataFactory\CustomActivities\MyTool\MyTool.csproj" (Restore target(s)).
2019-10-03T21:31:54.5032209Z Build succeeded.
2019-10-03T21:31:54.5032251Z 0 Warning(s)
2019-10-03T21:31:54.5032319Z 0 Error(s)
2019-10-03T21:31:54.5032377Z Time Elapsed 00:00:16.08
2019-10-03T21:31:54.5417968Z ##[section]Finishing: dotnet restore
Any clues what could be going wrong?
This was happening because I had something in the 'Working Directory'. I just cleared the "Working directory" field. Before I had set it to the subfolder containing the .csproj file which was incorrect. The working directory should be the root.

The realm dot net base example does not compile

I am having trouble at getting the example "QuickJournal" to compile on iOS. The code compiles OK, but fails during the Fody step.
Try out the example application for .NET through the following
- Pull the repository
- Open the solution in examples/QuickJournal
- Compile and test
Expected Results
Smooth compilation & testing experience
Actual Results
Fody out of memory exception
Steps to Reproduce
See the setup, follow steps
I am using the latest Xamarin/Visual Studio Mac/XCode
Code Sample
The regular realm source code
Version of Realm and Tooling
git clone
git checkout 8f5e36ffd91e06b9c60b91f9de3fb312b411a4a4
The exception I am getting is
Fody: Found debug symbols at '~/realm-dotnet/examples/QuickJournal/QuickJournal/obj/Debug/QuickJournal.pdb'.
MSBUILD : error : Fody: An unhandled exception occurred:
MSBUILD : error : Exception:
MSBUILD : error : Out of memory
MSBUILD : error : StackTrace:
MSBUILD : error : at (wrapper alloc) System.Object:AllocVector (intptr,intptr)
MSBUILD : error : at Microsoft.Cci.Pdb.MsfDirectory..ctor (Microsoft.Cci.Pdb.PdbReader reader,
See log file
Realm 1.2.1 addresses that by using an updated version of Fody.
Answer for older Realm versions:
This is caused by a Cecil bug with Mono 5.0. As Realm depends on Fody, which uses Cecil, compilation will fail for project referencing it. Until new Cecil and Fody versions are released, the workaround is to revert to Mono 4.8:

Code signing error while building the realm framework for Swift 2.0

I'm trying to build the Realm framework for Swift 2.0 by following the steps mentioned in Realm Swift documentation. But as soon as I run the script to build the framework, the following error appears
Building with command: xcodebuild
-IDECustomDerivedDataLocation=build/DerivedData -project Realm.xcodeproj -scheme 'iOS' -configuration Release -sdk iphoneos
User defaults from command line:
IDECustomDerivedDataLocation = build/DerivedData
Build settings from command line:
SDKROOT = iphoneos8.4
Check dependencies Code Sign error: No code signing identities found:
No valid signing identities (i.e. certificate and private key pair)
matching the team ID “(null)” were found. CodeSign error: code signing
is required for product type 'Framework' in SDK 'iOS 8.4'
The following build commands failed: Check dependencies (1 failure)
Can someone help me to solve this error?
