How to not show posts that don't contain searched keyword in wordpress search results? - wordpress

I have a blog/wordpress/ with 2 posts titled:
1.what are you
when i search for: "are you smart" the results include both posts.
Is there any way to exclude the posts which don't contain the word "smart" ?
I searched the web for possible solution but can't find any


How to find the list of all journals to scrape like google scholar?

I want to find the list of all isi articles and journals like google scholar.
I think we have some websites like that's contain the link of all journals, can I use this kind of websites to find the link of all journals?
Do you have any better idea please?

Wordpress search results by keyword

Is there a way to prioritise the search results by keywords or tags.
For example, if a user types in Admissions then domain/admissions page comes first and then all the rest. If the word is apply then domain/apply page is first on the search result page and etc
Was trying to find the examples, but no luck. Never used the extended search before, so even don't know where to dig
What you are talking about here is returning search results by "relevance" and there are a few examples out there including plugins such as Relevanssi.
I have no example of how to do this, however, I thought it might be useful to know the term you need to dig deeper.

Using Pathauto on Articles in Drupal

In Drupal 7, I have a site with thousands of articles. I'm using taxonomies to sort my articles, and a view which uses a content filter to display the appropriate articles with the associated terms on certain pages. Standard functionality.
I've added the paths (standard), pathauto, and Token, so I think I have all I need. In my taxonomy, I've set it up like this:
fruits (/fruits)
- apples (/fruits/apples)
- bananas (/fruits/bananas)
- grapes (/fruits/grapes)
But all my articles are on my website at I want it to appear like
According to everyone everywhere, I can add the path under Articles on my path configuration page using [term:parents:join-path]/[term:name].
However, I got an error:
The Pattern for all Article paths is using the following invalid tokens [term:parents:join-path], [term:name].
I'd appreciate any help I can get! It seems others are struggling with this on other forums, but don't have the same problem I do.
Am I missing a module, maybe? These tokens weren't in my list.
Im my case, I have a taxonomy field for category. An use this pattern

How does one give meta_key a name in Wordpress?

I am quite new to Wordpress and I have a question about meta_key. I saw a query to dispay custom fields of meta box that saved start and end dates. One of the parameters used in the query is the meta_key, but where does one find the name of the meta_key in the meta box? Or does one gives the meta_key a name? If so: how?
This question is a but basic perhaps and maybe it is not wel put, but i'm eager to learn. Things like meta_key seem to be fundamental, but it's so hard to find a explanation of these concepts in plain english.
Thanks in advance and regards,
Study this Codex article:
WordPress has the ability to allow post authors to assign custom
fields to a post. This arbitrary extra information is known as
meta-data. Meta-data is handled with key/value pairs. The key is the
name of the meta-data element. The value is the information that will
appear in the meta-data list on each individual post that the
information is associated with.

Display Tweets in Wordpress without the use of plugins

Has anyone come across a clean way to post tweets in wordpress with the use of a plugin. I would like to have the flexibility to pull at least the top 5 and only display tweets with the assigned hash tag.
Many thanks
I'm not sure that this would give you the functionality to pull the most recent tweets from a hashtag, but it's totally doable to pull the most recent X updated from any user. Here's a couple of examples I found for you, written in php:
Example One
Example Two (Scroll down to #6)
Removing the "from:" in the second example's search string should allow you to search for any word or hashtag instead of by username, but I'm not 100% sure.
Fair warning though, that makes a prominent area of your site easily spammable. Anyone can post to a hashtag, right?
