My custom code doesn't work in Elementor while in the browser it does - wordpress

I created a simple calculator that converts two coin currencies. Everything seems to work just fine in my browser.
When I insert the HTML, CSS, and JS code into one of my pages on Elementor the functionality doesn't seem to work. When I click on the "Calculate" button nothing happens.
On my browser, the console.log(amount) shows the input number I entered while in Elementor it always shows 1 and the button doesn't do the calculation.
Does anyone have an idea what could be the issue?
Thank you.
function getExchangeRate(){
let amount = document.querySelector("form input");
const exchangeRateTxt = document.querySelector("form .exchange-rate");
// if user don't enter any value or enter 0 then we'll put 1 value by default in the input field
const amountValue = amount.value || "1";
amount.value = amountValue;
amount = parseFloat(amountValue);
if(amount == "" || amount == "0"){
amount.value = "1";
amount = 1;
exchangeRateTxt.innerText = "Getting exchange rate...";
if(fromCurrency.value == 'ILS'){
result = (amount * 3);
return exchangeRateTxt.innerText = `${result} MAD`;
if(fromCurrency.value == 'MAD'){
result = (amount /3);
return exchangeRateTxt.innerText = `${result.toFixed(2)} ILS`


add an image into datagridview based on a condition

i want to show an image in datagridview based on a condition (if the endday of subscribtion is < today then show a red cross image else show a checkmark image) , i have an sqlite database and i created a datagridviewimagecolumn called expired to shopw this images , but i'm not getting anything , here is the code
``for (int row = 0; row <= membersdashboarddatagrid.Rows.Count - 1; row++)
DateTime endday = Convert.ToDateTime(membersdashboarddatagrid.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value);
if (endday < DateTime.Today)
((DataGridViewImageCell)membersdashboarddatagrid.Rows[row].Cells[0]).Value = Properties.Resources.delete;
((DataGridViewImageCell)membersdashboarddatagrid.Rows[row].Cells[0]).Value = Properties.Resources._checked;
Hope you could help me guys !
The problem you are having is that in each iteration of the for loop, the code is checking the “SAME” Cells EndDay value. Specifically, the line of code…
DateTime endday = Convert.ToDateTime(membersdashboarddatagrid.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value);
The portion of this that is using the same cell is…
The code above uses the SAME CurrentRow.Cell[3].Value with each iteration. Therefore, all the Expire images will be the same depending on what the CurrentRows EndDay value is. I am confident you want something like…

Remove date from Time in Google App Script

I am new to script and found a code that I have been tweaking for my needs but I keep running into a problem since I separated the date and time. My date field display and selected value match but the time fields keep defaulting to MM/DD/YY HH:MM A/P when selected. en I click on it (it displays correctly when not selected). I need to have the field only display the time and nothing else. so it will stop causing issues to my formulas on other sheets. I know my problem lies in the last part but so far what I have tried has failed.
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var mainSheet = ss.getSheetByName("MAIN");
var lastRow = mainSheet.getLastRow();
for (var j = 5; j <= lastRow; j++)
if(mainSheet.getRange('b1:b1').getValue() == mainSheet.getRange(j, 1).getValue() && mainSheet.getRange(j,3).getValue() == '')
Browser.msgBox('Need to Clock Out before Clocking IN');
mainSheet.getRange(lastRow + 1, 1).setValue(mainSheet.getRange('b1:b1').getValue()).setFontSize(12);
mainSheet.getRange(lastRow + 1, 2).setValue(new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0))).setNumberFormat('MM/DD/YY').setHorizontalAlignment("center").setFontSize(12);
mainSheet.getRange(lastRow + 1, 3).setValue(new Date()).setNumberFormat("hh:mm A/P").setHorizontalAlignment("center").setFontSize(12);//````
You get a whole bunch of formatting options if you look for Utilities.formatDate
var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "Europe/Berlin", "dd.MM.yyyy")
var time = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "Europe/Berlin", "HH:mm")
Change "Europe/Berlin" to your location to get the current time. Now use the variables wherever you need them. Simple as that.
Pro tip: Try to use variables (just like shown above) for readability instead of fitting everything in one line.

Code snippet not working after recent update to wordpress

Hi all I am a bit stumped it seems after the latest update to wordpress this function has stopped working. Any ideas would be gratefully received . . .
First snippet gets the parameter "we" and should then auto fill the form field id #input_2_4 after making some calculations.
$.urlParam = function (name) {
var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)')
return results[1] || 0;
var we = parseInt( $.urlParam('we') );
$('#input_2_4').val( '£' + (we * 0.1450).toFixed(2));
Everything seems present in the url string including &we=1685 value but field #input_3_4 is now blank.
I'd try it like below to remove any $ issues. Console.log should let you know if the issue is in getting the URL parameters. You may need to look at enqueueing the script as well to make sure it's getting loaded in the proper order.
jQuery.urlParam = function (name) {
var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)')
console.log(results[1] || 0);
return results[1] || 0;
var we = parseInt( jQuery.urlParam('we') );
jQuery('#input_2_4').val( '£' + (we * 0.1450).toFixed(2));

adobe acrobat XI pro javascript

i am calling an javascript function when out of focus on the form field. So what i am tying to do is the if i ticked required this field as required field it will have a red border around it, can i write a script to remove the required option when there are value inside the field?
var thisValue = this.getField("companyName").value;
var regexLetter = /[A-Z]+$/;
var Icon = "0"; //0 — Error (default) // 1 — Warning // 2 — Question // 3 — Status
var Type = "0"; //0 — OK (default) // 1 — OK, Cancel // 2 — Yes, No // 3 — Yes, No, Cancel
if (thisValue == ""){
cMsg:"this is an warning",
cTitle: "thsi is title",
nIcon: Icon,
nType: Type
} else if(!regexLetter.test(thisValue)){
app.alert('Type alphanumeric character');
This is going to be rather late, but this is how I do it in my documents:
var _companyName = this.getField("CompanyName");
_companyName.required = (_companyName.value === "");
You can also impose other dependencies, like:
var _companyName = this.getField("CompanyName"),
_companyLicense = this.getField("CompanyLicense");
_companyLicense = ((_companyLicense === "")
&& (_companyName !== ""));
Having your scripts split into a couple of files could help. I use a "shared" script which contains a vast majority of the logic and the a "specific" script to round of each individual document. Also, make sure when adding the scripts to just name them 1, 2, 3, etc. in the correct order or Acrobat will be stupid. Hope this helps you.

Parse Credit Card input from Magnetic Stripe

Does anyone know how to parse a credit card string input from a Magnetic Card Swiper?
I tried a JavaScript parser but never got it to work. This is what the input looks like.
The N's are the credit card number.
See the Magnetic Stripe Card entry # Wikipedia:
Track one, Format B:
Start sentinel — one character (generally '%')
Format code="B" — one character (alpha only)
Primary account number (PAN) — up to 19 characters. Usually, but not
always, matches the credit card number
printed on the front of the card.
Field Separator — one character (generally '^')
Name — two to 26 characters
Field Separator — one character (generally '^')
Expiration date — four characters in the form YYMM.
Service code — three characters
Discretionary data — may include Pin Verification Key Indicator (PVKI,
1 character), PIN Verification Value
(PVV, 4 characters), Card Verification
Value or Card Verification Code (CVV
or CVK, 3 characters)
End sentinel — one character (generally '?')
Longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) — one character (Most reader devices
do not return this value when the card
is swiped to the presentation layer,
and use it only to verify the input
internally to the reader.)
I hope the data is fake, otherwise Anyone could get the:
Expiration Date
And I'm not sure but I think the credit card number (or # of possibilities) can be computed using the LRC.
I did you one better: I made a video showing how to do exactly this with ASP.Net/c#:
Here is the section of code that you probably care about:
protected void CardReader_OTC(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool CaretPresent = false;
bool EqualPresent = false;
CaretPresent = CardReader.Text.Contains("^");
EqualPresent = CardReader.Text.Contains("=");
if (CaretPresent)
string[] CardData = CardReader.Text.Split('^');
PersonName.Text = FormatName(CardData[1]);
CardNumber.Text = FormatCardNumber(CardData[0]);
CardExpiration.Text = CardData[2].Substring(2, 2) + "/" + CardData[2].Substring(0, 2);
else if (EqualPresent)
string[] CardData = CardReader.Text.Split('=');
CardNumber.Text = FormatCardNumber(CardData[0]);
CardExpiration.Text = CardData[1].Substring(2, 2) + "/" + CardData[1].Substring(0, 2);
The complete code is on that website I linked above.
From what I can remember:
That is a two-track magnetic strip data - first track starts with % and ends with ?, the second track starts with ; and ends with ?. These are Start/End markers.
The first track is alphanumeric, the second track is numeric, and there is a third track which is numeric also (if my memory serves correct).
The data between the start/end markers can be variable depending on the recording density of the magnetic strip. The higher the density, the more it can be recorded on one track.
Using a regex to get at the data may not be a reliable method to pick out the information required.
And not all credit cards have exactly two tracks, some uses three tracks.
Generally for a card-not present transaction (i.e. MOTO transactions) you will need cc#, expiry and possibly the CVV (aka CVC2 etc). You can obtain the first 2 from a card-swipe as this in the track data. CVV is printed on the card.
Name on card doesn't matter so much. Unless your acquirer and the cardholder are using address verification, but you can find that between ^^, it may have white space padding which you can remove.
The part you want is track2 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN=1210 where NNNNN=card number PAN, and 1210 = Expiry date.
Even if track1 is empty (which sometimes it is as it's not used in processing), you will still get the ;?, so you could use the index of the second ; as start of the string and = as the end of the cc# string. With the 4 characters after the = as the expiry.
I would advise getting the card holder to sign something in record of the transaction otherwise they could dispute the card and do a charge-back.
And not all credit cards have exactly two tracks, some uses three tracks.
Only track2 is used for processing and has a standardized format.
Debit cards can't generally be processed (unless they have a visa-debit card or something).
P.S. you shouldn't store cc data in plain text, so try and keep everything in mem or strong encryption.
Try this :
Or this:
I think that what u need
here is my code:
1st the listener to get the data.... this data needs validation which i am looking for help on. A good swipe works fine, but a bad swipe will cause an error in the parser.
var charCode = e.which;
//ie? evt = e || window.event;
track_start = '%';
finished = false;
timeout = 100;
track_start_code = track_start.charCodeAt(0);
//console.log('Track_start_code: ' + track_start_code);
//console.log('keycode ' + e.keycode);
//console.log('charcode ' + charCode);
//console.log('track_start_code ' + track_start_code);
if (charCode == track_start_code)
collect_track_data = true;
if (collect_track_data)
if (charCode == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER)
//all done
//console.log( card_data);
collect_track_data = false;
//console.log("Track Data: " + card_data);
card_data = '';
card_data = card_data + String.fromCharCode(charCode);
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
return false;
//i am guessing this will be regular input?
if (charCode == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER)
//console.log("which: " + e.which);
//console.log("keyCode: " + e.keyCode);
//track and collect data here?
And here is the parser.... note I put it all in one function so I can destroy all the variables so they are not lingering in a browser.
parse_data = true;
if (parse_data)
var parsed_card_data = {};
parsed_card_data['card_data'] = card_data;
var tracks = card_data.split("?");
//console.log ("tracks");
//console.log (tracks);
parsed_card_data['track1'] = tracks[0];
parsed_card_data['track2'] = tracks[1];
//if there is a third track we might find it under tracks[2]
//splitting the card data OPTION 1
var track1_parsed = tracks[0].split("^");
//console.log (track1_parsed);
//track1 data....
var card_number_track1 = track1_parsed[0].substring(2);
parsed_card_data['card_number_track1'] = card_number_track1;
var details2_1 = tracks[1].split(";");
details2_1 = details2_1[1].split("=");
var exp_date_track_1 = details2_1[1];
exp_date_track_1 = exp_date_track_1.substring(0, exp_date_track_1.length - 1);
exp_date_track_1 = exp_date_track_1.substring(2, 4) + "/" + exp_date_track_1.substring(0,2);
parsed_card_data['exp_track1'] = exp_date_track_1;
//now check if track one matches track 2...
track2_parsed = tracks[1].split("=");
card_number_track_2 = track2_parsed[0].substring(1);
parsed_card_data['card_number_track_2'] = card_number_track_2;
exp_date_track_2 = track2_parsed[1].substring(0,4);
exp_date_track_2 = exp_date_track_2.substring(2, 4) + "/" + exp_date_track_2.substring(0,2);
parsed_card_data['exp_date_track_2'] = exp_date_track_2;
var primary_account_number = card_number_track1.substring(0,1);
if(card_number_track1 == card_number_track_2 && exp_date_track_1 == exp_date_track_2)
//now make a security feature showing the last 4 digits only....
parsed_card_data['secure_card_number'] = "xxxx " + card_number_track1.substring(card_number_track1.length-4, card_number_track1.length);
if(card_number_track1.length == 15)
parsed_card_data['card_type'] = "American Express";
else if(primary_account_number == 4)
parsed_card_data['card_type'] = "Visa";
else if(primary_account_number == 5)
parsed_card_data['card_type'] = "Master Card";
else if(primary_account_number == 6)
parsed_card_data['card_type'] = "Discover";
parsed_card_data['card_type'] = false;
var names_1 = track1_parsed[1].split("/");
parsed_card_data['first_name'] = names_1[1].trim();
parsed_card_data['last_name'] = names_1[0].trim();
//console.log("return Data");
parsed_card_data = false;
//zero out the variables...
tracks = '';
track1_parsed = '';
card_number_track1 = '';
details2_1 = '';
exp_date_track_1 = '';
track2_parsed = '';
card_number_track_2 = '';
exp_date_track_2 = '';
primary_account_number = '';
$('#card_holder').val(parsed_card_data['first_name']+ " " + parsed_card_data['last_name']);
//parsed_card_data['track1'] is basically what we want???
var post_string = {};
post_string['ajax_request'] = 'CREDIT_CARD_PAYMENT';
post_string['amount'] = $('#cc_input').val();
post_string['card_data'] = parsed_card_data;
post_string['pos_sales_invoice_id'] = pos_sales_invoice_id;
post_string['pos_payment_gateway_id'] = $('#pos_payment_gateway_id').val();
post_string['line'] = 'online';
post_string['swipe'] = 'swipe';
card_data = '';
parsed_card_data = {};
var url = 'ajax_requests.php';
type: 'POST',
url: url,
data: post_string,
async: true,
success: function(response)
//here we would update the payment table - currently we will just refresh
post_string = '';
post_string = '';
alert("Read Error");
$( "#cc-dialog-form" ).dialog( "close" );
