Setting 2 ESP32 as a joystick and using with Mission Planner - arduino

I will make a project. I am going to make two joysticks and use ESP32 for them. Second joystick will share its data with first joystick and they will comminicate through bluetooth. And first joystick will send its data and second joystick's data to pc. It will be defined as joystick in computer and I am going to use it in Mission Planner. How can I define ESP32 as joystick and which comminucation type shall I use between pc and ESP32?
I have nıt tried something, it is just theorical.


is there a way to do plugnplay for arduino?

First Thanks in advance.
Is there a way for an Arduino board to detect what other boards are attached (such as infrared, or servo motor etc) or simple things such as led or push buttons? Basically is there a way to do Plug N Play?
I would like to design a system using an Arduino were the user can mix and match infrared sensors, motors, led. The script would recognize what is attached to the board and respond accordingly. Currently one is forced to hard code in the script identifying what pin is attached to what. Hence if the user pulls out a servo motor and adds an infrared, then the script must be rewritten. This is what I want to avoid.
You started with
user mix and match sensors, motors, led. The script would recognize
what is attached
and later added
Arduino for model railroads, to dynamically add servos, lights and
These are not the same, narrowing the scope makes all the difference. See my comment for first option. As for building a specific model that will recognize elements, sure, this can be done in couple of ways depending on the topology you intend to implement and in that case the main concern should be:
How will elements/nodes be connected to each other and / or the main board?
If you intend to run seperate wires for each element you could identify them by dedicating one wire for ID and use a different resistor on each, That's complicated and limited and I wouldn't do that.
On the other end you could create a parallel bus that runs from node to node and can be extended as needed, it will have a small number of wires that will implement I2C for instance, and for identification but also as local drivers you would add an ATtiny on each node. 4-way motor & 16-way servo shield board not working with adafruit libraries

Got a servo + motor driver arduino shield with a robotic arm chassis from amazon. Found this link on the web :
Not enough details to help me control servos/ motors for my own project.
Tried the libraries given in the answer to this question:
doit 2-way motor & 16-way servo shield board
The libraries have been included, but i can't figure out how to use it properly. Ran the sample code as given in the adafruit website :
The 0th channel didn't move the servo as expected so I don't know what to try next.
Alright guys, here's the complete reply, with some precautions for future users.
The shield can be used via the library available at
(Shoutout to #djsfantasi ).
NOTE : One of the main things to ensure is that the 5v power supply for the servos must be separate from that of the arduino, as it messes up the servos somehow.
The motors can be powered via the given slots on the shield. All you have to do is supply the DIR and PWM values to the 1st 8 available arduino pins (after pin 0 and 1, ie, 2-9). It is pretty easy to figure out which pin controls which channel.
NOTE: Since the motor pins are available via male headers stacked very close together, i would suggest using female headers/jumper wires before connecting them to your motors. I burned my 1st shield's motor driver due to the +ve and -ve ending up shorted together.
Thanks for the replies everyone and best of luck to you guys reading this.

How do I make my speakers as an output on Arduino?

I want to use the readings off an LDR to dictate the sound. I know have to do this with a buzzer in my circuit and I know how to call my speakers in java, but I don't have any idea how to do this in Arduino.What I want exactly is something along the line of:
input = analog read(pin 6);
tone(LAPTOP SPEAKERS, input);
So you want to use laptop to play music? them your arduino will send a messagge to the PC (by Serial, Bluethoot, Wifi, Ethernet, smoke signal) and a pc program will read that signal and play the according sound.
Or you can use the arduino with a buzzer, or with a speaker jack, and use the tone() function, or a mp3 shield if you need specific sound.
You can send the readed value from pin6 over serial to pc , and use this value on java to generate a sound at this frequency. Send it over serial it's not a problem, it's so easy as Serial.print(input);, this will sent the readed value (0 - 255) to pc.
The main problem for me will be generate the tone at specific frequency on java, and it's not so hard.

How to control a stepper motor using Infrared IR Receiver?

Hi im new to Arduino Uno
My question is how to turn a stepper motor 90 dgree clockwise only when the infrared censored a something and turn anti-clockwise when the second infrared censored something is pressed again?
Stepper motor
Infrared transmitter/receiver pair
your help will be much appreciated
Software and hardware my friend, software and hardware.
First, you'll need to connect your sensors to the Arduino and make sure you can read them reliably. You can write a sketch that outputs the values to the serial port and monitor them on your computer.
Second, you'll need to connect your motor. A stepper motor is going to need a driver, such as the "Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino v2 Kit" (link). This kit has sample code you can use to figure out how to drive the motor.
Then you'd connect these two independent pieces together. Write logic that puts the motor in one position when your sensor is sensing, and another when it's not, or use your second sensor to make the second motion.
Note: Stepper motors and the drivers are expensive and maybe not what you really want. For one thing, they use relative motion, not absolute position. If they miss steps (due to hitting something or being manually moved) then they remain in the wrong position until you fix them.
A cheaper and perhaps better solution is to use a hobby servo. They are cheap and use absolute positioning, which means that when you tell them to go somewhere they will always try to get to that position. Also, you can drive them directly from the Arduino without a driver board. One of the built-in Arduino sketches shows how to run them.

Creating a 'artificial' button

I'm actually really not sure about this, but how can I create a no moving parts button. As in when I send a certain byte using the it will connect two channels for about a second then close the connection.
I am using a Ardunio mega board. (Can't tag it because the tag doesn't exist)
I think you want to use a transistor as a switch. Connect an Arduino pin to the base and you can switch it on and off using digitalWrite(). I don't think this can be done completely without hardware. But a transistor does not have any moving parts at least.
