how to remove expiry in passwordless module in drupal 9 - drupal

how to remove expiry in passwordless module in drupal 9.Passwordless send a one time login . Its working , but I want to login with this link multiple times without expiring


How to set up a centralised authentication site like google?

how to design a website only for storing user data and use the same for login into any alias website like google. For example is used for new user sign-up or existing user authentication. Then I have two more websites, first one is used as e-commerce store and another is used for service/support. When the user tries to signup or login they will be redirected to and after finishing authentication they will be redirected to previous website. Same process is followed from the second website. Any idea how? Any article or guide?
This is possible with 3 separate WordPress sites:-
Install the WP OAuth server on the accounts site.
And Single Sign Client on the e-commerce and support sites.

Is it possible to get login history of user in Drupal 8

i have a user login panel in drupal 8 where i need to print a banner when user has been logged after 3 months, but when i access user last login iam getting current login, how is it possible in drupal 8?
You can check this module
This module adds a new table which stores information about individual user logins, including a timestamp, IP address, user agent information, and whether or not the login was via a reset password link.

if user is trying for login 1st time in drupal

I have imported all my EE site users in to Drupal site but I would like to redirect user if they are trying to login 1st time in drupal site then I would like to redirect user to forget password page. is it possible ?
You can hook login form to execute your code when form is prepared to be rendered:!system!system.api.php/function/hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter/7
Then, you can set some cookie and check for it. If cookie is there means it's not first time. And if there is no cookie then do redirection.

Can WordPress send automatic email if the user did not login for 15 days?

I'm trying to work on a project, there is something I could not find a way to do it.
I'll be using BuddyPress, when the user logins in, he must login at least one time each 15 days.
If the user did not login again for 15 days, an automatic email will be sent to him, as notification.
Any idea?
Thank you

Drupal 6 increase user login time

How can I increase time for keeping user logged in.
Even after comming back after few days.
I don't want users to login each time they open a browser.
Look here:
or search for persistent login or login cookie in the drupal modules site.
