Woocommerce Cart Items not showing - wordpress

When I add products to the cart they do not appear, only the total price and final purchase appear, configuration is ok.
Someone said to me that the problem is related to dynamic change on the cart page
Cart page error


Disable quantity buttons woocommerce mini-cart for specific products

I want to disable the quantity buttons for specific products in both the cart page and the mini-cart.
The following Disable specific cart item quantity fields based on WooCommerce product category. works for the cart page, but the quantity buttons are still displayed on the mini-cart.
Any ideas?

Woocommerce hides cart_totals when using cart and checkout on same page

On my cart page I updated it to include the two short codes:
[woocommerce_cart] – shows the cart page
[woocommerce_checkout] – shows the checkout page
By default the cart page is only populated with [woocommerce_cart] and it will show the cart, coupon code area, and cart totals. When I add the [woocommerce_checkout] it removes the cart totals box.
Does anyone know a work around for this? Or know of this problem?
WooCommerce hides the cart totals by default when the checkout is also present on the same page. This is because it gives duplicate information that might be confusing for your customer, since the checkout also displays subtotal, total and shipping information.
You could bring the cart totals back with a snippet like this:
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_cart_table', 'woocommerce_show_cart_totals', 10 );
function woocommerce_show_cart_totals() {
wc_get_template( 'cart/cart-totals.php' );
But changing the shipping method for instance wouldn't work as the shipping method option of the checkout would overwrite again what you have selected in the cart totals.

"Checkout is not available while your cart is empty" problem

I was doing the woo-commerce website and doing testing. I add the product to the cart and proceed to checkout. I was then select to pay with blizpay and it directs me to the blizpay payment page. I was then manually clicked back to return to the woo-commerce website to cancel the payment and it shows Checkout is not available whilst your cart is empty. My previous added product was gone. Can anyone help?
You previous add products are not in cart. It goes to order log and payment status of those products are pending.

Display tax in woocommerce cart widget product same like checkout page

I want to display tax on woocommerce shop page side bar cart widget product list same like checkout page.
Current checkout page -> http://nimb.ws/kbn6mL
Shop page side bar woocommerce cart widget -> http://nimb.ws/JVfMtH
So if anyone knows this solution then please help me.
Please check your woocomerce tax setting tab that you have selected Display tax totals as single total then it will show you on cart page.
As you can see Woocommerce itself displays only cart subtotal on cart widget or mini cart, there will be no setting for this to enable/disable for displaying not only tax but shipping as well. So if you want to add tax and shipping related data on mini cart widget then you can add your functionality on this hook 'woocommerce_widget_shopping_cart_before_buttons' by fetching data from the WC->cart

Product variations on cart pages

I have created variations (height and width) for my products using advanced custom field plugin. All variations are doing fine.
The problem is, after selecting variations when I click on the add to cart button, product is added to my cart.And When I click on the cart icon on the menu bar, it shows me the correct price of that product. But in cart page the price is displayed as 0.
If I select simple product, It is working fine.
How can I solve this problem???
