Consider the following code:
dog = (a=5, b=6, c=7)
frog = Dict(pairs(dog))
16-element Vector{Symbol}:
Now, I am well aware that to get the keys of a dictionary the standard way is keys(frog), which does do the right thing, but what is the keys attribute of a dictionary, and why is it so weird?
Because Dict is a hash table. The locations are determined by hash values of keys modulo table size which is 16 in this case:
julia> (((hash(:a) % Int) & (16-1)) + 1)
julia> (((hash(:b) % Int) & (16-1)) + 1)
julia> (((hash(:c) % Int) & (16-1)) + 1)
There is a special case though:
julia> dog = (a=5, b=6, f=7)
(a = 5, b = 6, f = 7)
julia> frog = Dict(pairs(dog))
Dict{Symbol, Int64} with 3 entries:
:a => 5
:b => 6
:f => 7
julia> frog.keys
16-element Vector{Symbol}:
julia> (((hash(:f) % Int) & (16-1)) + 1)
As you can see now :a and :f have index collision, so for :f the new index needs to be computed (you can see the details how this is done in the code that Ashlin Harris linked in the comment to your question).
I have a vector of hash-maps, like this:
(def my-maps [{:a 1} {:b 2}])
I want to loop over each hash-map, give the key and value a more meaningful name within the loop, then process each hash-map differently depending on its key.
Without further ado, here is my best attempt:
(for [m my-maps]
(let [my-key-name (key m) my-val-name (val m)]
(case my-key-name
:a (println "Found key :a with value " my-val-name)
:b (println "Found key :b with value " my-val-name))))
This approach, however, produces a rather cryptic error:
; Error printing return value (ClassCastException) at clojure.core/key (core.clj:1569).
; class clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap cannot be cast to class java.util.Map$Entry (clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap is in unnamed module of loader 'app'; java.util.Map$Entry is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
What am I doing wrong?
You can destructure inside for (or use doseq):
(for [[[k v] & _] [{:a 1} {:b 2}]]
(println "Found key" k "with value" v))
Found key :a with value 1
Found key :b with value 2
=> (nil nil)
For the sake of clarity, here is a more general answer broken down into individual steps:
(let [my-maps [{:a 1} {:b 2 :c 3}]]
(doseq [curr-map my-maps]
(println "curr-map=" curr-map)
(let [map-entries (seq curr-map)]
(println "map-entries=" map-entries)
(doseq [curr-me map-entries]
(let [[k v] curr-me]
(println " curr-me=" curr-me " k=" k " v=" v))))))
With result
curr-map= {:a 1}
map-entries= ([:a 1])
curr-me= [:a 1] k= :a v= 1
curr-map= {:b 2, :c 3}
map-entries= ([:b 2] [:c 3])
curr-me= [:b 2] k= :b v= 2
curr-me= [:c 3] k= :c v= 3
A MapEntry object in Clojure can be treated as either a 2-element vector (accessed via first & second) or as a MapEntry accessed via the key and val functions. The destructuring form:
(let [[k v] curr-me]
treats the MapEntry object curr-me as a sequence and pulls out the first 2 elements into k and v. Even though it prints like a vector (eg [:a 1]), it does have the type clojure.lang.MapEntry.
The destructuring syntax & _ in the for expression of the original answer is a "rest args" destructuring. It causes the sequence of all MapEntry objects after the first one to be assigned to the variable _, which is then ignored in the rest of the code.
I would like to convert a NamedTuple to a Dict in Julia. Say I have the following NamedTuple:
julia> namedTuple = (a=1, b=2, c=3)
(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
I want the following:
julia> Dict(zip(keys(namedTuple), namedTuple))
Dict{Symbol, Int64} with 3 entries:
:a => 1
:b => 2
:c => 3
This works, however I would've hoped for a somewhat simpler solution - something like
julia> Dict(namedTuple)
ERROR: ArgumentError: Dict(kv): kv needs to be an iterator of tuples or pairs
would have been nice. Is there such a solution?
The simplest way to get an iterator of keys and values for any key-value collection is pairs:
julia> Dict(pairs(namedTuple))
Dict{Symbol, Int64} with 3 entries:
:a => 1
:b => 2
:c => 3
I am studying Julia static analysis, and I have the following function:
function f(x,y,z)
i use code_typed to analyze it.
julia> y=code_typed(f)
1-element Vector{Any}:
1 ─ %1 = (x + y)::Any
│ %2 = (%1 * 2)::Any
│ %3 = (%2 * z)::Any
└── return %3
) => Any
i can get slots and slot types of it.
julia> y[1].first.slotnames
5-element Vector{Symbol}:
julia> y[1].first.slottypes
5-element Vector{Any}:
but do i have any way to know which is argument and which is local variables among the slots?
You can use Base.argnames to find out arguments of your function:
julia> Base.method_argnames.(methods(f))
1-element Vector{Vector{Symbol}}:
[Symbol("#self#"), :x, :y, :z]
You can extract this from the CodeInfo object as well:
julia> Base.method_argnames(y[1].first.parent.def)
4-element Vector{Symbol}:
As the title stated, I'm writing a function to compute Huffman codes for symbols in a tree, but I feel completely lost.
A branch looks like this:
{:kind :branch, :frequency frequency, :left child0, :right child1}
A leaf looks like this:
{:kind :leaf, :frequency frequency, :value symbol}
And the code itself is structured like this:
{:tree tree, :length length, :bits bits}
I have the main function already (looks like this):
(defn huffman-codes
"Given a Huffman tree, compute the Huffman codes for each symbol in it.
Returns a map mapping each symbol to a sequence of bits (0 or 1)."
(into {} (for [s (all-symbols T)] [s (find-in-tree s T '())])
all-symbols return the set of all symbols in the tree and I am to write a helper function find-in-tree that finds the bit string of a symbol
I've tried this now and it gets me closer to what I want, but still not right (see error message below)
(defn find-in-tree
[s T l]
(if (isleaf? T)
{(:value T) l}
(merge (find-in-tree s (:left T) (concat l '(0)))
(find-in-tree s (:right T) (concat l '(1)))
ERROR -- got' {:c {:d (0 0 0), :c (0 0 1), :b (0 1), :a (1)}, :b {:d (0 0 0), :c (0 0 1), :b (0 1), :a (1)}, :d {:d (0 0 0), :c (0 0 1), :b (0 1), :a (1)}, :a {:d (0 0 0), :c (0 0 1), :b (0 1), :a (1)}} ', expected ' {:d (0 0 0), :c (0 0 1), :b (0 1), :a (1)} '
It gets all the correct bit strings but assigns the whole map to every value, and I don't know what's wrong.
Assuming that your Huffman tree is valid (meaning we can ignore :frequency), and that 0 means 'left' and 1 means 'right':
(defn code-map
"Given a Huffman tree, returns a map expressing each symbol's code"
[{:keys [kind left right value]} code]
(if (= kind :leaf)
{value code}
(merge (code-map left (str code "0"))
(code-map right (str code "1")))))
;; sample tree
(def root
{:kind :branch
:left {:kind :branch
:left {:kind :leaf
:value "X"}
:right {:kind :leaf
:value "Y"}}
:right {:kind :leaf :value "Z"}})
;; make sure to pass it "" as second arg
(code-map root "")
;;=> {"X" "00", "Y" "01", "Z" "1"}
To clean this up, you could move the "" arg into an inner helper function, and the recursion could be made TCO-able.
So I've got the following attempt to map over a list of maps and I'm trying to get the sequence of keys that the 'keys' function returns just fine whenever I pass it a single map.
(map #(keys %) ({:a-id 1 :b 3 :c 2} {:d-id 3 :e 9 :c 1} {:a-id 3 :d-id 5 :c 2}))
which returns me a
java.lang.ClassCastException: null
I'm supposing this has something to do with the return type on keys being a sequence and by mapping over I'm guessing it's expecting a map return value??? I'm really not sure exactly why it's doing this, all I know is that it'd be dern convenient if I could get it to do in mapping what it's doing for me when I do a single application of
(keys {:a-id 1 :b 3 :c 2})
which is -- (:a-id :b :c)
(map keys '({:a-id 1 :b 3 :c 2} {:d-id 3 :e 9 :c 1} {:a-id 3 :d-id 5 :c 2}))
({:a-id 1 :b 3 :c 2} {:d-id 3 :e 9 :c 1} {:a-id 3 :d-id 5 :c 2})
Is a function call not a list. You should use list or a vector or quote the expression:
(list{:a-id 1 :b 3 :c 2} {:d-id 3 :e 9 :c 1} {:a-id 3 :d-id 5 :c 2})
Even better is to just not use lists unless you really want to create a function call. Your original code, converted to a vector of 3 maps, works great:
user=> (map #(keys %) [{:a-id 1 :b 3 :c 2} {:d-id 3 :e 9 :c 1} {:a-id 3 :d-id 5 :c 2}] )
((:a-id :c :b) (:e :c :d-id) (:a-id :c :d-id))
We leave the outer parentheses in place since (map ...) is intended to be a function call. We change the inner list to a vector, since this emphasizes that it is data (as opposed to a function call). Quoting the list also works, but is unnecessarily complex. It like saying "I am making a function call, but don't evaluate it as a function call."