Using GoogleApi instead of GoogleApiClient - deprecated

I am trying to transition from GoogleApiClient to GoogleApi. This guide is supposed to walk you through how to transition from GoogleApiClient to GoogleApi: However, it is using startActivityForResult, which is itself deprecated!!! Is there a better resource?
I have not tried anything at this point.


Google map LocalContextMapView : no refresh when panning the map

when using new beta feature LocalContextMapView from Google map, as described in
How does one refresh the localContext when the map is panned/zoomed ?
LocalContextMapView place search is strictly bound by the map viewport by default. You can use the locationRestriction parameter to set a bounds to be much larger than the map's initial viewport.
You can find the sample implementation here:
And, since Local Context Search is still in beta, I highly suggest that you file a feature request for having a function to set locationRestriction programatically/dynamically.
For example, having a localContextMapView.setLocationRestriction() property would be a great addition to the Local Context Library. You can use Google Public Issue Tracker to file a feature request.

How to initialise controllers using provider state in flutter

I recently refactored half my app to use the provider pattern and i now have a problem. The main issue is that i need to initialise controllers in the init (e.g. a text controller to have an initial value or the list size of a tab controller)
How am i meant to init Controllers if the data i need has to come from the state in the build method.
For example.
// This must go in the build as it requires state
myTabsController = TabController(length: myState.list.length, vsync: this);
I'm initialisng the controller every time it builds now... How am i meant to put this in the init but still access the state variables (as there is no context).
I've tried using the afterFirstLayout() callback from the AfterLayoutMixin library but that just causes more problems. Currently with the tab bar it flashes error as no tab initialised for the first frame and then displays properly when the afterFirstLayout is called and initialises the tab. This seems like a hacky fix
I would like to learn more about how to use this pattern properly and what would be the best solution to this problem.
Feel free to ask me to clarify more.
Thanks for your help.

FirebaseMessagingService Crashes on Android O due to background execution limits

Our app is crashing on Android O due to the new background execution limits. We are on Firebase version 10.2.1, which is the one that added Android O support.
Seems like an issue with Firebase? Or is there some change needed to support this on our end?
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{30558fa u0a327 RCVR idle procs:1 seq(0,0,0)}
at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Update Upgrading to 11.4.2 resolves this issue.
#KaMyLL is right. I had the same issue with our app and could solve it by replacing the IntentService (which we have started within onTokenRefresh()) with an JobIntentService.
Because I found the JobScheduler and JobIntentService docs a bit confusing, I would like to some everything up with some code snippets. I hope this makes everything clear to everyone having this issue.
What is causing this issue?
Due to the new Background Execution Limits of Android 8, you should not start background services anymore when the app could be in background:
While an app is in the foreground, it can create and run both foreground and background services freely. When an app goes into the background, it has a window of several minutes in which it is still allowed to create and use services. At the end of that window, the app is considered to be idle. At this time, the system stops the app's background services, just as if the app had called the services' Service.stopSelf() methods.
And also:
In many cases, your app can replace background services with JobScheduler jobs.
So for Android 7.x and below, using startService() when the app is in background is (as far as I know) no problem. But in Android 8, this results in a crash. In consequence, you should use a JobScheduler now. The behavioral difference between JobScheduler and an IntentService is that an IntentService is executed immediately. On the other hand, a job enqueued to a JobScheduler is not guaranteed to be executed immediately. The Android OS will determine when there is a good point of time to do so in order to be more energy efficient. So there might be a delay. And I have no idea so far how long this could take.
So one solution could be to check the OS version and branch your code using if-else. Fortunately, the support library helps us to solve this in a more elegant way without duplicating any code: JobIntentService, which basically does this for you under the hood.
How to reproduce the issue?
The first quote above states that the app still "has a window of several minutes in which it is still allowed to create and use services.", so in order to reproduce and debug the issue (with the example of onTokenRefresh() in Firebase), you could set a breakpoint before your start your service with startService(). Close the app and wait there for 5-10 minutes. Continue the execution and you will see the IllegalStateException from this question.
Being able to reproduce the issue as fundamental to make sure that our fixes really solve the problem.
How to migrate my IntenService to JobIntentService?
I use FirebaseInstanceIdService.onTokenRefresh() as an example:
a) Add the BIND_JOB_SERVICE permission to your service:
<service android:name=".fcm.FcmRegistrationJobIntentService"
b) Instead of extending from IntentService, simply extend from, rename the onHandleIntent(Intent) method to onHandleWork(Intent), and add a enqueueWork(Context, Intent) convenient function:
public class FcmRegistrationJobIntentService extends JobIntentService
// Unique job ID for this service.
static final int JOB_ID = 42;
// Convenience method for enqueuing work in to this service.
public static void enqueueWork(Context context, Intent work) {
enqueueWork(context, FcmRegistrationJobIntentService.class, JOB_ID, work);
protected void onHandleWork(#NonNull Intent intent) {
// the code from IntentService.onHandleIntent() ...
c) Start the job using the enqueueWork() convenient function:
public class ComfyFirebaseInstanceIdService extends FirebaseInstanceIdService {
public void onTokenRefresh() {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, FcmRegistrationJobIntentService.class);
// startService(intent);
FcmRegistrationJobIntentService.enqueueWork(this, intent);
I hope this example is helpful. At least after following these steps, I was not able to reproduce the issue on my Android 8 device anymore, and it continues to work an my Android 7 device.
as FirebaseInstanceIdService deprecated we should remove this from the code, and use onNewToken from FirebaseMessagingService instead.
I've done some research about it and the best option is to transform IntentService into JobIntentService available in app compat library. It would behave like IntentService on all pre-Oreo devices. On Android 8 and above it will enqueue job to android system JobScheduler. This job by default have set deadline parameter to 0, so theoretically it should fire as fast as possible.
as of today (26/10/2018), FirebaseInstanceIDServie isdeprecated, try this to fix the above issue link

Unity Networking [UNET]: Syncronizing static scene objects

Hello everyone!
I'm relatively new to Unity and currently working around new game project using UNET. I have stuck for a few days with this problem: how I can syncronize existing (not spawned) scene objects in Unity?
I have object named "background" - it's a sprite. When server loads map it changes background's transform scale. All I want to do is to sync it with newly connected clients.
Documentation here says that it should be done automaticlly if object has NetworkIndentity and NetworkTransform components. But it doesn't work for me!
Here is the simplified project:
I have sprite with scale 40;40.
Then in OnServerStart I change it to 100;100 - on the host or server only it works great!
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class NewBehaviourScript : NetworkBehaviour
// Use this for initialization
public override void OnStartServer()
this.transform.localScale = new Vector3(100, 100, 1);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
But on client side anything happens. I tried adding NetworkServer.SpawnObjects(); inside this method. Doesn't work.
Any suggestions?
I'm afraid transform.scale synchronization is still not supported by UNET. It wasn't 1 year ago and it still is now :(
But luckily, you can workaround this problem by using [SyncVar attribute].

AVURLAsset loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys, synchronous version?

is there a way to load an AVURLAsset in a synchronous manner?
My scenario is one which I need to load the assets in the background while showing a different view and change to the view showing the AVPlayer when the assets are ready to play. Not before.
I've tried loading async and calling a delegate method to tell "the assets are ready, you can show the next view", but if I get a mem warning before that, the views containing the assets in the background get released before they finish i never get the delegate call. That's why I rather do it synchronously.
Any ideas?
I'm not 100% sure I understand what you're getting at, but I believe you should be able to just use [AVURLAsset commonMetadata] or [AVURLAsset metadataForFormat:[[AVURLAsset availableMetadataFormats] lastObject]] and then show your view once this information has been loaded. Theses methods return an array of AVMetadataItems, which you should rather easily be able to traverse with a for loop. Sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for.
