What does MPI_File_Open - mpi

I can't understand this instruction what MPI_File_Open and related MPI_seek and MPI_read does. Is there someone who can help me?
With the instruction MPI_File_Open the file is read simultaneously between all processors when I run the program? For example, if I specify mpirun -n 4 etc, is the file read by all four processors?
This is the code:
MPI_File fh;
for (i = 1 ; i <= rows ; i++) {
MPI_File_seek(fh, 3*(start_row + i-1) * width + 3*start_col, MPI_SEEK_SET);
tmpbuf = offset(src, i, 3, cols*3+6);
MPI_File_read(fh, tmpbuf, cols*3, MPI_BYTE, &status);
Is there a way I can turn this into openMP or optimize it? I tried to modify the code like this:
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(2)
for (i = 1 ; i <= rows ; i++) {
MPI_File_seek(fh, 3*(start_row + i-1) * width + 3*start_col, MPI_SEEK_SET);
tmpbuf = offset(src, i, 3, cols*3+6);
MPI_File_read(fh, tmpbuf, cols*3, MPI_BYTE, &status);
Running the program with this modification I don't get any speedup of the execution. Runs at the same time as code with MPI only. What am I doing wrong?


How to find the minimum value in an array using OpenCL

I am learning opencl for the first time, and I am currently modifying the shortest path finding algorithm. I know that opencl usually uses the idea of parallel computing to solve problems. So I wonder if I can also use this parallel idea when I am dealing with finding the minimum value and its position in the array?
This is my previous attempt. I think that as long as the variable is the smallest, the result can be obtained regardless of whether the operation is locked or not. Unfortunately, when I use printf to view variables, although valid nodes have been judged, I can't get the correct results.
__kernel void findWay(__global int* A, __global int* B, __global int* minNode, __global int* minDis, __global int* isFinish)
//A: weightMatrix , B: usedNode
//dijkstra algorithm , src node is 0
size_t dst = get_global_id(1);
size_t src = get_global_id(0);
size_t vCount = get_global_size(0);
int index = dst * vCount + src;
while(isFinish[0] != vCount){
if((src == minNode[0])&&(B[dst] == 0)&&(A[index] != INT_MAX)){
A[dst*vCount] = min(A[dst*vCount + 0],A[minNode[0]*vCount + 0] + A[index]);
minDis[0] = INT_MAX;
//here is the bug
if((src == 0) &&(B[dst] == 0)){
if(minDis[0] > A[index]){
minDis[0] = A[index];
minNode[0] = dst;
B[minNode[0]] = 1;
if(index == 0){
In the end, I can only use a normal way to achieve this operation.
if((src == 0) &&(dst == 0)){
for(int i = 0 ; i < vCount ;i++){
if(B[i] == 0 && minDis[0] > A[i *vCount]){
minDis[0] = A[i*vCount];
minNode[0] = i;
I would like to ask about this search process, can the looping step be omitted?
Horizontal operations on the parallelized array are difficult. The general approach to them is binary-tree-like kernel passes. Start with the original array, make each GPU thread load 2 neighboring elements and choose the smaller one, write that in the same array to position of the first of the two elements. Next kernel loads two elements from the list of every second element, compares the two, writes the smaller one in the first position of the two. Repeat until there is only one element left.
I will illustrate it beloe. I mark values that are not touched by the kernel anymore with *.
original array: 5|2|1|6|9|3|4|8
after 1st kernel pass: 2 *|1 *|3 *|4 *
after 2nd kernel pass: 1 * * *|3 * * *
after 3nd kernel pass: 1 * * * * * * *
smallest element is 1.

MPI Scatterv : How to deal with the root process?

The thing I am still not too certain about is what happens with the root process in MPI Scatter / Scatterv.
If I divide an array as I try in my code, do I need to include the root process in the number of receivers (hence making the sendcounts of size nproc) or is it excluded?
In my example code for Matrix Multiplication, I still get an error by one of the processes running into aberrant behaviour, terminating the program prematurely:
void readMatrix();
double StartTime;
int rank, nproc, proc;
//double matrix_A[N_ROWS][N_COLS];
double **matrix_A;
//double matrix_B[N_ROWS][N_COLS];
double **matrix_B;
//double matrix_C[N_ROWS][N_COLS];
double **matrix_C;
int low_bound = 0; //low bound of the number of rows of each process
int upper_bound = 0; //upper bound of the number of rows of [A] of each process
int portion = 0; //portion of the number of rows of [A] of each process
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
matrix_A = (double **)malloc(N_ROWS * sizeof(double*));
for(int i = 0; i < N_ROWS; i++) matrix_A[i] = (double *)malloc(N_COLS * sizeof(double));
matrix_B = (double **)malloc(N_ROWS * sizeof(double*));
for(int i = 0; i < N_ROWS; i++) matrix_B[i] = (double *)malloc(N_COLS * sizeof(double));
matrix_C = (double **)malloc(N_ROWS * sizeof(double*));
for(int i = 0; i < N_ROWS; i++) matrix_C[i] = (double *)malloc(N_COLS * sizeof(double));
int *counts = new int[nproc](); // array to hold number of items to be sent to each process
// -------------------> If we have more than one process, we can distribute the work through scatterv
if (nproc > 1) {
// -------------------> Process 0 initalizes matrices and scatters the portions of the [A] Matrix
if (rank==0) {
StartTime = MPI_Wtime();
int counter = 0;
for (int proc = 0; proc < nproc; proc++) {
counts[proc] = N_ROWS / nproc ;
counter += N_ROWS / nproc ;
counter = N_ROWS - counter;
counts[nproc-1] = counter;
//set bounds for each process
low_bound = rank*(N_ROWS/nproc);
portion = counts[rank];
upper_bound = low_bound + portion;
printf("I am process %i and my lower bound is %i and my portion is %i and my upper bound is %i \n",rank,low_bound, portion,upper_bound);
//scatter the work among the processes
int *displs = new int[nproc]();
displs[0] = 0;
for (int proc = 1; proc < nproc; proc++) displs[proc] = displs[proc-1] + (N_ROWS/nproc);
MPI_Scatterv(matrix_A, counts, displs, MPI_DOUBLE, &matrix_A[low_bound][0], portion, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//broadcast [B] to all the slaves
// -------------------> Everybody does their work
for (int i = low_bound; i < upper_bound; i++) {//iterate through a given set of rows of [A]
for (int j = 0; j < N_COLS; j++) {//iterate through columns of [B]
for (int k = 0; k < N_ROWS; k++) {//iterate through rows of [B]
matrix_C[i][j] += (matrix_A[i][k] * matrix_B[k][j]);
// -------------------> Process 0 gathers the work
The root process also takes place in the receiver side. If you are not interested in that, just set sendcounts[root] = 0.
See MPI_Scatterv for specific information on which values you have to pass exactly.
However, take care of what you are doing. I strongly suggest that you change the way you allocate your matrix as a one-dimensional array, using a single malloc like this:
double* matrix = (double*) malloc( N_ROWS * N_COLS * sizeof(double) );
If you still want to use a two-dimensional array, then you may need to define your types as a MPI derived datatype.
The datatype you are passing is not valid if you want to send more than a row in a single MPI transfer.
With MPI_DOUBLE you are telling MPI that the buffer contains a contiguous array of count MPI_DOUBLE values.
Since you are allocating a two-dimensional array using multiple malloc calls, then your data is not contiguous.

Parallelizing recursive function through MPI?

can we parallelize a recursive function using MPI?
I am trying to parallelize the quick sort function, but don't know if it works in MPI because it is recursive. I also want to know where should I do the parallel region.
// quickSort.c
#include <stdio.h>
void quickSort( int[], int, int);
int partition( int[], int, int);
void main()
int a[] = { 7, 12, 1, -2, 0, 15, 4, 11, 9};
int i;
printf("\n\nUnsorted array is: ");
for(i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
printf(" %d ", a[i]);
quickSort( a, 0, 8);
printf("\n\nSorted array is: ");
for(i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
printf(" %d ", a[i]);
void quickSort( int a[], int l, int r)
int j;
if( l < r )
// divide and conquer
j = partition( a, l, r);
quickSort( a, l, j-1);
quickSort( a, j+1, r);
int partition( int a[], int l, int r) {
int pivot, i, j, t;
pivot = a[l];
i = l; j = r+1;
while( 1)
do ++i; while( a[i] <= pivot && i <= r );
do --j; while( a[j] > pivot );
if( i >= j ) break;
t = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = t;
t = a[l]; a[l] = a[j]; a[j] = t;
return j;
I would also really appreciate it if there is another simpler code for the quick sort.
Well, technically you can, but I'm afraid this would be efficient only in SMP. And does the array fit to single node? If no, then you cannot perform even the first pass of a quick-sort.
If you really need to sort an array on a parallel system using MPI, you might want to consider using merge sort instead (of course you still can use quick sort for single blocks at each node, before you begin merging the blocks).
If you still want to use quick sort, but you are confused with the recursive version, here is a sketch of non-recursive algorithm which hopefully can be parallelized a bit easier, although it's essentially the same:
std::stack<std::pair<int, int> > unsorted;
unsorted.push(std::make_pair(0, size-1));
while (!unsorted.empty()) {
std::pair<int, int> u = unsorted.top();
m = partition(A, u.first, u.second);
// here you can send one of intervals to another node instead of
// pushing it into the stack, so it would be processed in parallel.
if (m+1 < u.second) unsorted.push(std::make_pair(m+1, u.second));
if (u.first < m-1) unsorted.push(std::make_pair(u.first, m-1));
Theoretically "anything" can be parallelized using MPI, but remember that MPI isn't doing any parallelization itself. It's just providing the communication layer between processes. As long as all of your sends and receives (or collective calls) match up, it's a correct program for the most part. That being said, it may not be the most efficient thing to use MPI, depending on your algorithm. If you are going to be sorting lots and lots of data (more than can fit in the memory of one node) then it could be efficient to use MPI (you probably want to take a look at the RMA chapter in that case) or some other higher level library that might make things even simpler for this type of application (UPC, Co-array Fortran, SHMEM, etc.).

How to share work roughly evenly between processes in MPI despite the array_size not being cleanly divisible by the number of processes?

Hi all, I have an array of length N, and I'd like to divide it as best as possible between 'size' processors. N/size has a remainder, e.g. 1000 array elements divided by 7 processes, or 14 processes by 3 processes.
I'm aware of at least a couple of ways of work sharing in MPI, such as:
for (i=rank; i<N;i+=size){ a[i] = DO_SOME_WORK }
However, this does not divide the array into contiguous chunks, which I'd like to do as I believe is faster for IO reasons.
Another one I'm aware of is:
int count = N / size;
int start = rank * count;
int stop = start + count;
// now perform the loop
int nloops = 0;
for (int i=start; i<stop; ++i)
a[i] = DO_SOME_WORK;
However, with this method, for my first example we get 1000/7 = 142 = count. And so the last rank starts at 852 and ends at 994. The last 6 lines are ignored.
Would be best solution to append something like this to the previous code?
int remainder = N%size;
int start = N-remainder;
if (rank == 0){
for (i=start;i<N;i++){
a[i] = DO_SOME_WORK;
This seems messy, and if its the best solution I'm surprised I haven't seen it elsewhere.
Thanks for any help!
If I had N tasks (e.g., array elements) and size workers (e.g., MPI ranks), I would go as follows:
int count = N / size;
int remainder = N % size;
int start, stop;
if (rank < remainder) {
// The first 'remainder' ranks get 'count + 1' tasks each
start = rank * (count + 1);
stop = start + count;
} else {
// The remaining 'size - remainder' ranks get 'count' task each
start = rank * count + remainder;
stop = start + (count - 1);
for (int i = start; i <= stop; ++i) { a[i] = DO_SOME_WORK(); }
That is how it works:
# ranks: remainder size - remainder
/------------------------------------\ /-----------------------------\
rank: 0 1 remainder-1 size-1
tasks: | count+1 | count+1 | ...... | count+1 | count | count | ..... | count |
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | |
task #: rank * (count+1) | rank * count + remainder |
| |
task #: rank * (count+1) + count rank * count + remainder + count - 1
# tasks: remainder * count + remainder
Here's a closed-form solution.
Let N = array length and P = number of processors.
From j = 0 to P-1,
Starting point of array on processor j = floor(N * j / P)
Length of array on processor j = floor(N * (j + 1) / P) – floor(N * j / P)
Consider your "1000 steps and 7 processes" example.
simple division won't work because integer division (in C) gives you the floor, and you are left with some remainder: i.e. 1000 / 7 is 142, and there will be 6 doodads hanging out
ceiling division has the opposite problem: ceil(1000/7) is 143, but then the last processor overruns the array, or ends up with less to do than the others.
You are asking for a scheme to evenly distribute the remainder over processors. Some processes should have 142, others 143. There must be a more formal approach but considering the attention this question's gotten in the last six months maybe not.
Here's my approach. Every process needs to do this algorithm, and just pick out the answer it needs for itself.
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
#define NR_ITEMS 1000
int i, rank, nprocs;;
int *bins;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
bins = calloc(nprocs, sizeof(int));
int nr_alloced = 0;
for (i=0; i<nprocs; i++) {
remainder = NR_ITEMS - nr_alloced;
buckets = (nprocs - i);
/* if you want the "big" buckets up front, do ceiling division */
bins[i] = remainder / buckets;
nr_alloced += bins[i];
if (rank == 0)
for (i=0; i<nprocs; i++) printf("%d ", bins[i]);
return 0;
I know this is long sense gone but a simple way to do this is to give each process the floor of the (number of items) / (number of processes) + (1 if process_num < num_items mod num_procs). In python, an array with work counts:
# Number of items
# Number of processes
# Items per process
[NI/NP + (1 if P < NI%NP else 0)for P in range(0,NP)]
Improving off of #Alexander's answer: make use of min to condense the logic.
int count = N / size;
int remainder = N % size;
int start = rank * count + min(rank, remainder);
int stop = (rank + 1) * count + min(rank + 1, remainder);
for (int i = start; i < stop; ++i) { a[i] = DO_SOME_WORK(); }
I think that the best solution is to write yourself a little function for splitting work across processes evenly enough. Here's some pseudo-code, I'm sure you can write C (is that C in your question ?) better than I can.
function split_evenly_enough(num_steps, num_processes)
return = repmat(0, num_processes) ! pseudo-Matlab for an array of num_processes 0s
steps_per_process = ceiling(num_steps/num_processes)
return = steps_per_process - 1 ! set all elements of the return vector to this number
return(1:mod(num_steps, num_processes)) = steps_per_process ! some processes have 1 more step
How about this?
int* distribute(int total, int processes) {
int* distribution = new int[processes];
int last = processes - 1;
int remaining = total;
int process = 0;
while (remaining != 0) {
if (process != last) {
else {
process = 0;
return distribution;
The idea is that you assign an element to the first process, then an element to the second process, then an element to the third process, and so on, jumping back to the first process whenever the last one is reached.
This method works even when the number of processes is greater than the number of elements. It uses only very simple operations and should therefore be very fast.
I had a similar problem, and here is my non optimum solution with Python and mpi4py API. An optimum solution would take into account how the processors are laid out, here extra work is ditributed to lower ranks. The uneven workload only differ by one task, so it should not be a big deal in general.
from mpi4py import MPI
import sys
def get_start_end(comm,N):
Distribute N consecutive things (rows of a matrix , blocks of a 1D array)
as evenly as possible over a given communicator.
Uneven workload (differs by 1 at most) is on the initial ranks.
comm: MPI communicator
N: int
Total number of things to be distributed.
rstart: index of first local row
rend: 1 + index of last row
Index is zero based.
P = comm.size
rank = comm.rank
rstart = 0
rend = N
if P >= N:
if rank < N:
rstart = rank
rend = rank + 1
rstart = 0
rend = 0
n = N//P # Integer division PEP-238
remainder = N%P
rstart = n * rank
rend = n * (rank+1)
if remainder:
if rank >= remainder:
rstart += remainder
rend += remainder
rstart += rank
rend += rank + 1
return rstart, rend
if __name__ == '__main__':
n = int(sys.argv[1])

Valgrind error: Invalid read of size 1

I cant find the error in this code, Im looking at it for hours... Valgrind says:
==23114== Invalid read of size 1
==23114== Invalid write of size 1
I tried debugging with some printfs, and i think that the error is in this function.
void rdm_hide(char *name, Byte* img, Byte* bits, int msg, int n, int size)
FILE *fp;
int r;/
Byte* used;
int i = 0, j = 0;
int p;
fp = fopen(name, "wb");
used = malloc(sizeof(Byte) * msg);
for(i = 0; i < msg; i++)
used[i] = -1;
while(i < 3)
if(img[j] == '\n')
for(i = 0; i < msg; i++)
r = genrand_int32();
p = r % n;
if(!search(p, used, msg))
used[i] = (Byte)p;
if(bits[i] == (Byte)0)
img[j + p] = img[j + p] & (~1);
else if(bits[i] == (Byte)1)
img[j + p] = img[j + p] | 1;
i --;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
fputc( (char) img[i], fp);
Thanks for help!
==23114== Invalid read of size 1
==23114== Invalid write of size 1
I am pretty sure that's not all valgrind says.
You should
Build your program with debug info (most likely -g flag). This will let valgrind tell you exactly which line triggers invalid read and write
If the problem doesn't become obvious, edit your question and include entire valgrind output.
Re-running valgrind --track-origins=yes your-exe may provide additional useful info.
Lastly, your algorithm appears to be totally bogus. As far as I can tell, the j becomes 3 after the first while loop and never changes after that (in which case you should just use const int j = 3; and do away with j++). Also, you reference img[j + p], where p is between 0 and n. If n is indeed the size of img, then it's little surprise that j + p indexes outside of the img limits, and triggers both errors.
