Submit Form Entries to All Users Under A Certain User Role - wordpress

i would like to know if there is a form that i can create that will submit entries to all user emails under a certain user role.
Well i'm new to this so, i really am not sure what to try.The point of the form is to "request an agent" then the form will submit the visitors entries to all emails under the user role "Agents"


woocommerce custom order request

I am facing problems with custom order request. Actually I want to show 1 form in anywhere of my website and when any customer fill that form then as a admin I will get approve or disapprove option if I do Approve the customer will be get notified by email but if I approve this will be converted as a Order. also if I reject customer will be get notified How can I do this?

Once user sign in they are directed to a gravity form - only when it is complete will they be directed to the site

I have a survey that needs to be filled out before the user can continue onto the site.
User will be logged in - this is place
Fill out form - this is in place
Redirect to another page - this is in place
I am just not sure of the functionality always directing them to the survey if they did not do it. I have first login which is in place but this doesnt always mean they will complete the form and therefore this does not really work.
if user signs in and has not completed the form, it will be directed to a form page
if user signs in and has completed the form, it will be directed to a different page
Any ideas on how this could be achieved?
Since user needs to be logged in to fill the form, you can keep the status of the form for that user in user meta field.
You can check if user meta exists and if does redirect to home page or if not show the form to fill.
if ( ! get_user_meta( $user->ID, '_survey_done', true ) ) {
// redirect to survey page or where ever you need him/her to go to fill the form
After they submit the form you should add the user meta so that next time they login you will not redirect them to the survey form.
add_user_meta( $user->ID, '_survey_done', 1 );

Posting a master and details on save

I am completely new to the MVC and struggling with concept that would be easy in webform application.
I am implementing a functionality where I have to allow a user to add multiple phone number for Home, Work and mobile on a single view. So the view has below fields.
Customer Name
Customer Email
List box to select: Home/Mobile/Work
Textbox for the selected category
User is allowed to add multiple contact numbers and finally on save it should be stored in Customer table as well as customer's contacts table which has Customer's ID, Contact Type and Number.
It would be great help if you have working example of it.

Force anonymous to register before submitting a form. Drupal 7

I want to force anonymous to register an account before submitting the form.
So I have to allow permission for anonymous to access the form,
Then I use hook_form_FORM_ID_alter to edit form. Then I wanted to redirect submit button to another link if it is clicked by anonymous.(I still have no idea how to do it. It would be nice if anyone can tell me)
Is this the right solution?
For now,
I have a pop-up a login form (Modal forms and Facebook OAuth). In the form there is a register button. Then If user choose to register I want to keep the form that he have already input and show it after he confirm his email.
Thank you.
Off the top of my head, I would allow the form to be submitted either by an anonymous user or a registered one.
in my function MYMODULE_MYFORM_submit() I would check to see if the user is logged in.
If yes proceed as normal, if no, store the form, either in a temp SESSION variable or into a custom MySQL table and forward the user to login/register page ( using drupal_goto('user')
once the user was registered you could then check for the existence of the form in the SESSION array or your MySQL table, and then carry on with the process as you would if the user had been logged in in the first place
Hope this makes sense or is of help

Drupal: customizing user register form

I want to customize the user/register form.
When the anonymous user goes on this page I don't want to show the tabs Create new account, Log in, Request new password, and don't want to see the fieldset Account information with a username and email.
How can I do it in Drupal 6?
The tabtamer module lets you control what tabs are visible from the admin pages.
I'm not sure if it's possible to remove the user profile page entirely, but a module like login_destination or logintoboggan let you control where the user goes when they log in.
