Spline interpolation 3D array - python - multidimensional-array

I need to do an interpolation between a 3D array and 1D array with spline method and I need to have the same result as in Mathematica (I am converting a code.
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
from scipy.interpolate import NearestNDInterpolator
points = np.array([
[ 27.827, 18.53 , -30.417], [ 24.002, 17.759, -24.782],
[ 22.145, 13.687, -33.282], [ 17.627, 18.224, -25.197],
[ 29.018, 18.841, -38.761], [ 24.834, 20.538, -33.012],
[ 26.232, 22.327, -27.735], [ 23.017, 23.037, -29.23 ],
[ 28.761, 21.565, -31.586], [ 26.263, 23.686, -32.766]])
# and put the moisture corresponding data values in a separate array:
values = np.array([0.205, 0.197, 0.204, 0.197, 0.212,
0.208, 0.204, 0.205, 0.211, 0.215])
# Finally, put the desired point/points you want to interpolate over
request = np.array([[25, 20, -30], [2, 1, -3]])
linInter= LinearNDInterpolator(points, values)
linInter1 = NearestNDInterpolator(points,values)
output= linInter1(np.array([[27,20,-32],[2,2,-3]]))
The result of my output in python is:
array([0.205, 0.197])
The result of my output in mathematica is:
I think that the main problem is due to the extrapolation.
In this case what should be the function that could give me the nearest value as in Mathematica?
I need to have the same result or almost the same as Mathematica


numpy array of unexpected dimension

I'm currently switching from Matlab to Python and I have a problem with understanding numpy arrays.
The following code (copied from Numpy documentation) creates a [2x3] array
np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], np.int32).
Which behaves as expected.
Now I tried to adapt this to my case and tried
myArray = np.array([\
[-0.000847283, 0.000000000, 0.141182070, 2.750000000],
[ 0.000876414, -0.025855453, 0.270459334, 2.534537894],
[-0.000098373, 0.003388169, -0.021976882, 3,509325279],
[ 0.000077079, -0.004507202, 0.096453685, 2,917172446],
[-0.000049944, 0.003114201, -0.055974372, 3,933359490],
[ 0.000042697, -0.003833862, 0.117727186, 2.485846507],
[-0.000000843, 0.000084733, 0.000169340, 3.661424974],
[ 0.000000676, -0.000074756, 0.005751451, 3.596300338],
[-0.000001860, 0.000229543, -0.006420507, 3.758593109],
[ 0.000006764, -0.000934745, 0.045972458, 2.972698644],
[ 0.000014803, -0.002140505, 0.106260454, 1.967898711],
[-0.000025975, 0.004587858, -0.263799480, 8.752330828],
[ 0.000009098, -0.001725357, 0.114993424, 1.176472749],
[-0.000010418, 0.002080207, -0.132368251, 6.535975709],
[ 0.000032572, -0.006947575, 0.499576502, -8.209401868],
[-0.000039870, 0.009351884, -0.722882956, 22.352084596],
[ 0.000046909, -0.011475011, 0.943268640, -22.078624629],
[-0.000067764, 0.017766572, -1.542265901, 48.344854010],
[ 0.000144148, -0.039449875, 3.607214322,-106.139552662],
[-0.000108830, 0.032648910, -3.242170215, 110.757624352]
But not as expected the shape is (20,). I expected the following shape: (20x4).
Question 1: Can anyone tell me why? And how do I create the array correctly?
Question 2: When I add the datatype , dtype=np.float, I get the following
*TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'list'*
but the array isn't intended to be a list.
I found the mistake on my own after trying to np.vstack all vectors.
The resulting error said that the size of the arrays with the row index 2, 3, 4 is not 4 as expected.
Replacing a , (comma) with a dot solved the problem.

Getting R observations back to NodeJS using "sort"

I am having a weird issue with the r-script (npm module) and the passage of the output to NodeJS.
data <- read.transactions(input[[1]], sep = ",")
# default settings result in zero rules learned
groceryrules <- apriori(data, parameter = list(support =
0.006, confidence = 0.25, minlen = 2))
I get the result fine in nodeJS as:
[ { '2': '=>', lhs: '{potted plants}', rhs: '{whole milk}', support: 0.0069, confidence: 0.4, lift: 1.5655, count: 68, _row: '[1]' }, { '2': '=>', lhs: '{pasta}', rhs: '{whole milk}', support: 0.0061, confidence: 0.4054, lift: 1.5866, count: 60, _row: '[2]' } ...]
However, changing the last line to:
inspect(sort(groceryrules, by = "lift")[1:5])
I get no output. If I set the interval to 1:2, it prints correctly the two top observations (by Lift).
Why can't I view more than 2 items when using sort?
My code in NodeJS:
var R = require("r-script");
var out = R("tests.R");
out = out.data(__dirname+"\\groceries.csv");
out = out.callSync();
I managed to find the solution.
out <- capture.output(inspect(sort(groceryrules,by="lift")[1:10]))
It correctly puts into a string the inspect output and then passes it to the NodeJS server as:
[' lhs rhs support confidence lift count',
'[1] {herbs} => {root vegetables} 0.007015760 0.4312500 3.956477 69',...]
A simple split in each string should address the problem now, to make the data manageable.
Managed to find a better solution that gets the JSON in the correct format straight away, by using:
data = (sort(rules,by="lift"))
as(data, "data.frame")
This way it correctly converts the frame to JSON.

Use scipy.integrate.quad with Tensorflow

I am trying to use scipy.integrate.quad with Tensorflow as following.
time and Lambda are two Tensors with shape (None, 1).
def f_t(self, time, Lambda):
h = Lambda * self.shape * time ** (self.shape - 1)
S = tf.exp(-1 * Lambda * time ** self.shape)
return h * S
def left_censoring(self, time, Lambda):
return tf.map_fn(lambda x: integrate.quad(self.f_t,
x[0], # it is not a float before evaluation
tf.concat([time, Lambda], 1))
However, I get an error as below:
File "J:\Workspace\Distributions.py", line 30, in <lambda>
File "I:\Anaconda3\envs\tensorflow\lib\site-packages\scipy\integrate\quadpack.py", line 323, in quad
File "I:\Anaconda3\envs\tensorflow\lib\site-packages\scipy\integrate\quadpack.py", line 388, in _quad
return _quadpack._qagse(func,a,b,args,full_output,epsabs,epsrel,limit)
TypeError: a float is required
X[0] is a Tensor with shape=(). It is not a float value before evaluation. Is it possible to solve the problem? How should I calculate integration in Tensorflow?
If you have at least TensorFlow 1.8.0, you're probably best off using tf.contrib.integrate.odeint_fixed() like this code (tested):
from __future__ import print_function
import tensorflow as tf
assert tf.VERSION >= "1.8.0", "This code only works with TensorFlow 1.8.0 or later."
def f( y, a ):
return a * a
x = tf.constant( [ 0.0, 1.0, 2, 3, 4 ], dtype = tf.float32 )
i = tf.contrib.integrate.odeint_fixed( f, 0.0, x, method = "rk4" )
with tf.Session() as sess:
res = sess.run( i )
print( res )
will output:
[ 0. 0.33333334 2.6666667 9. 21.333334 ]
properly integrating x2 over the intervals of [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 2 ], [ 0, 3 ], and [ 0, 4 ] as per x = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] above. (The primitive function of x2 is ⅓ x3, so for example 43 / 3 = 64/3 = 21 ⅓.)
Otherwise, for earlier TensorFlow versions, here's how to fix your code.
So the main issue is that you have to use tf.py_func() to map a Python function (scipy.integrate.quad() in this case) on a tensor. tf.map_fn() will map other TensorFlow operations and passes and expects tensors as operands. Therefore x[ 0 ] will never be a simple float, it will be a scalar tensor and scipy.integrate.quad() will not know what to do with that.
You can't completely get rid of tf.map_fn() either, unless you want to manually loop over numpy arrays.
Furthermore, scipy.integrate.quad() returns a double (float64), whereas your tensors are float32.
I've simplified your code a lot, because I don't have access to the rest of it and it looks too complicated compared to the core of this question. The following code (tested):
from __future__ import print_function
import tensorflow as tf
from scipy import integrate
def f( a ):
return a * a
def integrated( f, x ):
return tf.map_fn( lambda y: tf.py_func(
lambda z: integrate.quad( f, 0.0, z )[ 0 ], [ y ], tf.float64 ),
x )
x = tf.constant( [ 1.0, 2, 3, 4 ], dtype = tf.float64 )
i = integrated( f, x )
with tf.Session() as sess:
res = sess.run( i )
print( res )
will also output:
[ 0.33333333 2.66666667 9. 21.33333333]

Categorical image classification always predicts one class, though calculated accuracy reaches 100%

I followed the Keras cat/dog image classification tutorial
Keras Image Classification tutorial
and found similar results to the reported values. I then took the code from the first example in that tutorial Tutorial Example 1 code, slightly altered a few lines, and trained the model for a dataset of grayscale images (~150 thousand images across 7 classes).
This gave me great initial results ( ~84% accuracy), which I am happy with.
Next I tried implementing the image batch generator myself, which is where I am having trouble. Briefly, the code seems to run well, except the reported accuracy of the model quickly shoots to >= 99% within two epochs. Due to noise in the dataset, this amount of accuracy is not believable. After using the trained model to predict a new batch of data ( images outside of the training or validation dataset ), I find the model always predicts the first class ( i.e. [1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]. The loss function is forcing the model to predict a single class 100% of the time, even though the labels I pass in are distributed across all the classes.
After 28 epochs of training, I see the following output:
320/320 [==============================] - 1114s - loss: 1.5820e-07 - categorical_accuracy: 1.0000 - sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_loss: 16.1181 - val_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00
When I examine the batch generator output from the tutorial code, and compare my batch generator output, the shape, datatype, and range of values are identical between both generators. I would like to emphasize that the generator passes y labels from each category, not just array([ 1.., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32). Therefore, I am lost as to what I am doing incorrectly.
Since I posted this code several days ago, I have used the default Keras image generator, and successfully trained the network on the same dataset and same network architecture. Therefore, something about how I load and pass the data in the generator must be incorrect.
Here is the code I implemented:
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D
from keras.layers import Activation, Dropout, Flatten, Dense
from keras.optimizers import SGD
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, EarlyStopping, ReduceLROnPlateau
import imgaug as ia
from imgaug import augmenters as iaa
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as nprand
import imageio
import os, re, random, sys, csv
import scipy
img_width, img_height = 112, 112
input_shape = (img_width,img_height,1)
batch_size = 200
epochs = 2
train_image_directory = '/PATH/To/Directory/train/'
valid_image_directory = '/PATH/To/Directory/validate/'
video_info_file = '/PATH/To/Directory/train_labels.csv'
train_image_paths = [train_image_directory + m.group(1) for m in [re.match(r"(\d+_\d+\.png)", fname) for fname in os.listdir(train_image_directory)] if m is not None]
valid_image_paths = [valid_image_directory + m.group(1) for m in [re.match(r"(\d+_\d+\.png)", fname) for fname in os.listdir(valid_image_directory)] if m is not None]
num_train_images = len(train_image_paths)
num_val_images = len(valid_image_paths)
label_map = {}
label_decode = {
'0': [1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],
'1': [0.,1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],
'2': [0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,0.,0.],
'3': [0.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,0.],
'4': [0.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.],
'5': [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.],
'6': [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.]
with open(video_info_file) as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
key = row[0]
if key in label_map:
label_map[key] = label_decode[row[1]]
sometimes = lambda aug: iaa.Sometimes(0.5,aug)
seq = iaa.Sequential(
sometimes(iaa.Crop(percent=(0, 0.1))),
scale={"x": (0.8, 1.2), "y": (0.8, 1.2)},
translate_percent={"x": (-0.2, 0.2), "y": (-0.2, 0.2)},
rotate=(-5, 5),
shear=(-16, 16),
order=[0, 1],
cval=(0, 1),
iaa.SomeOf((0, 3),
sometimes(iaa.Superpixels(p_replace=(0, 0.40), n_segments=(20, 100))),
iaa.Sharpen(alpha=(0, 1.0), lightness=(0.75, 1.5)),
iaa.Emboss(alpha=(0, 1.0), strength=(0, 1.0)),
iaa.AdditiveGaussianNoise(loc=0, scale=(0.0, 0.05*255)),
iaa.Dropout((0.01, 0.1)),
iaa.CoarseDropout((0.03, 0.15), size_percent=(0.02, 0.05)),
iaa.Add((-10, 10)),
iaa.Multiply((0.5, 1.5), per_channel=0.5),
iaa.ContrastNormalization((0.5, 2.0)),
sometimes(iaa.ElasticTransformation(alpha=(0.5, 1.5), sigma=0.2)),
sometimes(iaa.PiecewiseAffine(scale=(0.01, 0.03))) # sometimes move parts of the image around
def image_data_generator(image_paths, labels, batch_size, training):
image_paths = nprand.choice(image_paths, batch_size)
X0 = np.asarray([imageio.imread(x) for x in image_paths])
Y = np.asarray([labels[x] for x in image_paths],dtype=np.float32)
X = np.divide(np.expand_dims(seq.augment_images(X0)[:,:,:,0],axis=3),255.)
X = np.expand_dims(np.divide(X0[:,:,:,0],255.),axis=3)
X = np.asarray(X,dtype=np.float32)
yield X,Y
def predict_videos(model,video_paths):
while(i < len(video_paths)):
video_reader = imageio.get_reader(video_paths[i])
X0 = np.expand_dims([ im[:,:,0] for x,im in enumerate(video_reader) ],axis=3)
prediction = model.predict(X0)
return predictions
train_gen = image_data_generator(train_image_paths,label_map,batch_size,True)
val_gen = image_data_generator(valid_image_paths,label_map,batch_size,False)
model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), input_shape=input_shape))
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))
model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3)))
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))
model.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3)))
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))
sgd = SGD(lr=0.01, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)
checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint('/PATH/To_pretrained_weights/pretrained_model.h5', monitor='val_loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=False, mode='auto', period=1)
reduceLR = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=0.2, patience=20, verbose=0, mode='auto', cooldown=0, min_lr=0)
early_stop = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=20, verbose=1)
callbacks_list = [checkpointer, early_stop, reduceLR]
steps_per_epoch = -(-num_train_images // batch_size),
validation_steps = -(-num_val_images // batch_size),
For some reason that I cannot fully determine, if you do not give the fit_generator function accurate numbers for steps per epoch or steps for validation, the result is inaccurate reporting of the accuracy metric and strange gradient descent steps.
You can fix this problem by using the Train_on_batch function in Keras instead of the fit generator, or by accurately reporting these step numbers.

Matrix Inversion Methods

When one has a problem of a matrix inverse multiplication with a vector, as such:
one can take a Cholesky Decomposition of A and backsubstitute b to find the resulting vector x. However, a matrix inverse is sometimes needed when the problem is not formulated as above. My question is what is the best way to handle such a situation. Below, I have compared various ways(using numpy) to invert a positive definite matrix:
Firstly, generate the matrix:
>>> A = np.random.rand(5,5)
>>> A
array([[ 0.13516074, 0.2532381 , 0.61169708, 0.99678563, 0.32895589],
[ 0.35303998, 0.8549499 , 0.39071336, 0.32792806, 0.74723177],
[ 0.4016188 , 0.93897663, 0.92574706, 0.93468798, 0.90682809],
[ 0.03181169, 0.35059435, 0.10857948, 0.36422977, 0.54525 ],
[ 0.64871162, 0.37809219, 0.35742865, 0.7154568 , 0.56028468]])
>>> A = np.dot(A.transpose(), A)
>>> A
array([[ 0.72604206, 0.96959581, 0.82773451, 1.10159817, 1.05327233],
[ 0.96959581, 1.94261607, 1.53140854, 1.80864185, 1.9766411 ],
[ 0.82773451, 1.53140854, 1.52338262, 1.89841402, 1.59213299],
[ 1.10159817, 1.80864185, 1.89841402, 2.61930178, 2.01999385],
[ 1.05327233, 1.9766411 , 1.59213299, 2.01999385, 2.10012097]])
The results for the method of direct inversion are as follows:
>>> np.linalg.inv(A)
array([[ 5.49746838, -1.92540877, 2.24730018, -2.20242449,
[ -1.92540877, 95.34219156, -67.93144606, 50.16450952,
[ 2.24730018, -67.93144606, 57.0739859 , -40.56297863,
[ -2.20242449, 50.16450952, -40.56297863, 30.6441555 ,
[ -0.53025806, -85.52146331, 58.55694127, -44.83400183,
When using the Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse, the results are as follows(you might notice that to the displayed precision, the results are the same as direct inversion):
>>> np.linalg.pinv(A)
array([[ 5.49746838, -1.92540877, 2.24730018, -2.20242449,
[ -1.92540877, 95.34219156, -67.93144606, 50.16450952,
[ 2.24730018, -67.93144606, 57.0739859 , -40.56297863,
[ -2.20242449, 50.16450952, -40.56297863, 30.6441555 ,
[ -0.53025806, -85.52146331, 58.55694127, -44.83400183,
Finally, when solving with the identity matrix:
>>> np.linalg.solve(A, np.eye(5))
array([[ 5.49746838, -1.92540877, 2.24730018, -2.20242449,
[ -1.92540877, 95.34219156, -67.93144606, 50.16450952,
[ 2.24730018, -67.93144606, 57.0739859 , -40.56297863,
[ -2.20242449, 50.16450952, -40.56297863, 30.6441555 ,
[ -0.53025806, -85.52146331, 58.55694127, -44.83400183,
Again, you might notice that on a cursory inspection, the result is the same as the previous two methods.
It is well known that matrix inversion is an ill posed problem due to numerical instability that should be avoided where possible. However, in situations where it appears unavoidable, what is the preferable approach and why? To clarify, I am referring to the best approach when implementing such equations in software.
An example of such a problem is provided with another of my questions.
The reason for avoiding inverting matrices has only to do with efficiency. It is faster to solve the linear systems directly. If you think of the problem in your linked question a bit differently, you can apply the same principles.
In order to find the matrix inv(K) * Y * T(Y) * inv(K) - D * inv(K) you can solve the following systems of equations:
K * R * K = Y * T(Y)
You can solve it in two parts:
R2 * K = R1
K * R1 = Y * T(Y)
So you first solve for R1 with your usual method, then solve for R2 (recognise that you can solve T(K) * T(R2) = T(R1) if you have to).
However, at this point I don't know if this will be more efficient than computing the inverse explicitly unless K is symmetric. (There may be a way to efficiently get the decomposition of T(K) from K, but I don't know offhand)
If K is symmetric then you can compute your decomposition on K once and reuse it for the two back-substitution steps and it might be more efficient than computing the inverse explicitly.
