How To Log Analytics For Multiple Apps Under 1 Firebase Project? - firebase

So I am trying to add multiple apps to a single firebase project so that I can share the user auth along with the Firestore DB.
Everything seems to be working fine, except I want to be able to segment Firebase/Google Analytics for each app individually. Is this done automatically? If not how can I do it? I am creating a new config file for each app so my thought is that it should automatically segment a new Google Analytics property for each of these apps but I’m not sure.
Anyone who has any experience with this please let me know. Thanks.


Firebase new user accounts without having access to the app?

I am currently deploying an iOS and Android App to friends in the Beta Stage, so I know who is able to sign up. Today I discovered 4 new accounts created with Google Sign in, even tough I didn't distribute my beta-links to anyone other than people I know.
How is this possible? Furthermore on each SignUp a profile object is created in the firestore database which didn't happen with these 4 accounts?
Do you have any idea, how someone could sign up, without having access to the app? If it helps all the mails followed the same scheme:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Most likely those accounts were created by the Google Play pre-launch check that automatically runs when you upload the app to the Play Store. Since these tests exercise your actual app, that would also explain how the profiles in Firestore were created.

Is there a way to create a sheet report for authentication handled by firebase?

I couldn't find this information anywhere, so I'm sorry if this was already answered.
I'm developing an educational game and I'm using the Google Firebase to handle the authentication. I want a sheet report for whom logged on the game and when. I know that this information is available in the Authentication Menu of the What I need to know is if there is a way to get this report in sheet(csv) format. Also, if the game is published/posted on site, would the Google Analytics create this report for me?
Thanks for the help!
PS.: the game still is just a executable prototype that I run on my machine, so the Google Analytics still isn't running.
There is no API to retrieve information about who signed in to your project using Firebase Authentication. If you want something like that, you could build it yourself on top of it, although the most common approach is to log events to Analytics with a suitable user ID.

Create firebase account on behalf of users

I'm trying to find a way to allow users to create and setup firebase project on their own google account from a client app, and get all their project information, urls and so on.
I took a look at the new project management api but can not figure out how to achieve this.
The management API currently does not support the creation of a new Google Cloud project. You are free to file a feature request for that, but it's worth pointing out that project creation is a complex issue and needs to be gated by abuse prevention measures.
You might also want to look into Google Cloud APIs for dealing with projects.

Firebase: multiple Apps connected to single firestore

This is intentionally a very broad question. Sorry about that.
I'm experimenting with firebase for the first time. I would like to build a little e-commerce webapp using firebase, React and Next. I would like to split the App in two different apps: one admin app (used to create products and do other admin stuff) and the actual shop app. The Apps should be hosted on two different domains but they should talk to the same cloud firestore.
What would be a good setup to implement this architecture? Currently I am thinking about creating separate firebase projects for the admin and the shop app so I can host them on different domains. The cloud firestore would live in the admin project together with all admin related cloud functions etc. The shop app (or client app) would have its own project for hosting and would be connected to the firestore from the admin project.
Does that sound like a reasonable architecture or am I completely on the wrong path. Any suggestions are appreciated. And again sorry for the broadness of the question.
You don't need to do anything special. Each app (mobile, web,whatever) connects to a firebase instance/project. You can just set them all up to use the same firebase project (.plist file etc) and it will all work. The advantage of this design is that both admin and client access the same data, which presumably you need. (If you haven't found it, on the Firebase Console -> Settings -> Project Settings; add applications which will generate the appropriate credential files for each device type.)
Since you will have a shared/common authentication space, you may find that you want to add a flag/limitation to login so that only specified users can access the admin side. There's a few ways this can be accomplished.

Share Firebase Analytics Data With Other Google Users Per App, Not Per Project

Can you share Analytics data with another user per app within Firebase, not per project? I have hundreds of apps under one project and do not want users to have access to all those apps, just specific ones to view the Analytics of a specific app.
No, all permissions in a project are for the entire project. However, please do state your case as a feature request so the Firebase team can be aware of how people are hoping to use the dashboard.
