Web site don't refresh after set Location Header - http

I send a POST /login and as Request a send back a Response with Header: Location: /profile.
After the Client sends the Server a Request with /profile. It Response it successfully but my page is not reloading. Can someone explain me why this is not working?
Response After Post Request
Response After Get /profile Request


Axios redirect 308 not working (CORS error)

We are implementing short URLs to redirect on our project.
I do an API request to my server using axios, with the info on the short url.
The server responds with a redirect status 308 succesffuly.
I see in the response headers, the location parameter (to redirect to) is correct.
And we have also set Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
But the redirect does not follow through...
After recieving the 308; the browser attempts a preflight OPTIONS request to the redirect URL, followed by a GET request to the redirect URL.
Both of these return an error.
The preflight request error: CORS Misssing Allow Origin. And the GET request gives error: NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI
Not sure what the issue is. Is it on the front-end, or on the server-side?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

IIS - Accept a HTTP GET, then wait, trigger POST to API, wait for POST 200 OK reply with REDIRECT to original HTTP GET

I'd like to know if how I might achieve the following in IIS.
User clicks button in email with HTTP GET link.
Request is sent to IIS
IIS sends POST to MS Flow HTTP endpoint to trigger flow.
Flow finishes and sends back 200 OK
Original HTTP GET receives reply with REDIRECT to different URL (HTTP GET)
Essentially I need the first HTTP GET to tigger my flow, wait for it to complete then redirect the user to another webpage if successful.
Thanks !

Understanding the HTTP POST request / response process

I've been trying to thoroughly understand the HTTP POST request / response process and although there are a lot of resources on google, none plainly give me the answer I'm after.
Example scenario:
I have a search form, I enter some query and make the request. I then get redirected to the search result page.
Could someone explain this process; in particular, I'm most interested in the redirection.
This is what I think is going on:
POST request containing query
Server receives request.
Server sends back response containing the page that the client should subsequently request.
Client receives response and requests page indicated in the response.
Server receives request and sends back requested page.
Client renders page.
That's exactly what happens. See Post/Redirect/Get on Wikipedia for an explanation of this pattern.
The client performs the POST request:
Client -> Server: POST / HTTP/1.1 (+payload)
Server -> Client: HTTP/1.1 302 See other (+location header +payload)
Now the client sees the 302 and performs an additional request to the resource identified by the location header:
Client -> Server: GET $location HTTP/1.1
Server -> Client: HTTP/1.1 200 OK (+payload)
You can use Fiddler or Charles for inspecting HTTP traffic.

Difference between GET and POST in an HTTP response (not request)

I already know the difference between POST and GET, but does the HTTP response changes when I make a request like:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: www.engadget.com
Host: www.engadget.com
I'm doing a basic web server (Can't use php or any server-side language) for an assignment so I need to know if the response changes or is basically the same.
It's up to the recipient of the request (server) to send back a response. The client can pass preferences to influence the response in the header (content type etc), but ultimately the response is determined by the server.

How to change OPTION method to POST?

I use the next link in order to send chunking files with plupload.
I change the url parameter in order to send the request to my localhost:
url: "./upload.cfm", was changes to url: "localhost/upload"
As I see, the request is sent, but with request methods: OPTIONS.
Why it happens and how I can change it to POST?
Since you are now making a cross-origin HTTP request, you are triggering a preflight request in which the browser asks the destination server if your website is allowed to ask browsers to make POST requests to the destination server.
Either configure the destination server to respond to the OPTIONS request with a response granting permissions (after getting that response the browser will make the POST request), or continue to make requests with XHR only to the same origin.
