PCL Bspline fitting - point-cloud-library

I am currently trying to create a bspline surface from a pointcloud with 100,000 plus points. I cant seem to find a way to get the bspline definition. I dont have a way to access the knot vector or the control points. I see a nurb surface is created but all the weights seem to be 0 so it seems a bit useless to go to nurbs. If someone could explain how to find the actual bsplins definition I would appreciate it.
nothing usefull comming out


Adapt geometry on printed points

I draw a vectorial geometry with some calibration points around it.
I print this geometry and then I physically scan the printed calibration points (I can't scan the geometry, I can only scan the calibration points).
When I acquire these points, these aren't in their position anymore because of some print error or bad print calibration.
The question is:
Is there any algorithm that helps me to adapt the original geometry in base of the new points scanned?
In practice I need to warp the geometry in order to obtain the real geometry printed on the paper with the same print error that I have on the calibration points.
The distortion is given by the physical distortion of the material (not paper but cloth) during the print process. I can't know how much the material will distort during the print.
Yes, there are algorithms to help you with that. In general you need to learn/find the transformation between the two images that you have.
Typical geometrical transformations are affine transformations (shift, scale, rotation, shear, reflections) which need at least three control points or piecewise local linear/ local weighted mean which need at least 4-6 control points. The more control points you have, the better in general.
Given a set of control points in one image and the corresponding set of control points in the other image there are algorithms for finding the optimal transformation between if you specify a class (affine or piecewise local linear). See for example fitgeotrans in Matlab. I don't know how exactly it solves the problem by I guess by some kind of optimization. It should be easy to find available implementations for other programming languages (Python, C, Java).
What remains is finding the correspondence between the control points in the two images. For a few images you may be able to do that by hand, but in the general case you might want to automatize this as well. General image registration algorithms like imregister should do well for your images. They give you a good initial estimate for the transformation (may already be sufficient) so that then identification of the corresponding point pairs is trivial (always take the nearest) and allow refining.
So I advice you to first just try to register the images (gray scale data) with an identity transformation as starting value. Then identify corresponding point pairs and refine the transformation either using an affine or a piecewiece/local transformation. Then apply the transformation on the geometry to get the printed geometry. Depending on your choice of programming languages you will find many implementations that do the job.

Aligning two clouds using two manually selected points

I'm maintaining software which uses PCL. I'm myself not much experienced in PCL, I've only tried some examples and tried to understand the official PCL-Ducumentation (which is unfortunately mainly sparse, doxygen-generated text). My impression is, only a PCL contributors have real change to use the library efficiently.
One feature I have to fix in the software is aligning two clouds. The clouds are two objects, which should be stacked together with a layer in-between (The actual task is to calculate the volume of the layer ).
I hope the picture explains the task well. The objects are scanned both from the sides to be stacked (one from above and the other from below). On both clouds the user selects manually two points. Then, as I hope there should be a mean in PCL to align two clouds providing the two clouds and the coordinates of the points. The alignment is required only in X-Y Plane.
Unfortunately I can't find out which function should I use for this, partly because the PCL documentation is IHMO really humble, partly because of lack of experience.
My desperate idea was to stack the clouds using P1 as the origin of both and then rotate the second cloud manually using the calculated angle between P11,P21 and P12,P22. This works, but since the task appears to me very common, I'd expect PCL to provide a dedicated function for that.
Could you point me to a proper API-function, code-snippet, example, similar project or a good book helping to understand PCL API and usage?
Many thanks!
I think this problem does not need PCL. It is simple enough to form the correct linear equation and solve it.
If you want to use PCL without worrying about the maths too much (though, if the above is a mystery to you, then studying some computational geometry would be very useful), here is my suggestion.
Most PCL operations work on 3D point clouds. I understand from your question that you only have 2D point clouds OR you don't care about the 3rd dimension. In this case if I were you I would represent the points as a 3D point cloud and set the z dimension to zero.
You will only need two point clouds with 3 points as that is how many points you are feeding to the transformation estimation algorithm. The first 2 points in the clouds will be the points chosen by the user. The third one will be any point that you have chosen that you know is the same in both clouds. You need this third one otherwise the transform is still ambiguous if it is a general transform that is being computed. You can calculate however such a point as you know 2 points already and you know that all the points are on a common plane (as you have projected them by losing the z values). Just don't choose it co-linear with the other two points. For example, halfway between the two points and 2cm in the perpendicular direction (ensuring to go in the correct direction).
Then you can use the estimateRigidTransformation functions to find the transform.
This function is also good for over-determined problems (it is the workhorse of the ICP algorithm in PCL) but as long as you have enough points to determine the transform it should work.

Smoothing a 3 dimensional Euclidean space matrix

I have a general question about what method to use for smoothing a 3D (xyz) grid.
My program has large matrixes of 3D points obtained with a stereovision method. The shape of the result is always something like a semisphere, but it has a rugosity due to stereovision errors I want to eliminate.
The question is, how to do it? Rigth now I have half developed a method for soomthing, but I think there may be a better method.
My actual idea is to use Hermite method. The idea is to:
Take all XY and smooth in two directions ->XYnew and XnewY
Convert the Hermite lines into Bezier lines and find the cross point between XYnew and XnewY, having the new point. (Repeat with all points, normally 2000)
Use hermite XYZ smoothing having XYZnew.
Rigth now I have the hermite surface smoothing and hermite line smoothing inplemented in C++, but the middle part is not as easy as espected.
Anyway, my question is, is this a correct method or is there another one which may be better?
Of course the idea is to elliminate the error generated by the stereovision method, this is not a computer graphics problem, is more a data treatment problem
At first I thougth that with a Z smoothing would be suficient, but clearly it is not, there is also a lot of XY error. In the images below you can see the Z fitting working but still it is really rugous as it can be seen in the 2 image. (The colours are deformations and shoul be quite continous)
Unless you have better priors, it's hard to beat the classic Taubin's algorithm: http://mesh.brown.edu/taubin/pdfs/taubin-iccv95a.pdf

Fitting an ellipsoid to 3D data points

I have a large set of 3D data points to which I want to fit to an ellipsoid.
My maths is pretty poor, so I'm having trouble implementing the least squares method without any math libraries.
Does anyone know of or have a piece of code that can fit an ellipsoid to data which I can plug straight into my project? In C would be best, but it should be no problem for me to convert from C++, Java, C#, python etc.
EDIT: Just being able to find the centre would be a huge help too. Note that the points aren't evenly spaced so taking the mean won't result in the centre.
here you go:
This paper describes fitting an ellipsoid to multiple dimensions AS WELL AS finding the center for the ellipois. Hope this helps,
(btw, I'm assuming this answer is a bit late, but I figured I would add this solution for anyone who stumbles across your question in search for the same thing :)
If you want the minimum-volume enclosing ellipsoid, check out this SO answer for a bounding ellipsoid.
If you want the best fitting ellipse in a least-squares sense, check out this MATLAB code for error ellipsoids where you find the covariance matrix of your mean-shifted 3D points and use that to construct the ellipsoid.
Least Squares data fitting is probably a good methodology give the nature of the data you describe. The GNU Scientific Library contains linear and non-linear least squares data fitting routines. In your case, you may be able to transform your data into a linear space and use linear least-squares, but that would depend on your actual use case. Otherwise, you'll need to use non-linear methods.
I could not find a good Java based algorithm for fitting an ellipsoid, so I ended up writing it myself. There were some good algorithms for an ellipse with 2D points, but not for an ellipsoid with 3D points. I experimented with a few different MATLAB scripts and eventually settled on Yury Petrov's Ellipsoid Fit. It fits an ellipsoid to the polynomial Ax^2 + By^2 + Cz^2 + 2Dxy + 2Exz + 2Fyz + 2Gx + 2Hy + 2Iz = 1. It doesn't use any constraints to force an ellipsoid, so you have to have a fairly large number of points to prevent a random quardic from being fit instead of the ellipsoid. Other than that, it works really well. I wrote a small Java library using Apache Commons Math that implements Yury Petrov's script in Java. The GIT repository can be found at https://github.com/BokiSoft/EllipsoidFit.
We developed a set of Matlab and Java codes to fit ellipsoids here:
You can also check our open-source Icy plugin. The following tutorial can be helpful:
Note: most of the existing codes fit a generic quadric and do not impose an ellipsoidal shape. To get more robustness, you need to go to convex programming rather than just linear algebra. This is what is done in the indicated sources.
Here is unstrict solution with fast and simple random search approach*. Best side - no heavy linear algebra library required**. Seems it worked fine for mesh collision detection.
Is assumes that ellipsoid center matches cloud center and then uses some sort of mirrored average to search for main axis.
Full working code is slightly bigger and placed on git, idea of main axis search is here:
pts_len = len(pts)
pt_average = np.sum(pts, axis = 0) / pts_len
vec_major = pt_average * 0
minor_max, major_max = 0, 0
# may be improved with overlapped pass,
for pt_cur in pts:
vec_cur = pt_cur - pt_average
proj_len, rej_len = proj_length(vec_cur, vec_major)
if proj_len < 0:
vec_cur = -vec_cur
vec_major += (vec_cur - vec_major) / pts_len
major_max = max(major_max, abs(proj_len))
minor_max = max(minor_max, rej_len)
It can be improved/optimized even more at some points. Examples what it will produce:
And full experiment code with plots
*i.e. adjusting code lines randomly until they work
**was actually reason to figure out this solution
I have an idea. Approximately solution, not the best but will keep points inside. In XY plane find the radius R1 that will obtain all points. Same do for the XZ plane (R2) and YZ plane (R3). Then use the maximums on each axes. A=max(R1,R2), B=max(R1,R3) and C=max(R2,R3).
But, first of all find the average (center) of all points and align it to origin.
I have just gone through the same process.
Here is a python module which is based on work by Nima Moshtagh. Referenced in many places but also in this question about a Bounding ellipse
This module also handles plotting of the final ellipsoid. Enjoy!
I ported Yury Petrov's least-squares Matlab fitter to Java some time ago, it only needs JAMA: https://github.com/mdoube/BoneJ/blob/master/src/org/doube/geometry/FitEllipsoid.java

Generating the function of the plane/surface that a given set of coordinates lie on

This is something related with Mathematics as well. But this is useful in computing as well.
Lets say you have 10 coordinates. (x1,y1)(x2,y2)..... in 2D Space. (i.e on a X-Y Plane). Can we find a single smooth curve going across the each coordinate.
While expanding the question, If the space is 3D, then can we find an equation of a smooth surface that going across a given set of spacial coordinates?
Are there any Libraries (Any language) \ tools to perform such calculations?
What you should be looking for is some library implementing NURBS (or Non Uniform Rational B-Splines). This will solve your problem in both 2d and 3d, since 2d is just a special case of the 3d.
Roughly speaking, you are not interested in the actual equation, you are only interested in getting the points approximated with smooth curves or surfaces. This is done by finding "control points" in 2d or 3d space, which are multiplied with B-spline base functions. A NURBS library will do this for you.
Cheers !
Have a look at this one
you can always fit an order-10 polynomial through the points. that's not necessarily what you want to do, though - fitting a smooth curve via a series of splines will give you a better-looking result. the curve-fitting article on wikipedia gives you a good overview of the various options.
In the 2D case you are asking for curve fitting. This actually exists in excel, where you plot your points (I usually use XY scatter if you have x and y listed) and then right-click on the curve. Select Add Trendline. There you can choose which kind of function you want to fit to and you can ask excel to display it in the image (Tab named Options, check the box "Display equation on chart"). Nice and quick.
Otherwise you can use matlab and use the lsqr (least square method). If you want to find the polynomial closest that best describes your data you could use the polyfit function. It uses the least square method, but returns coefficients. Matlab has a whole set of other algorithms for solving/finding "best" approximations to systems of linear equations. I mention lsqr because it is one of the simplest to implement yourself if you don't have matlab. On the other hand it is for solving sets of linear equations - I don't know anything about your data.
Have a look at splines
in wiki
an interactive introduction
Searching for 'spline interpolation library' might give some useful hints for implementations.
