bidirectional Dijkstra's algorithm Julia - julia

Is there any implementation or package for bidirectional Dijkstra's algorithm in Julia?
Or is there any better way to find the the shortest path (time) from location i to location j then to location i′ ?


Algorithm for solving a shortest edges problem?

Here is the problem:
For a graph of several nodes, each node could only connect to one of the other nodes. How to minimize the total edges of this graph?
As the above, Fig.2 has shorter length than that of Fig.1. Is there an algorithm to calculate the shortest length of the total edges?
The problem is called 'minimum weight perfect matching'. Kolmogorov, V. - Blossom V: A new implementation of
a minimum cost perfect matching algorithm presents an efficient algorithm. The C++ implementation of the algorithm in the paper is available (retrieved from here; the link given in the paper itself is no longer active).
A cursory Google search suggested that various graph processing libraries ( like LEDA ) include an algorithm for solving your problem in their toolbox.
I have not tested the implementation of the cited paper and do not know about the legal status of using it.

All pairs shortest paths in graph directed with non-negative weighted edges

I have a directed graph with non-negative weighted edges where there are multiple edges between two vertices.
I need to compute all pairs shortest path.
This graph is very big (20 milion vertices and 100 milion of edges).
Is Floyd–Warshall the best algorithm ? There is a good library or tool to complete this task ?
There exists several all-to-all shortest paths algorithms for directed graphs with non-negative cycles, Floyd-Warshall being probably the most famous, but with the figures you gave, I think you will have in any case memory issues (time could be an issue, but you can find all-to-all algorithm that can be easily and massively parallelized).
Independently of the algorithm you use, you will have to store the result somewhere. And storing 20,000,000² = 400,000,000,000,000 paths length (if not the full paths themselves) would use hundreds of terabytes, at the very least.
Accessing any of these results would probably be longer than calculating one shortest path (memory wall), which can be done in less than a milisecond (depending on the graph structure, you can find techniques that are much, much faster than Dijkstra or any priority queue based algorithm).
I think you should look for an alternative where computing all-to-all shortest paths is not required, to be honnest. Or, to study the structure of your graph (DAG, well structured graph easy to partition/cluster, geometric/geographic information ...) in order to apply different algorithms, because in the general case, I do not see any way around.
For example, with the figures you gave, an average degree of about 5 makes for a decently sparse graph, considering its dimensions. Graph partitioning approaches could then be very useful.

DAG-shortest path vs Dijkstra algorithm

I have implemented the Dijkstra algorithm from the pseudocode found in the reference "Introduction to Algorithms", 3rd edition by Cormen, for the single-source shortest path problem.
My implementation was made on python using linked lists to represent graphs in an adjacency list representation. This means that the list of nodes is a linked list and each node has a linked list to represent the edges of each node. Furthermore, I didn't implement or use any binary heap or fibonacci heap for the minimum priority queue that the algorithm needs, so I search for each node in O(V) time inside the linked list of nodes when the procedure needs to extract the next node with the smallest distance from the source.
On the other hand, the reference also provides an algorithm for DAG's (which I have implemented) using a topological sort before applying the relaxation procedure to all the edges.
With all these context, I have a Dijkstra algorithm with a complexity of
And a DAG-shortest path algorithm with a complexity of
By using the timeit.default_timer() function to calculate the running times of the algorithms, I have found that the Dijkstra algorithm is faster that the DAG algorithm when applied to DAGs with positive edge weights and different graph densities, all for 100 and 1000 nodes.
Shouldn't the DAG-shortest path algorithm be faster than Dijkstra for DAGs?
Your running time analysis for both algorithms is correct and it's true that DAG shortest path algorithm is faster than Dijkstra's algorithm for DAGs.
However, there are 3 possible reasons for your testing results:
The graph you used for testing is very dense. When the graph is very dense, E ≈ V^2, so the running time for both algorithms approach O(V^2).
The number of vertices is still not large enough. To solve this, you can use a much larger graph for further testing.
The initialization of the DAG costs a lot of running time.
Anyway, DAG shortest path algorithm should be faster than Dijkstra's algorithm theoretically.

Graph Shortest Paths w/Dynamic Weights (Repeated Dijkstra? Distance Vector Routing Algorithm?) in R / Python / Matlab

I have a graph of a road network with avg. traffic speed measures that change throughout the day. Nodes are locations on a road, and edges connect different locations on the same road or intersections between 2 roads. I need an algorithm that solves the shortest travel time path between any two nodes given a start time.
Clearly, the graph has dynamic weights, as the travel time for an edge i is a function of the speed of traffic at this edge, which depends on how long your path takes to reach edge i.
I have implemented Dijkstra's algorithm with
edge weights = (edge_distance / edge_speed_at_start_time)
but this ignores that edge speed changes over time.
My questions are:
Is there a heuristic way to use repeated calls to Dijkstra's algorithm to approximate the true solution?
I believe the 'Distance Vector Routing Algorithm' is the proper way to solve such a problem. Is there a way to use the Igraph library or another library in R, Python, or Matlab to implement this algorithm?
I am currently using Igraph in R. The graph is an igraph object. The igraph object was created using the igraph command, where Edges looks like this (but with many more rows):
I also have a matrix of the speed (in MPH) of every edge for each time, which looks like this (except with many more rows and columns):
Since I want to find shortest travel time paths, then the weights for a given edge are edge_distance / edge_speed. But edge_speed changes depending on time (i.e. how long you've already driven on this path).
The graph has 7048 nodes and 7572 edges (so it's pretty sparse).
There exists an exact algorithm that solves this problem! It is called time-dependent Dijkstra (TDD) and runs about as fast as Dijkstra itself.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, neither igraph nor NetworkX have implemented this algorithm so you will have to do some coding yourself.
Luckily, you can implement it yourself! You need to adapt Dijkstra in single place.
In normal Dijkstra you assign the weight as follows:
With dist your current distance matrix, u the node you are considering and v its neighbor.
alt = dist[u] + travel_time(u, v)
In time-dependent Dijkstra we get the following:
current_time = start_time + dist[u]
cost = weight(u, v, current_time)
alt = dist[u] + cost
TDD Dijkstra was described by Stuart E. Dreyfus. An appraisal of some shortest-path
algorithms. Operations Research, 17(3):395–412, 1969
Currently, much faster heuristics are already in use. They can be found with the search term: 'Time dependent routing'.
What about igraph package in R? You can try get.shortest.paths or get.all.shortest.paths function.
get.all.shortest.paths()# if weights are NULL then it will use Dijkstra.

Floyd Warshall reconstruct path

I want to reconstruct the path from source to destination vertex in this graph problem.
How can I store the path, and how can I retrieve it after I have found the minimal cost from s to d?
Please help me to find a simple answer?
For example at the point,
adjmat[i][j] = Math.min(adjMat[i][j],adjMat[i][k]+adjMat[k][j]);
I need to add a path and I need to retrieve it.
The Wikipedia article about the Floyd-Warshall algorithm provides an explanation and pseudocode for your problem.
Use optimal matrix with Floyd-Warshall Algorithm to reconstruct path. It construct path simulatneously.
Refer to Introduction to graph theory- by Narsingh Deo for actual algorithm
