Convert my API result into a dataframe in R - r

I am really struggling to understand how this newly released API works.. Can someone please help me turn it into a useful dataframe in R? My res looks like the below (edited):
#GET Function
res = GET(" HTTP/1.1&subscription-key=6509aa2a08d54ca7b47a2fece2ab5bee")
df= fromJSON(rawToChar(res$content)) #this doesn't work

By pasting your URL into a browser we get:
{"elapsedTime":"0.02 secs","count":0,"data":[],"error":""}
So there appears to be an error with the result itself. Also, I'd strongly advise against publishing your secret API key, as it allows others to access the data you're subscribing to!


GET from api containing Key and Client from R

I need to bring data from this site (image below) in R
but I dont know how pass the parameters Key and Client via code, can anyone help me
Follow my code:
dados_get <- GET('')
Try the following code:
#list of parameters
a = list("key"="01234","type"="json","client"="abc","localeid"="6873")
dados_post <- POST(url='',
body = toJSON(a))
Let me know if it works.

Using R to mimic “clicking” a download file button on a webpage

There are 2 parts of my questions as I explored 2 methods in this exercise, however I succeed in none. Greatly appreciated if someone can help me out.
[PART 1:]
I am attempting to scrape data from a webpage on Singapore Stock Exchange containing data stored in a table. I have some basic knowledge of scraping data using (rvest). However, using Inspector on chrome, the html hierarchy is much complex then I expected. I'm able to see that the data I want is hidden under < div class= "table-container" >,and here's what I've tied:
SGXurl <- ""
SGXdata <- read_html(SGXurl, stringsASfactors = FALSE)
However, nothing has been picked up by the code and I'm doubt if I'm using these code correctly.
[PART 2:]
As I realize that there's a small "download" button on the page which can download exactly the data file i want in .csv format. So i was thinking to write some code to mimic the download button and I found this question Using R to "click" a download file button on a webpage, but i'm unable to get it to work with some modifications to that code.
There's a few filtera on the webpage, mostly I will be interested downloading data for a particular business day while leave other filters blank, so i've try writing the following function:
crawlSGXdata = function(date){
body = NULL
encode = "form",
write_disk("SGXdata.csv")) -> resfile
res = read.csv(resfile)
I was intended to put the function input "date" into the “body” argument, however i was unable to figure out how to do that, so I started off with "body = NULL" by assuming it doesn't do any filtering. However, the result is still unsatisfactory. The file download is basically empty with the following error:
Request Rejected
The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.
Your support ID is: 16783946804070790400
The content is loaded dynamically from an API call returning json. You can find this in the network tab via dev tools.
The following returns that content. I find the total number of pages of results and loop combining the dataframe returned from each call into one final dataframe containing all results.
url <- ''
r <- jsonlite::fromJSON(url)
num_pages <- r$meta$totalPages
df <- r$data
url2 <- ''
if(num_pages > 1){
for(i in seq(1, num_pages)){
newUrl <- gsub("placeholder", i , url2)
newdf <- jsonlite::fromJSON(newUrl)$data
df <- rbind(df, newdf)

Cannot access EIA API in R

I'm having trouble accessing the Energy Information Administration's API through R (
On my office computer, if I try the link in a browser it works, and the data shows up (the full url:
I am also successfully connected to Bloomberg's API through R, so R is able to access the network.
Since the API is working and not blocked by my company's firewall, and R is in fact able to connect to the Internet, I have no clue what's going wrong.
The script works fine on my home computer, but at my office computer it is unsuccessful. So I gather it is a network issue, but if somebody could point me in any direction as to what the problem might be I would be grateful (my IT department couldn't help).
api.key = "e122a1411ca0ac941eb192ede51feebe" = "PET.MCREXUS1.M"
my.url = paste("",,"&api_key=", api.key, "&out=xml", sep="")
doc = xmlParse(file=my.url, isURL=TRUE) # yields error
Error msg:
No such file or directoryfailed to load external entity ""
Error: 1: No such file or directory2: failed to load external entity ""
I tried some other methods like read_xml() from the xml2 package, but this gives a "could not resolve host" error.
To get XML, you need to change your url to XML:
my.url = paste("",,"&api_key=",
api.key, "&out=xml", sep="")
res <- httr::GET(my.url)
Or :
res <- httr::GET(my.url)
Otherwise with the post as is(ie &out=json):
res <- httr::GET(my.url)
or this:
Please note that this answer simply provides a way to get the data, whether it is in the desired form is opinion based and up to whoever is processing the data.
If it does not have to be XML output, you can also use the new eia package. (Disclaimer: I'm the author.)
Using your example:
x <- eia_series("PET.MCREXUS1.M")
This assumes your key is set globally (e.g., in .Renviron or previously in your R session with eia_set_key). But you can also pass it directly to the function call above by adding key = "yourkeyhere".
The result returned is a tidyverse-style data frame, one row per series ID and including a data list column that contains the data frame for each time series (can be unnested with tidyr::unnest if desired).
Alternatively, if you set the argument tidy = FALSE, it will return the list result of jsonlite::fromJSON without the "tidy" processing.
Finally, if you set tidy = NA, no processing is done at all and you get the original JSON string output for those who intend to pass the raw output to other canned code or software. The package does not provide XML output, however.
There are more comprehensive examples and vignettes at the eia package website I created.

R - Twitter - fromJSON - get list of tweets

I would like to retrieve a list of tweets from Twitter for a given hashtag using package RJSONIO in R. I think I am pretty close to the solution, but I seem to miss one step.
My code reads as follows (in this example, I use #NBA as a hashtag):
# 1. Find OAuth settings for twitter:
# Replace key and secret below
myapp <- oauth_app("twitter",
# 3. Get OAuth credentials
twitter_token <- oauth1.0_token(oauth_endpoints("twitter"), myapp)
# 4. Use API
config(token = twitter_token))
req <- content(req, as = "text")
How can I get the list of tweets from object 'response'?
Eventually, I would like to get something like:
searchTwitter("#NBA", n=5000, lang="en")
Thanks a lot in advance!
The response object should be a list of length two: statuses and metadata. So, for example, to get the text of the first tweet, try:
However, there are a couple of R packages designed to make just this kind of thing easier: Try streamR for the streaming API, and twitteR for the REST API. The latter has a searchTwitter function exactly as you describe.

IBrokers - Download all position information

I am using the IBrokers API in R to try to download my current positions in my portfolio on Interactive Brokers. However, I'm having trouble downloading the information by following the API documentation.
I can get this far with the following. This downloads my account information, but it's not a desireable format.
tws <- twsConnect()
I trade using the following, but it doesn't work.
Ideally, I want a data frame that has the following fields: ticker, shares, execution price.
Is anyone familiar with this API?
Thank you!
You're passing a twsconn object to twsPortfolioValue, but the function needs the output of reqAccountUpdates as its input, as explained in the Details section of ?twsPortfolioValue
Try this:
ac <- reqAccountUpdates(tws)
