fixest::feols and ggeffects::ggeffect not working together in R - r

I'm having a hard time getting a fixest object to play nicely with ggeffects in R, when fixed effects are included.
When I run the following code:
m <- feols(mpg ~ disp + gear + hp | cyl, mtcars,
cluster = c("am", "cyl"))
marg1 <- ggeffect(m, terms = c("disp"))
I get an error reading:
Can't compute marginal effects, 'effects::Effect()' returned an error.
Reason: non-conformable arguments
You may try 'ggpredict()' or 'ggemmeans()'.
However, there are no problems when I remove the fixed effects term / include it without using the pipe:
m <- feols(mpg ~ disp + gear + hp + cyl, mtcars,
cluster = c("am", "cyl"))
marg1 <- ggeffect(m, terms = c("disp"))
ggpredict also returns an error on my data (Could not compute variance-covariance matrix of predictions. No confidence intervals are returned.) but I am unable to replicate that same error using the toy data.


Error when using regr() command: undefined columns selected

I get the following error when trying to run the regr() command from the yhat package:
Error in `[.data.frame`(, , c(DV, IVx)) :
undefined columns selected
Here is the code I'm using:
DEregr_model <- lm(TotalBiomass ~ propnC + propnV + propnR + I(propnC^2) + I(propnV^2) + propnC:propnV + propnV:propnR + propnV:I(propnC^2), DE_model)
DEregrout <- regr(DEregr_model)
Why is this function returning an error?
I think I can demonstrate my suspicion expressed in the comments with this MCVE:
> lm.gas <- lm( mpg ~ hp + disp +hp:I(disp^2), data= mtcars)
> lm.gas
lm(formula = mpg ~ hp + disp + hp:I(disp^2), data = mtcars)
(Intercept) hp disp hp:I(disp^2)
3.562e+01 -4.168e-02 -5.879e-02 3.151e-07
> install.packages("yhat")
also installing the dependency ‘yacca’
> library(yhat)
> regr(lm.gas)
Error in `[.data.frame`(, , c(DV, IVx)) :
undefined columns selected
In addition: Warning message:
In regr(lm.gas) : NAs introduced by coercion
I suspect that the I(.) terms are not being saved in the result of the lm call in a manner that the regr function is able to handle.
The work around would be to calculate the values of the squared variables with separate names in an augmented dataset.
Based on the comments, I figured out the issue. The interaction terms (i.e., I(propnV^2)) weren't being read correctly by the function. So I added additional columns in my data frame with the squared values, so that the model was reading these terms as individual values, not trying to separate them. Corrected code is below:
## make new columns for interaction effect of seeding rate propn
DE$propnC2 <- DE$propnC^2
DE$propnV2 <- DE$propnV^2
DE$propnR2 <- DE$propnR^2
## run lm model with adjusted terms
DEregr_model <- lm(TotalBiomass ~ propnC + propnV + propnR + propnC2 + propnV2 + propnC:propnV + propnV:propnR + propnV:propnC2, DE_model)
DEregrout <- regr(DEregr_model)
The regr() function now runs without error, thanks everyone for your input!

using "at" argument of margins function in R for logit model

I want to be able to analyze the marginal effect of continuous and binary variables in a logit model. I am hoping for R to provide what the independent marginal effect of hp is at its mean (in this example that is at 200), while also finding the marginal effect of the vs variable equaling 1. I am hoping the output table also includes the SE, p value, and z score. I am having trouble with the table and when I have gotten it to run it doesn't evaluate the two variables independently. Here is an MRE below. Thank you!
mod2 <- glm(am ~ hp + factor(vs), data=mtcars, family=binomial)
#> Average marginal effects
#> glm(formula = am ~ hp + factor(vs), family = binomial, data = mtcars)
#> hp vs1
#> -0.00203 -0.03154
#code where I am trying to evaluate at the desired values.
margins(mod2, at=list(hp=200, vs=1))
This is because you've changed vs to a factor.
Consider the following
mod3 <- glm(am ~ hp + vs, data=mtcars, family=binomial)
margins(mod3, at=list(hp=200, vs=1))
# Average marginal effects at specified values
# glm(formula = am ~ hp + vs, family = binomial, data = mtcars)
# at(hp) at(vs) hp vs
# 200 1 -0.001783 -0.02803
There is no real reason to turn vs into a factor here; it's dichotomous.

make R report adjusted R squared and F-test in output with robust standard errors

I have estimated a linear regression model using lm(x~y1 + y1 + ... + yn) and to counter the present heteroscedasticity I had R estimate the robust standard errors with
coeftest(model, vcov = vcovHC(model, type = "HC0"))
I know that (robust) R squared and F statistic from the "normal" model are still valid, but how do I get R to report them in the output? I want to fuse several regression output from different specifications together with stargazer and it would become very chaotic if I had to enter the non-robust model along just to get these statistics. Ideally I want to enter a regression output into stargazer that contains these statistics, thus importing it to their framework.
Thanks in advance for all answers
I don't have a solution with stargarzer, but I do have a couple of viable alternatives for regression tables with robust standard errors:
Option 1
Use the modelsummary package to make your tables.
it has a statistic_override argument which allows you to supply a function that calculates a robust variance covariance matrix (e.g., sandwich::vcovHC.
mod1 <- lm(drat ~ mpg, mtcars)
mod2 <- lm(drat ~ mpg + vs, mtcars)
mod3 <- lm(drat ~ mpg + vs + hp, mtcars)
models <- list(mod1, mod2, mod3)
modelsummary(models, statistic_override = vcovHC)
Note 1: The screenshot above is from an HTML table, but the modelsummary package can also save Word, LaTeX or markdown tables.
Note 2: I am the author of this package, so please treat this as a potentially biased view.
Option 2
Use the estimatr::lm_robust function, which automatically includes robust standard errors. I believe that estimatr is supported by stargazer, but I know that it is supported by modelsummary.
mod1 <- lm_robust(drat ~ mpg, mtcars)
mod2 <- lm_robust(drat ~ mpg + vs, mtcars)
mod3 <- lm_robust(drat ~ mpg + vs + hp, mtcars)
models <- list(mod1, mod2, mod3)
This is how to go about it. You need to use model object that is supported by stargazer as a template and then you can provide a list with standard errors to be used:
# Basic Model ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
model1 <- lm(hp ~ factor(gear) + qsec + cyl + factor(am), data = mtcars)
# Robust standard Errors ----------------------------------------------------------------------
model_robust <- coeftest(model1, vcov = vcovHC(model1, type = "HC0"))
# Get robust standard Errors (sqrt of diagonal element of variance-covariance matrix)
se = vcovHC(model1, type = "HC0") %>% diag() %>% sqrt()
stargazer(model1, model1,
se = list(NULL, se), type = 'text')
Using this approach you can use stargazer even for model objects that are not supported. You only need coefficients, standard errors and p-values as vectors. Then you can 'mechanically insert' even unsupported models.
One last Note. You are correct that once heteroskedasticity is present, Rsquared can still be used. However, overall F-test as well as t-tests are NOT valid anymore.

margins.plot: using the 'which' argument to choose which margins to include in plot

I am trying to plot marginal effects in r based on a logistic regression. For example:
data <- mtcars
mod <- glm(am ~ cyl + hp + wt + mpg, family = binomial, data = data)
marg <- margins(mod, atmeans = TRUE)
I can run the margins plot command:
which plots marginal effects and confidence intervals for all of the IVs. I only want to include in the plot cyl and hp, my explanatory variables of interest. According to r documentation, this can be accomplished using the 'which' argument, which takes a character vector. However, the documentation doesn't say how to use this argument. Does anyone know how to use the 'which' argument to ask margins.plot to plot only select marginal effects? Unfortunately, the margins plot help page, linked above, does not have any examples.
plot image
Before plotting, we can specify variables of interest with the variables option within the margins()function.
mod <- glm(am ~ cyl + hp + wt + mpg, family=binomial, data=mtcars)
marg <- margins(mod, variables=c("cyl", "hp"))

Linear regression with interaction fails in the rms-package

I'm playing around with interaction in the formula. I wondered if it's possible to do a regression with interaction for one of the two dummy variables. This seems to work in regular linear regression using the lm() function but with the ols() function in the rms package the same formula fails. Anyone know why?
Here's my example
mtcars$gear <- factor(mtcars$gear)
regular_lm <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + gear + cyl:gear, data=mtcars)
regular_lm <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + gear + cyl:I(gear == "4"), data=mtcars)
And now the rms example
dd <- datadist(mtcars)
options(datadist = "dd")
regular_ols <- ols(mpg ~ wt + cyl + gear + cyl:gear, data=mtcars)
# Fails with:
# Error in if (!length(fname) || !any(fname == zname)) { :
# missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
regular_ols <- ols(mpg ~ wt + cyl + gear + cyl:I(gear == "4"), data=mtcars)
This experiment might not be the wisest statistic to do as it seems that the estimates change significantly but I'm a little curious to why ols() fails since it should do the "same fitting routines used by lm"
I don't know exactly, but it has to do with the way the formula is evaluated rather than with the way the fit is done once the model has been translated. Using traceback() shows that the problem occurs within Design(eval.parent(m)); using options(error=recover) gets you to the point where you can see that
Browse[1]> fname
[1] "wt" "cyl" "gear"
Browse[1]> zname
[1] NA
in other words, zname is some internal variable that hasn't been set right because the Design function can't quite handle defining the interaction between cylinders and the (gear==4) dummy on the fly.
This works though:
mtcars$cylgr <- with(mtcars,interaction(cyl,gear == "4"))
regular_ols <- ols(mpg ~ wt + cyl + gear + cylgr, data=mtcars)
