Nginx , Uwsgi alternative on Spring Boot - nginx

NGINX UWSGI for Spring boot
Guys, I am pretty new in Spring Boot Java. Before I used UWSGI as an application server and NGINX as a web server.... Trying to understand what are the same software for the spring if I want to set up my own Linux Server. Thank you so much for your attention and participation.


weblogic wseeclient.jar i want an alternative jar for JBOSS while migrating from weblogic server to jboss

I am trying to migrate my Application from weblogic server to JBoss in that wseeclient.jar i want an alternative jar for JBOSS
I searched in google for long time i cant able find the solution.
The 'wseeclient.jar' is utilised by a JAX-WS client application. Try to use the JAX-WS API instead of any WebLogic Server specific APIS with client applications.

Where do we deploy our dynamic web application? In WebServer or AppServer?

Let's say we have developed a dynamic web application which includes JSP's, servlets, DB connections etc. In which server do we deploy that application, a web Server or an App Server.
You couldn't deploy a java web-application on web-server.
you have to deploy java web-app to an application server (i.e. Wildfly, TomEE, JBoss EAP) or servlet container.
Now, The actual question arises that if you want directly configure the application server to serve request or configure a web server as a reverse proxy to forward requests to the application server.
Actually, it all depends on your needs. Some question you should ask yourself regarding your project requirements.
Do I need a load balancer to handle?
Do I need better web security?
Deployment of other websites and web application on the same physical server?
if yes, then you should go for a web server like apache HTTPd or Nginx.

deploy war into NGINX

I need to host a java application on an NGINX server instead of on Tomcat7(current configuration), as the application is just a light-weight parser working as a data acquisition service for a sensor based device.
I know that deployment of war files is no-go on NGINX,so please suggest steps to port the application server from Tomcat7 to NGINX.
Jetty might be the option.
As far as I see it requires no code rewriting, just unpacking the .war file you already have.

Putting Artifactory behind SSL

I manually installed Artifactory(V 2.6) on my centos and am using it with its own standalone jetty container. I use artifactoryctl start to start it and now I can access it using http://myhostname:8081/artifactory.
What is the best and easy way to put this behind https now?
Note: It will be nice if I can have both http and https access.
Any help is appreciated.
Please upgrade to the latest Artifactory version.
Starting Artifactory 3, it comes with embedded Tomcat, please refer to the official Tomcat documentation on how to configure SSL on Tomcat.
Another option might be configuring Artifactory behind Apache or Ngnix HTTP servers. In this case, Artifactory user guide provides documentation on how to configure ssl for the former and for the later.

Configure Nginx to use cherrypy framework

I'm looking to use Nginx as the server and CherryPy framework on a linux server. I'm not looking to use Nginx as a reverse-proxy. I am moving away from PHP to python and i have a lot of cherrypy apps.
CherryPy wiki states that "CherryPy can be a web server itself or one can launch it via any WSGI compatible environment" I do not want to use the server part of cherrypy just the framework.
Does anybody know how to configure Nginx WSGI to use CheryPy?
You can use uwsgi for serve the cherry application.
check this link:
