Configure persistent parameters for sonata admin menu urls - symfony

My sonata admin project should be accessable through {slug} url parameter:
My routing configuration:
resource: '.'
type: 'sonata_admin'
prefix: '/{slug}/admin'
Now when I access the admin I see this error:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Some
mandatory parameters are missing ("slug") to generate a URL for route
I tried configuring persistent parameters from my admin like this:
* {#inheritdoc}
protected function configurePersistentParameters(): array
return ['slug' => $this->getUser()->getUsername()];
But I still got the same error.
Upon checking when configurePersistentParameters is being called, in DefaultRouteGenerator::generateMenuUrl() I noticed that admin should have request object assigned:
if ($admin->hasRequest()) {
$parameters = array_merge($admin->getPersistentParameters(), $parameters);
If I remove the condition, the error is not displayed. So I guess when generating menu urls, the request object is not yet set.
Is there a way of passing route parameters when generating menu urls?


Routing changes when upgrading easyadmin bundle symfony

I am in charge of upgrading easyadmin bundle on an app that was previously built using symfony v4.4.19. Initially we had: easycorp/easyadmin-bundle v2.3.12. Then, we decided to upgrade the easyadmin bundle to v3 because we faced some issues when enabling/disabling a boolean property from the list view.
When I was using the v2 :
php bin/console debug:router showed a route called easyadmin with a path /myworkshop/ .
I had no Dashboard controller nor NecklaceCrudController, I simply had a controlller called
AccessoriesController.php with several actions like deleteAction that is executed when the user
deletes an entity, editAction when the user edits an entity, SearchAction ...
In the deleteAction there is this line of code:
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('easyadmin', array('action' => 'list', 'entity'=> $this->entity['name'])));
so the url would become something like this
To open the easy admin interface I have to click on a menu link whose link is :
->createItem('Visit my workshop', ['route' => 'easyadmin']);
When I open this interface /references, I get the list of the different entities in my app, if
I select one, I see the list view and I can edit one entity successfully but I cannot
enable/disable boolean properties from the list view as mentioned earlier.
We specified /myworkshop instead of /admin in app>config>routing.yml
# easy admin
resource: "#myShop/Controller/AccessoriesController.php"
type: annotation
prefix: /myworkshop```
- A custom css was successfully employed in : app>config>config.yml
- 'bundles/css/easyadmin.css
When I upgraded to v3:
php bin/console debug:router showed a route called myshop_admin_dashboard_index (which was
automatically generated) with a path /easyadmin.
Dashboard controller and NecklaceCrudController were created, The DashboardController only has configureCrud() and configureMenuItems() functions. The latter contains the links yield MenuItem::linkToCrud . Question 1 : In version 2 no menu links where created explicitely like here, so I was wondering how was the complete list of entities correctly showing up on my application interface?
In DashboardController there is no index () function nor a route nor a link just configureCrud() and configureMenuItems() functions.
I want to keep the AccessoriesController.php with his several actions but now, with the new route and path, it is completely being ignored. Question 2 : Is there something that I have to change in the generateUrl part? can someone give me an example of what this will become if I opt for adminUrlgenerator like I read in the documentation?
The routing.yml file remains the same however, my easyadmin interface appears only when visiting this link /easyadmin instead of /myworkshop . Question 3: I want to keep the /workshop url , what should I do in addition to keeping the routing.yml as it is now?
I wish we could change myshop_admin_dashboard_index to easyadmin and /easyadmin to my /myworkshop as it was in version 2, because there are many parts in AccessoriesController where I use $this->generateUrl('easyadmin',
Question 4: The css is no longer applicable any idea why? could be related to the AccessoriesController that is not currently being taken into account.
Well, you can add the index method to your dashboard controller with route annotation to change the route
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
* #Route("/myworkshop", name="admin")
public function index(): Response
return $this->render('dashboard/index.html.twig');
You can add any route to easyadmin menu like this
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
public function configureMenuItems(): iterable
yield MenuItem::linktoRoute('Some Route', 'fa fa-info', 'route_name_here');
You can add any CSS/js file too
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
public function configureAssets(): Assets
return Assets::new()

Symfony CMF Dynamic Router no contentDocument

Following the Dynamic Router doc, I can:
Create a route linked to my content (Page entity)
Persist it with ORM
Load my controller matching the route
But as my controller should expect the $contentDocument parameter, I have nothing.
Here's how I create my route and my entity:
$page = new Page();
$page->setTitle('My Content')
->setDescription('My description')
$manager->flush(); // flush to be able to use the generated id
$contentRepository = $this->container->get('cmf_routing.content_repository');
$route = new Route();
$route->setDefault(RouteObjectInterface::CONTENT_ID, $contentRepository->getContentId($page));
$page->addRoute($route); // Create the backlink from content to route
Here's my config section:
router.default: 200
cmf_routing.dynamic_router: 100
enabled: true
enabled: true
generic_controller: AppBundle:Default:showPage
AppBundle\Entity\Page: AppBundle:Default:index.html.twig
My controller:
public function showPageAction($page)
return $this->render('default/index.html.twig');
And the error:
Controller "AppBundle\Controller\DefaultController::showPageAction()" requires that you provide a value for the "$page" argument. Either the argument is nullable and no null value has been provided, no default value has been provided or because there is a non optional argument after this one.
Dynamic routing puts the content document into the request with the name "contentDocument". You need to explicitly use that name:
public function showPageAction($contentDocument)
return $this->render('default/index.html.twig');
if you do not need to do anything in your controller, you don't need to specify the generic_controller. template_by_class will make the bundle provided controller render that template with the page instance found in $contentDocument.

Symfony - using twig trans filter on 404 page

I have a 404 error page set up through an event listener triggered by Kernel exceptions:
public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event)
if ($event->isMasterRequest()) {
$exception = $event->getException();
if ($exception instanceof NotFoundHttpException) {
$response = new Response();
['welcome_url' => $this->router->generate("welcome")]
class: S\Project\LandingPageBundle\EventListener\KernelExceptionListener
arguments: [ "#router", "#logger", "#translator", #templating ]
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.exception, method: onKernelException }
This works, but when I try to use the trans filter on the twig error404.html.twig template, it does nothing. My locale is being set in a cookie and read by an event listener to Kernel Requests, so I tried adding the following to onKernelException:
$request = $event->getRequest();
$locale = $request->cookies->get('_locale');
After that, including {{ app.request.locale }} in the template displayed the correct locale, however, the trans filter does not seem to be picking this up.
It seems like my problem may be related to Symfony 2.1 set locale and yet that question does not quite fit my exact problem, and I'm not sure what can be done to fix the problem. Ideally my kernel request listener could trigger before the onKernelException, so that it would properly set the locale beforehand, but currently it seems that the kernel request event is not triggered during a 404. I took a look at to better understand Symfony's request sequence, but I'm not really clear on the sequence that happens in a bad request, but it looks like in the case of an exception, it skips most of the request flow and goes straight to the response, and as I recall from
"Setting the locale using $request->setLocale() in the controller is too late to affect the translator. Either set the locale via a listener (like above), the URL (see next) or call setLocale() directly on the translator service."
Is there a way to use the trans filter on a twig templated 404 page?
Try to inject the #translator and use its method setLocale.
['welcome_url' => $this->router->generate("welcome")]
And why did you create link in the listener? You should do it in the template using twig function called path.

Get original request info after a forward in Symfony 2

I have created a custom Error 403 page using the access_denied_url parameter in security.yml: when showing the new page I want to tell people that the problem happened when trying to access page xxxxx.
$request->headers->get('referer') is empty.
* #Route("/forbidden", name="error_403")
* #Template()
public function error403Action(Request $request)
return array('referer' => $request->headers->get('referer'));
How can I get information about the original Request (the one that resulted in this forward)?
It got solved calling {{ app.request.server.get('PHP_SELF') }} directly in the Twig template.

Symfony 2.1 Doctrine filters (enable/disable)

I'm currently implementing Doctrine filters in my Symfony2.1 project with the following setup:
namespace Acme\Bundle\Entity;
class Article {
* #ORM\Column(type="string")
private $status;
class: Acme\Bundle\Filter\StatusFilter
enabled: false
namespace Acme\Bundle\Filter;
use Acme\Bundle\Entity\Status;
class StatusFilter extends SQLFilter {
public function addFilterConstraint(ClassMetadata $target, $alias)
$filter =
$alias . '.status = ' . Status::PUBLISHED : '';
return $filter;
Where Acme\Bundle\Entity\Status is just an interface.
The code is working as expected when the filter is enabled in config.yml.
The problem is that I cannot retrieve all articles for administration!
Is there a way to enable this filter for a certain bundle?
p.s. I know how to enable and disable the filter with the EntityManager,
I just cannot find the proper place to do it for the frontend Bundle.
my admin section is accessible by route prefix myadmin -> admin section = disable filter (disabled by default in config) -> anything else = enable filter.
Looking at the Doctrine code, there are methods to enable and disable filters.
Once you have defined your filter in the config.yml file, you can enable/disable in a controller or service:
// 'status' is the unique name of the filter in the config file
Note: this was taken from Symfony 2.3. You would need to test this with previous versions of Symfony/Doctrine.
there is no notion of bundle at Doctrine level. The only way I see would be to detect which controller is used, by parsing its className (reflection, ...) during a kernel.request event, or a kernel.controller event.
Then, if you detect that your controller is in FrontendBundle, just disable/enable your doctrine filter.
If you prefer using routing to detect when to disable/enable, just use kernel.request event. You will have access to all request parameters, via $event->getRequest()->attributes->get('_controller') for example.
