make orgchart in oracle apex using pl sql dynamic content - plsql

Hello all hope you all will be fine.
I am working on oracle apex and I want to make an organization chart .after exploring internet I got JavaScript based orgchart sourcehere ,but I want to make chart query based and got succeed here is code
cursor c1 is
select m.srno,t.empname,t.desig,m.parent_id,,
from table1 m ,table2 t,table3 p
and p.cond=m.cond;
for i in c1 loop
htp.p('<div id="tree"/>');
<script src=""></script>
OrgChart.templates.ana.field_0 = ''<text class="field_0" style="font-size: 20px;" fill="#ffffff" x="125" y="30" text-anchor="middle">{val}</text>'';
OrgChart.templates.ana.field_1 = ''<text class="field_1" style="font-size: 14px;" fill="#ffffff" x="125" y="50" text-anchor="middle">{val}</text>'';
OrgChart.templates.ana.field_2 = ''<text class="field_2" style="font-size: 14px;" fill="#ffffff" x="125" y="70" text-anchor="middle">{val}</text>'';
OrgChart.templates.ana.field_3 = ''<text class="field_3" style="font-size: 14px;" fill="#ffffff" x="125" y="90" text-anchor="middle">{val}</text>'';
var chart = new OrgChart(document.getElementById("tree"), {
mouseScrool: OrgChart.action.none,
template: "ana",
enableSearch: false,
nodeBinding: {
field_0: "Name",
field_1: "Designation",
field_2: "phone",
field_3: "email"
nodes: [
{ id: "'||i.srno||'", Name: "'||i.empname||'", Designation: "'||i.desig||'", phone: "'||||'", email: "'||i.mail||'" }
End Loop;
But problem is that it is showing only node . where is the issue??

Haven't tested but this seems wrong. The loop is outside of the div - that would mean you're expecting one div per node. In the example code it is showing
nodes: [
{ id: "1", name: "Amber McKenzie", title: "CEO", phone: "878 108 255", email: "" },
{ id: "2", pid: "1", name: "Ava Field", title: "IT Manager", phone: "554 484 126", email: "" },
{ id: "3", pid: "1", name: "Peter Stevens", title: "HR Manager", phone: "897 112 444" }
so it is expecting an array of nodes. I'd think you need something like this (untested, but you'll get the point)
cursor c1 is
select m.srno,t.empname,t.desig,m.parent_id,,
from table1 m ,table2 t,table3 p
and p.cond=m.cond;
htp.p('<div id="tree"/>');
<script src=""></script>
OrgChart.templates.ana.field_0 = ''<text class="field_0" style="font-size: 20px;" fill="#ffffff" x="125" y="30" text-anchor="middle">{val}</text>'';
OrgChart.templates.ana.field_1 = ''<text class="field_1" style="font-size: 14px;" fill="#ffffff" x="125" y="50" text-anchor="middle">{val}</text>'';
OrgChart.templates.ana.field_2 = ''<text class="field_2" style="font-size: 14px;" fill="#ffffff" x="125" y="70" text-anchor="middle">{val}</text>'';
OrgChart.templates.ana.field_3 = ''<text class="field_3" style="font-size: 14px;" fill="#ffffff" x="125" y="90" text-anchor="middle">{val}</text>'';
var chart = new OrgChart(document.getElementById("tree"), {
mouseScrool: OrgChart.action.none,
template: "ana",
enableSearch: false,
nodeBinding: {
field_0: "Name",
field_1: "Designation",
field_2: "phone",
field_3: "email"
nodes: [
for i in c1 loop
htp.p('{ id: "'||i.srno||'", Name: "'||i.empname||'", Designation: "'||i.desig||'", phone: "'||||'", email: "'||i.mail||'" }');
End Loop;


SVG with multiple path

How do play with the different fill variables inside an svg ?
I am trying like this but I don't get any results :
<img class="icon-shop icon-colors" src="#/assets/icon-shop.svg"/>
.icon-colors {
--color-default: #c13127;
--color-dark: #ef5b49;
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="..." fill="var(--color-default)"/><path d="..." fill="var(--color-dark)"/><path d="..." fill="var(--color-default)"/><g><path d="..." fill="var(--color-default)"/></g></svg>
Edit 1 :
When I try to use svg as a .vue file, I get a blank page and this console error :
Failed to execute 'createElement' on 'Document': The tag name provided ('/img/icon-shop.7de319ba.svg') is not a valid name.
edit 2 :
I am not sure how I should export the variable components
v-if="name === 'shop'"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M15.6 1.6H8.4c-.4 0-.7.3-.7.7v2.5h8.5V2.3c.1-.4-.2-.7-.6-.7z"
export default {
props: ["name", "var(--color-default)", "var(--color-black)"],
Component Call
class="w-8 h-8"
UPDATE on how to make this code functional
v-if="name === 'shop'"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M15.6 1.6H8.4c-.4 0-.7.3-.7.7v2.5h8.5V2.3c.1-.4-.2-.7-.6-.7z"
export default {
props: ["name", "colorDefault", "colorBlack"],
class="w-8 h-8"
You should put your svg into a .vue file, copy your SVG code into the template section. Then, pass some props to your .vue component and interpolate the actual default/dark colors as you would do with any other kind of props.
<my-cool-svg header-color="#c13127" outline-color="#ef5b49" fill-color="#c0ffee"></my-cool-svg>
This will provide a lot of flexibility overall VS working with a classic .svg file.
This is how the .vue should look like
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="..." :fill="headerColor"/>
<path d="..." :fill="outlineColor"/>
<path d="..." :fill="fillColor"/>
<path d="..." :fill="fillColor"/>
export default {
props: ['headerColor', 'outlineColor', 'fillColor']

How to change SVG fill color in Ionic 5

I am trying to implement dark mode in the app and for that I need to change the fill color of the svg icon when a user changes mode.
I am trying to use a variable directly in the svg code but it seems to have no effect.
<svg class="trophy" xmlns="" width="36" height="36" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><g id="Group_216" data-name="Group 216" transform="translate(-28 -158)"><rect id="Rectangle_2" data-name="Rectangle 2" width="36" height="36" rx="5" transform="translate(28 158)" fill="var(--primaryforicon)"/>
<path id="trophy" d="M19.853,6.795a.4.4,0,0,0-.4-.4H17.768V4.935c0-.013,0-.024,0-.037a.613.613,0,0,0-.612-.613l-.022,0v0H9.015V4.3a.61.61,0,0,0-.563.608c0,.013,0,.025,0,.037V6.394H6.773a.4.4,0,0,0-.4.384h0v5.452h0v0h0a.4.4,0,0,0,.4.4H8.511a4.659,4.659,0,0,0,3.562,3.85v2.66H9.992a.521.521,0,1,0,0,1.041v0h6.238v0a.521.521,0,1,0,0-1.041H14.15v-2.66a4.657,4.657,0,0,0,3.566-3.851h1.736a.4.4,0,0,0,.4-.381h0V6.795h0Zm-11.4,4.8H7.414V7.436H8.456Zm10.355,0H17.767V7.436h1.045Z" transform="translate(33.058 163.583)" fill="var(--secondaryforicon)"/>
It would be really helpful is someone can help me with this
Try this:
<svg class="trophy" xmlns="" width="36" height="36" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><g id="Group_216" data-name="Group 216" transform="translate(-28 -158)"><rect id="Rectangle_2" data-name="Rectangle 2" width="36" height="36" rx="5" transform="translate(28 158)" fill="var(--primaryforicon)"/>
<path id="trophy" d="M19.853,6.795a.4.4,0,0,0-.4-.4H17.768V4.935c0-.013,0-.024,0-.037a.613.613,0,0,0-.612-.613l-.022,0v0H9.015V4.3a.61.61,0,0,0-.563.608c0,.013,0,.025,0,.037V6.394H6.773a.4.4,0,0,0-.4.384h0v5.452h0v0h0a.4.4,0,0,0,.4.4H8.511a4.659,4.659,0,0,0,3.562,3.85v2.66H9.992a.521.521,0,1,0,0,1.041v0h6.238v0a.521.521,0,1,0,0-1.041H14.15v-2.66a4.657,4.657,0,0,0,3.566-3.851h1.736a.4.4,0,0,0,.4-.381h0V6.795h0Zm-11.4,4.8H7.414V7.436H8.456Zm10.355,0H17.767V7.436h1.045Z" transform="translate(33.058 163.583)" fill="var(--secondaryforicon)"/>
let varr = "yellow";
const svg0 = document.getElementsByClassName("trophy")[0];
svg0.addEventListener("click", (e) =>"fill", varr));
"var" is a reserved word, cannot be a variable name.
Try this solution. First detect whether the app running on dark mode. Then switch the fill color dynamically.
import { ThemeDetection } from '#ionic-native/theme-detection';
fillcolor: string;
constructor(private themeDetection: ThemeDetection) { }
.then((res: ThemeDetectionResponse) => {
if(res.value) {
this.themeDetection.isDarkModeEnabled().then((res: ThemeDetectionResponse) => {
this.fillcolor = "#FFFFF"
this.fillcolor = "#00000"
.catch((error: any) => console.error(error));
.catch((error: any) => console.error(error));
in SVG
<svg class="trophy" xmlns="" width="36" height="36" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><g id="Group_216" data-name="Group 216" transform="translate(-28 -158)"><rect id="Rectangle_2" data-name="Rectangle 2" width="36" height="36" rx="5" transform="translate(28 158)" [attr.fill]="fillcolor"/>

How to change CSS cursor dynamically vuejs

This is probably too broad of a question, but I am trying to recreate a cursomizer with Vuejs as a framework. I got stuck in a position where I have to change the cursors dynamically. These cursors are supposed to be SVG files which are able to be accessed from the next component where the user would be able to modify the size and fill. My concern is can store different cursors in different buttons and update when clicked. The code that I provided contains different list items which are dynamically generated and when clicked, it adds active class to the chosen item. If anyone has any advice on how to approach this problem, jump in.
<h1>Choose cursor</h1>
<section class="cursors-wrapper">
<ul class="cursor-list">
<li class="cursor-list-item" #click="activateCursor(cursor.cursorId)" :class="{ active : active_el == cursor.cursorId }" v-for="cursor in cursors" >
<a href="#" class="cursor-list-item-inner">
<!-- SVGG-->
<div v-html="cursor.cursorImage"></div>
<div #click="choosenOne"></div>
export default {
data () {
return {
cursors: [
cursorId: '1',
cursorImage: `<svg class="cursor-svg cursor-svg_static hover_undefined move_undefined click_undefined" height="16"
<ellipse class="cursor-svg__main" cx="8" cy="8" rx="8" ry="8" fill="#000"></ellipse>
cursorId: '2',
cursorImage: `<svg class="cursor-overflow cursor-svg cursor-svg_static hover_undefined move_undefined click_undefined" height="16"
width="16">/* */
<ellipse class="cursor-svg__main" cx="8" cy="8" rx="8" opacity="1" ry="8" fill="none"
stroke-width="3" stroke="#000"></ellipse>
cursorId: '3',
cursorImage: ` <svg class="cursor-svg cursor-svg_static hover_undefined move_undefined click_undefined" height="16"
<path class="cursor-svg__main" d="M 0 0 L 12 10 L 0 16" opacity="1" fill="#000"></path>
active_el: 0
this.active_el = el;
The best solution I can think of is to use style bindings. This way, you can define the cursor in your data object and change it dynamically afterwards ( v-bind:style="{cursor: selectedCursor}").
As for setting the cursor, you can use the method like shown by the top answer of this question.
I've created a fiddle to illustrate what I mean
All you have to do now is set selectedCursor to the cursor of your liking.

How to properly load CSS into a Chrome Extension popup.html?

What: I am creating a Chrome Extension.
When I click the extension icon, it loads popup.html as a window. I am trying to load a JSON table of data using this code into a pretty HTML table.
Problem: The table loads fine. The javascript appears to be working fine but the stylesheet does not appear to be working. I linked to the local stylesheet in the head of popup.html which loads when I click the extensions's icon in Chrome like so...
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap-table.css">
Question: Do I need to add it to the manifest somewhere? I just need the stylesheet for the popup html. I dont need to inject it into the web page. I am just trying to display a pretty html table.
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Chrome Extension",
"description": "Analyze page.",
"version": "0.1",
"icons": { "32": "icon32.png",
"72": "icon72.png",
"114": "icon114.png",
"144": "icon144.png" },
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon32.png",
"default_popup": "popup.html"
"web_accessible_resources": [
"permissions": [
// see
// see
var data = [
"name": "bootstrap-table",
"stargazers_count": "526",
"forks_count": "122",
"description": "An extended Bootstrap table with radio, checkbox, sort, pagination, and other added features. (supports twitter bootstrap v2 and v3) "
"name": "multiple-select",
"stargazers_count": "288",
"forks_count": "150",
"description": "A jQuery plugin to select multiple elements with checkboxes :)"
"name": "bootstrap-show-password",
"stargazers_count": "32",
"forks_count": "11",
"description": "Show/hide password plugin for twitter bootstrap."
"name": "blog",
"stargazers_count": "13",
"forks_count": "4",
"description": "my blog"
"name": "scutech-redmine",
"stargazers_count": "6",
"forks_count": "3",
"description": "Redmine notification tools for chrome extension."
function renderStatus(statusText) {
document.getElementById('status').textContent = statusText;
// MAIN CODE: on click of extension icon
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
$(function () {
data: data
var $table = $('#table');
$('#select-button').click(function () {
var msg = 'getSelections: ' + JSON.stringify($table.bootstrapTable('getSelections'));
<!doctype html>
<title>Chrome Extension</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap-table.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bootstrap-table.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="popup.js"></script>
<div id="status"></div>
<div class="toolbar">
<button id="select-button" class="btn btn-default">Selected Rows</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></i>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart"></i>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i>
<th data-field="state" data-checkbox="true"></th>
<th data-field="name"
<th data-field="stargazers_count"
<th data-field="forks_count"
<th data-field="description"
In my experience, referencing CSS files included in the extension from the popup does work without adding anything CSS specific to the manifest.
After modifying the manifest so it loads, your sample above does work for me, producing a well formatted table. The manifest I used:
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Chrome Extension",
"description": "Analyze page.",
"version": "0.1",
"browser_action": {
"default_popup": "popup.html"
"permissions": [

Not sure how to manage my data in an observableArray for updating

I'm just starting to play around with KO as I want to bring it into an upcoming project. In my spare time I've been playing with a web service at work, this has basically been starting off with doing something with the data, then doing something else. So first I just returned a list of drug names. OK, let's add a count of the returned results. OK, let's populate the individual drug details in a modal. OK, let's edit a drug name. No real rhyme or reason, just coming up with stuff and playing around with KO.
I'm at the point where I'm not sure how to really manage my data so it gets updated everywhere. I've made a screenshot that walks you through what I have and illustrates the problem.
Get my search results by clicking on the "y" button. I then select
the "Yasmin 28" drug
I get the detail view for that drug in a modal window
I edit the drug name and click the "save" button
The drug name is updated in the modal window
I "cheat" and update the drug name in the search results by just
crawling that part of the DOM and replacing the old drug name with
the new drug name.
Problem with this is, it isn't taking advantage of the observable nature of KO...If I were to close the modal and click on the "Yasmin 28" drug link again, the modal would show "Yasmin 28" not what I just changed it to ("something wonderful").
I'm not quite sure how to track if a property changes in my observableArray. I made two observableArrays, one holds the list of drug names for the search results, the other holds the details of the drug. I also made an observable for the current drug name.
Can someone explain what I need to do to track my drug name everywhere? I've included the code below as well as the JSON that I'm working with at the very bottom.
<div id="shell">
<button class="load" value="j">j</button>
<button class="load" value="k">k</button>
<button class="load" value="x">x</button>
<button class="load" value="y">y</button>
<button class="load" value="z">z</button>
<p id="loading"><img src="#{facesContext.externalContext.requestContextPath}/img/spinner.gif"/></p>
<h3 data-bind="visible: drugList().length > 0"><span data-bind="text: count" class="count"></span> records returned</h3>
<ul data-bind="foreach: drugList">
<span data-bind="text: drugName" class="results_drug_name"></span>
<a data-bind="click: $root.showDetails" href="#" class="show">show details</a>
<!-- start modal: drug details -->
<div id="dialog" data-bind="jqDialog: {autoOpen: false, title: drugName}">
<p id="dialog_save_message" class="message_success">Changes saved successfully!!!!!!!!</p>
<table data-bind="foreach: drugListDetails" class="table" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1">
<th scope="row">pdlId</th>
<td data-bind="text: pdlId"></td>
<th scope="row">drugName</th>
<span data-bind="text: $root.drugName" class="readonly"></span>
<input id="edit_drugname" class="edit_textfield" type="text" value="" size="35" />
<button data-bind="click: $root.editSave" class="edit_buttons save">Save</button>
<button data-bind="click: $root.editCancel" class="edit_buttons cancel">Cancel</button>
<ul class="detail_actions">
<li><a data-bind="click: $root.edit" href="#" class="edit">edit</a></li>
<th scope="row">dosageFormDesc</th>
<td data-bind="text: dosageFormDesc"></td>
<th scope="row">strength</th>
<td data-bind="text: strength"></td>
<th scope="row">activeIngredient</th>
<td data-bind="text: activeIngredient"></td>
<th scope="row">tier</th>
<td data-bind="text: tier"></td>
<th scope="row">ancillaryCharge</th>
<td data-bind="text: ancillaryCharge"></td>
<th scope="row">preauthCode</th>
<td data-bind="text: preauthCode"></td>
<th scope="row">quantityLimit</th>
<td data-bind="text: quantityLimit"></td>
<th scope="row">prefAlternative</th>
<td data-bind="text: prefAlternative"></td>
<th scope="row">specialtyDrug</th>
<td data-bind="text: specialtyDrug"></td>
<th scope="row">partbCob</th>
<td data-bind="text: partbCob"></td>
<th scope="row">drugClassGroupId</th>
<td data-bind="text: drugClassGroupId"></td>
<th scope="row">drugClassId</th>
<td data-bind="text: drugClassId"></td>
<th scope="row">drugClass</th>
<td data-bind="text: drugClass"></td>
<th scope="row">genericInd</th>
<td data-bind="text: genericInd"></td>
<th scope="row">tip</th>
<td data-bind="text: tip"></td>
<!-- end modal: drug details -->
$(function() {
$('.load').click(function() {
var $letter = $(this).attr('value');
//show spinner
//load in drug list data
$.getJSON('/PreferredDrugList/service/preferredDrugs/' + $letter, function(data) {
//hide spinner
//replace drugList observableArray data
//preferredDrugs is an array of objects, each elem is an individual drug
//replace count observable data
});//end getJSON
});//end click
//setup modal dialog options
autoOpen: false,
closeOnEscape: true,
modal: true,
});//end ondomready
//custom binding to initialize a jQuery UI dialog
ko.bindingHandlers.jqDialog = {
init: function(element) {
ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(element, function() {
update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
var options = ko.toJS(valueAccessor());
if (options) {
var myViewModel = {
count: ko.observable(), //# of records returned
drugList: ko.observableArray(), //list of drug names - an array of objects
drugListDetails: ko.observableArray(), //list of individual drug details
drugName: ko.observable(), //current drug name
//show drug details in modal
//func gets passed the current observableArray elem (the individual drug info we clicked on, this is an object)
showDetails: function(obj) {
//replace current drug name observable data
//replace drugListDetails observableArray data, otherwise we'll append data to the modal
//push individual drug info to details observableArray
//show dialog
return false;
//edit drug from modal
edit: function(obj) {
var $edit = $('#dialog').find('td .edit'),
$currentTD = $edit.closest('td');
return false;
//save an edit
editSave: function(obj) {
alert('TODO save back to the server');
var $saveBtn = $('#dialog').find('td .save'),
$currentTD = $saveBtn.closest('td'),
newDrugName = $('#edit_drugname').val(),
$dialog_save_message = $('#dialog_save_message');
//save new drug name to observable
$dialog_save_message.slideDown('slow', function() {
//animation complete
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
//cheat and update search results list with new drug name
$('.results_drug_name').each(function(index, elem) {
var $text = $(this).text();
if ($text === obj.drugName) {
//cancel an edit
editCancel: function(obj) {
var $cancelBtn = $('#dialog').find('td .cancel'),
$currentTD = $cancelBtn.closest('td');
<!--what's returned from the web service-->
"preferredDrugs": [(8)
"pdlId": 8090,
"drugName": "y-cof-dmx",
"dosageFormDesc": "Liquid",
"strength": "4MG/5ML; 15MG/5ML; 7.5MG/5ML",
"tier": "OTC",
"ancillaryCharge": "NA",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": " ",
"prefAlternative": null,
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 74,
"drugClassId": 152,
"drugClass": "Respiratory Tract Agents » Antitussives",
"genericInd": "1",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 13417,
"drugName": "YASMIN 28",
"dosageFormDesc": "Tablet",
"strength": "3MG; 0.03MG",
"tier": "3",
"ancillaryCharge": "AC",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": "28.0 tabs each 28 days",
"prefAlternative": "ethinyl estradiol/drospirenone",
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 3,
"drugClassId": 200,
"drugClass": "Hormones and Synthetic Substitutes » Contraceptives",
"genericInd": "0",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 24765,
"drugName": "YAZ",
"dosageFormDesc": "Tablet",
"strength": "3MG; 0.02MG",
"tier": "3",
"ancillaryCharge": "AC",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": "28.0 tabs each 28 days",
"prefAlternative": "ethinyl estradiol/drospirenone",
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 3,
"drugClassId": 200,
"drugClass": "Hormones and Synthetic Substitutes » Contraceptives",
"genericInd": "0",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 2252,
"drugName": "YERVOY",
"dosageFormDesc": "Solution",
"strength": "50MG/10ML",
"activeIngredient": "IPILIMUMAB",
"tier": "NC",
"ancillaryCharge": "NA",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": " ",
"prefAlternative": null,
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 115,
"drugClassId": 1,
"drugClass": "Antineoplastic Agents",
"genericInd": "0",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 20993,
"drugName": "YERVOY",
"dosageFormDesc": "Solution",
"strength": "200MG/40ML",
"activeIngredient": "IPILIMUMAB",
"tier": "NC",
"ancillaryCharge": "NA",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": " ",
"prefAlternative": null,
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 115,
"drugClassId": 1,
"drugClass": "Antineoplastic Agents",
"genericInd": "0",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 564,
"drugName": "YF-VAX",
"dosageFormDesc": "Injection",
"strength": "0",
"activeIngredient": "YELLOW FEVER VACCINE",
"tier": "NC",
"ancillaryCharge": "NA",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": " ",
"prefAlternative": null,
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 79,
"drugClassId": 284,
"drugClass": "Serums, Toxoids and Vaccines » Vaccines",
"genericInd": "0",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 8910,
"drugName": "yodefan-nf chest congestion",
"dosageFormDesc": "Liquid",
"strength": "200MG/5ML",
"activeIngredient": "GUAIFENESIN",
"tier": "OTC",
"ancillaryCharge": "NA",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": " ",
"prefAlternative": null,
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 84,
"drugClassId": 155,
"drugClass": "Respiratory Tract Agents » Expectorants",
"genericInd": "1",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 13101,
"drugName": "YODOXIN",
"dosageFormDesc": "Tablet",
"strength": "650MG",
"activeIngredient": "IODOQUINOL",
"tier": "3",
"ancillaryCharge": "NA",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": " ",
"prefAlternative": "iodoquinol",
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 164,
"drugClassId": 277,
"drugClass": "Anti-infective Agents » Antiprotozoals",
"genericInd": "0",
"tip": " "
"count": 8
First, remove the drugListDetails array as it causes confusion by holding a duplicate of your data.
Second, use ko.mapping.fromJS and ko.mapping.toJS to map your data.preferredDrugs to and from an observable array. This will allow knockout to track the changes in the GUI for every element of the array. Documentation for these can be found here.
You can also do the mapping manually if you do not want to use the mapping plugin.
Third, add a new showDetails element to each entry in your data.preferredDrugs array that defaults to false. This will be used in the next step to determine if the dialog should be shown or not. The showDetails element will need to be toggled when the existing $root.showDetails is called.
Fourth, modify the dialog div to use the drugList array and bind its visible value to the showDetails value of each drug element. This will create multiple hidden dialogs, so you may want to change the id value of each.
