I would like to redesign how the attribute shows in the product page as my product has plenty of attributes. I would like to achieve something like this. Can you guys help with the code?
Thanks in advance.
I'm trying to make it so that when I share a link of a product with a quantity attribute the person who opens it sees it with the exact quantity. Is there a plugin for that? (woocommerce)
maybe your question is not clear, if I understand correctly you need to do something like this:
https://yourdomain.com/?add-to-cart=[the product id]&quantity=[quantity to add to cart]
For example:
I am using CPT UI plugin, and I created Brands and Products CPT.
On create product page, I would like the Parent Page to have Brands.
How can I achieve something like this?
Suggestions are welcome if there's a different approach to achieve this, new to WP.
Thanks Mason for pointing me to the correct and right direction.
Using ACF is the best approach.
This guide also helped me https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/querying-relationship-fields/
Anyone could help me with shipping classes?
I need to hide them from shop page, but to show on product page.
I'm using "Show Shipping Class in Product Page" plugin to show it in product page, but its automatically shown in the shop as well. I need to hide it from the shop view.
So, maybe you should post your question at the wordpress community. It seems like other people have a similar problem.
For your next question you should try to be more specific; e.g. use specific tags like wordpress php, phrase your question more specific, try to give us more information about the problem so it will be easier for us to help you.
I'm using Woocommerce and am looking for some advice on how to go about display all products with pagination on a single page. I've seen some other inquiries here on Stack Overflow but didn't come across a definitive answer. I checked around the web and have only come across plugin-based solutions which isn't what I'm looking for. Does anyone here know a way to use just shortcodes with the right parameters to achieve this. I'd like to display this information chronologically as well. Thanks in advance for any guidance.
Just found out I could use the built in woo commerce settings to display all products with pagination. (Woocommerce > Settings > Products > Shop Page) Didn't need to use shortcode to begin with.
I have a question. I would like to get an url like this : http://www.xyz.com/people/steffi
Does anyone have an idea ?
And finally, I would like to range people's name like this : A B ..... Z
Thanks in advance.
you can adjust that in the permalinks settings.
try %category%/%post_name%
look here for more in depth info. http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks
I'm pretty sure it's a custom content (or post) type. A good plugin to control custom post types is CMS Press. You could set up a custom post type of people, and then have categories for each letter of the alphabet. When you put in new posts, just add them to the specific category (letter) that you want.