How to convert Wordpress Rental web to flutter app - wordpress

I have a WordPress website that shows listing of some properties(Ad space) I don't have any idea how WordPress work i want to show that listing in my flutter app, how can I find that API which shows data in WordPress web
Wordpress web Theme using rental hive theme and I also see some plugins in wordpress like json api & JWT Auth


How do I make an existing WordPress blog available at a subdirectory/subpath of an existing Azure AppService website?

I have a Flask website (e.g. hosted on Microsoft Azure App Service. I have a WordPress blog hosted on another MS Azure App Service instance. I created this blog using the WordPress Azure Marketplace item by App Service in line with this doc. The current URL for the blog is the default app service URL (e.g.
I want to integrate the blog into my website, so that the blog is available at For example, the page at should be available at By integrate I mean make available; I don't mind having 2 different applications as present i.e. one for the main site, and one for the blog.
Is this even possible?
If so, can someone point me in the right direction or to the relevant docs so that I can figure things out?
Also, I am still exploring WordPress so the blog contains only test posts. If there is an alternative method of creating the blog from scratch so that it integrates into the website easily, I can work with that as well.

Has anyone used Auth0 wordpress plugin to gate a page (or full site) vs the backend of wp?

I am attempting to use the Auth0 wordpress plugin to authenticate users from another app (that uses Auth0) into a wordpress knowledge base. I am running into issues configuring and can only seem to get it to protect the back end of Wordpress instead of the front end site.
ie. when a use clicks from our authenticated App (not wordpress) into the docs space (wordpress site on subdomain), we would like them to have to click through the SSO gate before loading the docs page.

How to Create a WordPress Laravel-Based Plugin

I need to create a WordPress plugin. This plugin is actually a Laravel project. Why I would do that? because we are making a mobile eCommerce application and we have already a WordPress website for the company we are creating the mobile application for, so we need to plug-in the WooCommerce to the WordPress website then exposing some REST APIs to the mobile application (i.e., getting products on sale, placing orders, creating a new customer etc.). In case anyone answer will be that WooCommerce having its own REST APIs, unfortunately it won't work as it requires oAuth 1.0a as its authentication method when requests comes from a remote client, not the same machine, and the mobile app will be created using Ionic 4 and Angular 5/6 and they do not support oAuth 1.0a.
I tried to create a WordPress plugin using the standard way by downloading the laravel project at the WordPress plugins folder and I created a plugin file within the laravel root directory and within it I referenced the server.php file in the same directory which is responsible for initiating the composer auto-loader and then bootstrapping the laravel, however, it did not work for me!!! I also tried a package laraish
However, when I created a simple hello world route it does not respond!

How to integrate mobile app with Wordpress

I am working on a mini e-commerce mobile app for a pharmacy. What I need is:
Register through the mobile app and using the Wordpress registration
utility. The registration process will include sending the profile
avatar and optionally an insurance identity image as a base 64
encoded from the mobile app. The images should be converted, stored
on an wp-content/upload folder, and their URL stored as user meta.
Login using the Wordpress credentials.
Insert/Update/Delete/View a product with its data.
Insert/Update/Delete/View a shopping cart (per user).
Insert/Update/Delete/View all orders (all and per user).
I am very new to Wordpress. I have to use Wordpress as there is already a Wordpress site for the pharmacy and we need to make something to plug it in with the existed website easily.
I found those plugins which helped me getting most of the job done JSON API, JSON API Auth, JSON API User, and CoCart. Also I had to turn on the REST API at WooCommerce-> Settings-> Advanced tab

Creating a blog wordpress app with same database as the wordpress site

I am wondering whether it is possible to create a wordpress app which links to the current wordpress site so the blogs will all be present on the new app. And whether it is possible to do this with minimal / no code involved.
Yes, this is possible there is a plugin available in WordPress which can convert your WordPress site into a native mobile app for iOS and Android phones and tablets, published to App Store and Google Play for you.
Here is the link
and here is a list of some other plugins.
you can also see video tutorial how can you convert your WordPress site into a native mobile app
