pdf is not loading until I scroll the pdf slightly - angular11

I am using ng2-pdf-viewer. pdf is not loading in viewer until I scroll the page slightly.
First time only vertical and horizontal scroll of pdf display, once I scroll the pdf then pdf get visible.
Here is the code:
<pdf-viewer src="Testing.pdf" [render-text]="true" [show-all]="true" style="display:block;"></pdf-viewer>
what is wrong in the implementation?


How do the horizontal scroller always visible in material table when the entire page is scrolled?

I always need a horizontal scroll bar in my website, when the page is scrolled.
I created the following sample with using material table.
I found a sample floatingScroll what i want, but it is using the jquery. How can I simulate the behavior with material table in React? I hope always display the horizontal scroll bar in the red box.

Remove logo from cover page in IReports RMarkdown Template

I am using the ireports RMarkdown Template to create a PDF (see https://www.inwt-statistics.com/read-blog/r-markdown-template-for-business-reports.html). Just wondering whether there is a way to remove the logo at the bottom right corner of the cover page without removing it from the header of every page subsequent to that?

Can't scroll to bottom in jupyter notebook with reveal

I am trying to present a jupyter noteboow following this description:
I have large plots through which I want to scroll, but the scroll bar does not appear if I run
jupyter nbconvert test.ipynb --to slides --post serve --SlidesExporter.reveal_scroll=True
An MWE would be this cell tagged as a slide:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 20))
I can zoom out in the browser to view the entire slide, but the slide will remain in the bottom half of the screen.
How can I get scrolling to work nicely?
I am running nbconvert 5.4.0.
Thanks for your help!

Placement of pictures in markdown/bookdown

I am writing a text in bookdown with Rstudio and want to include a picture within the text like this:
Some text goes here
```{r, fig.cap="\\label{fig:figs}figlabel"}
Some other text goes here.
However, when I render the book with bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd"), The inserted picture is placed on the next page rather than where it is placed in the text. I want it to be placed between the two sentences, but it is placed below the last one.
Is there a way to control where in the text the image is rendered? I have tried to look at chunk options for images, and also in the bookdown documentation, but neither seem to document ways to control placement of figures.
LaTeX will try to find an optimal location for the figure. You can force the placement of floating figures and tables with \FloatBarrier. Note that doing so, you might end up with a lot of white space on the bottom of the page.
Some text goes here. See fig. \#ref(fig:my-fig)
```{r my-fig, fig.cap="fig caption"}
Some other text goes here.

RMarkdown table captions breaks page bottom margin

Whenever I use captions in tables,
kable(df[1:10, c(7,1:6)], caption = "This is a caption")
the tables and content in the pdf generated by knitr are pushed below the limits of the bottom margin, thus becoming unreadable. Sometimes entire sections are missing, hidden off margins.
Also, plots positions go crazy: they are printed anywhere but the right place in the pdf.
using results="asis" in chunk options doesn't help.
Using pander causes the same problems.
If I remove all table captions and use some \newpage in the .rmd,
the pdf margins are fine.
Is there a safe way to use table captions?
The pdf in question is here: see page 14 for an entire section missing and table hiding in the bottom margins. Also, the plots are where they want, like if they had proper needs...
github repo
this is kind of a anti-climax,
but as it happens,
this problem was being caused by chunks that printed var values to the document, something like:
sampled.values <- sample(1:100, 10)
when rendered through render(), this code chunk prints the value of sampled.values and this ruins the pdf pagination.
That's it: all page bottom margins are ok now that I removed all those var calls.
