Add content in the page or post with WP-CLI - wordpress

Is it possible to create a complete website with WP-CLI?
I already have the wordpress creation, the menu, some pages and some articles. But is it possible to add blocks like column, image, video etc. only with WP-CLI with bash?
Thank you in advance for your help!


Is a separate website?

I just wondering whether is a subdomain under subdirectory?
I am just curious to know how we can do that.
I have a website called and I want to share spirtual video the same way here shoutmeloud did.
Can anyone let me know how they did?
The website Shoutmeloud is a very popular website of a very popular Indian blogger Harsh Agarwal. The website is WordPress built as told by him many times. Regarding your question - the is not a directory because if it had been a WordPress directly there would be a login url -, but it is not there.
Seeing the design of i think it is a post category (videos) which shows the post contained in it(here videos).
In wordpress this comes by default, all you have to do is to create a post category and add post in it. Then in these post add youtube videos embed code.
You can easily achieve that by going to your wordpress dashboard then add a new page and name it like videos then insert some video files there whether it's a link or from your uploaded videos then save it.
To check the page, Add it to your main menu for example then save it.
The url would be like
so basically the videos is the name of the page.
I checked your site and it only contain one link in the menu. Add a page and add it to your menu bar and it would display next to the Blog link.
The website you are referring to is using Genesis Theme. You can find it here

How to create paginated posts in WordPress?

Can any one tell me how i can split a wordpress post in multiple pages?
This is an example
I don't use <!--nextpage --> or <!--more-->
You can use one of the pagination plugins available in WordPress directory to achieve this.
With the Advanced Post Pagination plugin you will be able to create pagination very similar to the one in the link you shared.
Once you install the plugin, you can include the content for every new page inside
[nextpage] [/nextpage]
You can read up more about it here

Making the page content in Wordpress dynamic

Im new in wordpress and i would like to ask if there is a plugin in wordpress to edit its content dynamically? I've seen this example but i can't understand some if the codes provided. Thanks in advance guys.
In wordpress you will have post and pages. Now you can create as many pages you want and they are they are displayed in page.php. For post types likes blog they can be changed in single.php. Also they are already dynamic from the admin panel. You can create/delete/update as many pages and post you wish.

Blog section within wordpress

I have a site and I'd like a sub section of that site to be blog.
The site is fairly dynamic.
I have image carousels that get populated via custom-post-types utilizing featured images.
I have titles and headers being populated via custom-post-types and etc... That's all in the index file.
I want to create a pure blog (i.e. news style subsection of the site that aggregates latest blog posts on the, has widget areas that post related content, comment sections, etc etc...) as a subfolder of the landing page.
I was thinking that I would create a new instance of wordpress and put it in a subdirectory of the domain called blog. Obviously this is not an optimal solution.
I'd appreciate any help.
No reason to do another install of wordpress. Just create a separate template and go from there.
These two links should get you started:

Using WP Navigation-Bar Elsewhere

I have a wordpress site and a phpbb3 site, I want to use the wordpress navigation(menu) in the phpbb3 site also.
Since the Menus will be changing in constantly (I use Wp-Menus) I do not just want to copy and paste the HTML code.
Please Help!
The easiest way to do this would be to copy the HTML/CSS and then fetch menu items from the WP database. Involving Wordpress would only make this more advanced and add more overhead.
