What I've tried:
I installed the yacy search crawler / indexer / search engine on my laptop to play around & evaluate it for an IPFS project.
The install is easy enough, but it refuses to crawl & index the content of my local nginx webserver. Seems like an odd default configuration to prohibit that. I get this response:
Crawling of "http://localhost/" failed. Reason: denied_(the host 'localhost' is local, but local addresses are not accepted:
I've been looking but can't find any info on why this occurs or if there are any workarounds. Interestingly, the yacy forum search doesn't provide useful info on this either.
I didn't expect errors on such a small, local website, or what appears to be a prohibition of indexing a website on my own machine.
It is a bit confusing, and I chose the "Search portal for your own web pages" as that seemed to fit. I couldn't find documentation that described the localhost restriction.
However I learned there is a security concern when using the "Intranet Indexing" configuration option which is why crawling localhost is prohibited under the "Search portal for your own web pages" option.
I have a website - www.domain.com - with Windows hosting. I don't want to install WordPress on Windows. Instead I want to get a WordPress blog on Linux hosting and create a virtual directory on my main server: www.domain.com/blog - which points to the WordPress blog. However, I can't find how to do this.
I have found documentation on how to create virtual directories in IIS 7.0, but this all seems to involve a directory on the same server.
Thanks, Jon
virtual directories are for running separate applications (different web roots, web.configs etc) on the same server as part of a single domain - so not what your looking for.
As Lex Li tersely pointed out, one option is you can use IIS as a proxy and rewrite the urls to some other host. IIS can modify the urls if nessersary so traffic appears to be served by your Windows server, when in fact IIS is making sneaky requests to the Linux blog behind the scenes and modifying the markup to ensure urls point to the Windows machine, and not the actual url which points to your linux box (your blog could be on any domain/subdomain/path and still appear to be part of yur site).
You could also use a CDN (cloudflare is free for the basic package...) and that allows you to setup rules so you can request content from different origin servers (ie your linux box) based on a prefix (/blog in your case), but all other traffic is sent to your Windows server.
Another option (not quiet what you asked for, but really simple to setup...) - if you can use a sub-domain instead of a prefix to the path (ie blog.domain.com/ instead of www.domain.com/blog) you can just point DNS for blog. to your linux host and www. to your IIS box - no configuration required to your Windows server.
Worth noting that its pretty much always a good idea to use a CDN infront of your web servers, its a layer of protection, makes your pages load faster etc etc etc (and it would work in front of either of the other 2 options suggested above)
We suddenly started seeing this "Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel" error.
Our website does a simple POST to another server to a HTTPS URL
This suddenly stopped working
Nothing has changed (Windows Updates, our updates, server settings) to cause suspicion. That we know of, or can remember.
We can navigate to the posted URL just fine.
We have other websites that also do this same POST to that same server and they continue to work. Everything is using TLS 1.0 and the target server has not changed anything recently. Nobody has turned off TLS 1.0 on either side.
This issue is discussed in many other stackoverflow postings, so to research systematically we made a clone of the website on the same server. Just copied its code (compiled code folders) and set up another virtual host in the same IIS.
The POST operation from the clone works! Same server, same code, same IIS. So we can't even reproduce it on the exact same setup. The copy is working but the original is throwing this error.
So finally the question:
Does the fact that the copied website can POST successfully give anybody any insight into what may have happened?
Could some IIS settings on the original site been changed? The only thing different is they are two virtual hosts on the same server.
Windows Server 2012R2, IIS 8.5, ASP.NET/C#.
I found the solution here:
The causes can be many, apparently, even Windows updates. Still seems odd that it would happen (consistently) on one website and not on its clone (also consistently).
The specific steps to fix were:
In Group Policy Editor (run: gpedit.msc), went to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Distributed COM > Application Compatibility and enabled "allow local activation security check exemptions"
I installed WordPress in Google Cloud Plattform using the feature "Click to Deploy".
But I need my website work with HTTPS. So I get a certificate with Let's encrypt and I followed the instructions in https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/console/using-custom-domains-and-ssl to install it. All the process was successful but when I try to use my site with HTTPS I get the error "the site refused the connection".
This page https://cloud.google.com/solutions/connecting-securely says an option is use load balancing, but I believe I don't need that.
I applied this others instructions unsuccessfully:
My site works fine with HTTP.
I resolved my problem with this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kLvD2mlmlk
The difference is I had to upload my crt and key files generated by Let's encrypt.
It was very difficult for me because I am not familiar with linux.
In short, I can create a new MAMP Pro 3 host with success and then download and install Wordpress 4.0 via MAMP Pro's "Extra's" feature also seemingly with success (no errors, ) ...yet it doesn't turn out that way as the browser says, "Error code: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED".
Full Details: Hi, I've just installed MAMP Pro for the first time on Mac OS 10.9.5 with all the default settings, the WebStart page loaded in the browser, php looks to be running fine. The problem I'm having occurs when running a preliminary test of MAMP by trying the Extras feature and installing Wordpress 4.0. I get no indication that anything went wrong with the default install yet clicking the button next to the Server Name "Open the hosts web page in a browser"... I am greeted with an error in Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc....
"This webpage is not available. Google Chrome's connection attempt to was rejected. Error code: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Google Chrome's connection attempt to testwpextra.dev was rejected. The website may be down, or your network may not be properly configured.
Check your Internet connection
Allow Chrome to access the network in your firewall or antivirus settings.
Check your proxy settings
I'm not using a proxy, I am running apache as my local user and have confirmed the document root is owned by the same user (with read/write permissions), I turned off firewall/littlesnitch just to be sure, same result in various browsers.
I read some fella saying something about setting up his host with IPv6 but I'm using the MAMP control panel to manage the process for me and don't see settings of that nature. Maybe this is done via the Extended tab with directory or VirtualHost parameters, I don't know... wish I did. Please help! Thanks!
I solved my problem by changing MAMPs ports from the default 8888 etc... to 80,443,3306 (on MAMPs General tab). Now all my includes are broken because MAMP doesn't allow "php_value" in htaccess files...one step at a time i guess. =]
I have set a plone product server with nginx + varnish + haproxy + 4 instance.(the buildout deploy configuration is come from the professional plone4 development book writted by Martin).
Now I have troubles with login process. I had to submit login info two times for signing in plone site.
I don't kown if nginx needs some settings like apache with mod_auth_ktk,or plone.session must adjust some parameters.
In fact , If I directly access instance using http://demo.com:8001/Plone address , it is OK.
There are potentially several causes of this problem, but the most common is a misconfiguration of the virtual hosting setup that causes some page resources to be served from a different URL than others.
View source on the browser, and look for differences in the URL between the page itself and the CSS/JS resources. If you find any, work on your virtual-hosting specifications.