remove download button from wordpress elementor playlist - wordpress

in my wordpress page i use elementor and make playlist for videos
when video played, the download button will show and when pressed, start to download.
i dont want any user download that videos.
i use javascript code :
jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
but work for first video in my playlist, when selected other video, js not work and download button are there and user can download video

Have you tried not disabling the download function per se but simply hiding the download button using CSS?
The code would be:
.respective-class {
display: none;
.respective-class {
visibility: hidden;


Restricting download buttons so only logged-in users can view the buttons

I am building a website (using Wordpress, Neve theme and Elementor Pro) with teaching resources for teachers, under the picture of each resource I want to place a download button with the URL link to download the resource, is it possible to make this download button with the link only accessible to logged-in users using Custom CSS or what would be the easiest way to do this?
In WordPress, you would probably have to use something like this:
.your-button {
display: none;
.logged-in .your-button {
display: block;
Please notice that the button is only visually hidden and could still be accessed via the dev tools.
It's not safe to use CSS, or anything on the frontend to hide the download button if it's important that for example students cannot get at the resources/answers.
In the backend you can add this where you are creating the button:
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
... the code outputting the download button and info ...

NEED HELP - how to make an excerpt of the post clickable?

I am working in Wordpress, and I am using Elementor. Elementor has a native feature for the title of the posts and images to link to the post.
But if I add an excerpt text, it doesn't link to the post. It is not clickable. The read more button does, but not the excerpt of the post.
I am trying to create something like this: Every post on their website is clickable - the excerpt, the title, and the image.
My excerpts are really short like on that website, and I would really like them to be clickable. I have absolutely no idea how to do this and I'm beginning to think it's not possible. I am using Hello Elementor theme.
I would deeply appreciate anyone's help. I just registered to ask this question.
You can always try to save text as an photo and make it clickable or make a full section clickable.To do this try to use plugin called "Make Column Clickable Elementor".
Add this code to your website:
const postExcerpts = document.querySelectorAll('.elementor-posts .elementor-post .elementor-post__excerpt');
postExcerpts.forEach(postExcerpt => {
const postUrl = postExcerpt.parentNode.querySelector('.elementor-post__title a').href;
postExcerpt.addEventListener('click', () => {
window.location.href = postUrl;
This can be added using a script tag. Choose from the following options:
Add this code as a script tag in your functions.php file, to be rendered at the end of the page (wp_footer action hook).
If you have Elementor Pro, use its built-in Custom Code feature to add the code in a script tag to the end of the body tag.
It's recommended to add a pointer cursor so the user will know the excerpt is a link. This can be achieved by adding the following CSS to your style.css file.
.elementor-posts .elementor-post .elementor-post__excerpt {
cursor: pointer;

Some WordPress pages are not loading. Contents are not showing

Whenever I'm trying to view some of my customized pages in WordPress theme, those are not loading. Keep loading but contents are not appearing.
Anyone have a solution please?
Thank You.
This appears to be an issue with the theme. The content is loading, but the preloader overlay doesn't disappear. Have you contacted the theme developer about the issue?
If you're not too bothered about having the preloader working/displaying or you just want a quick/temporary fix, you could add some custom CSS code to hide it:
.preloader {
display: none;
Try this code:
jQuery(window).on('load', function () {
This is because the fadeOut event doesn't work. Your content loads, but the preloader does not disappear.

WordPress Appointkart plugin issue in iphone device

When plugin page load then by default open calendar. So how I hide the by default open calendar.
in Iphone page load calander open. website link
You have :
$(document).ready(function() {
buried at the end of:
Something like that doesn't even belong in the plugin file. Perform all initiation in a separate js file.

Remove "Open link in a new window/tab" checkbox in Post link visual editor

I'm building a Wordpress site for a group of authors and have set it up to universally display internal links in the same tab while displaying external links in a new tab.
Unfortunately, the "Open link in a new window/tab" checkbox that appears in the link pop-up in the visual editor is causing them to freak out.
Does anyone know where this pop-up window is located and the best way I can filter this to remove that line and checkbox altogether?
You can add this function to your functions.php file. It will add a style to the admin area that hides the "link target" div:
function hide_link_target() {
echo '<style>
.link-target {display:none;}
add_action('admin_head', 'hide_link_target');
