Looker studio / google data studio formula for count columns with a condition - formula

How to make a formula in Looker Studio to count column channel where the column products did not contain words "Cicilan"?
I used this formula :
COUNT(Channel) WHERE NOT CONTAINS_TEXT(Product,"Cicilan")
and it give an error msg "Invalid Formula"

In looker the syntax is a little different, try it this way:
count(CASE WHEN product = 'cicilan' THEN (channel) END)


Saved Search Formula to get Second Last Item Receipt Date

I try to get the Second Last Item Receipt Date using this following formula in my Saved Search, but it is returning an Invalid Expression
CASE WHEN {trandate} < MAX({trandate}) THEN {trandate} ELSE NULL END
Any advice how to get the Second Last Date in Netsuite using formula ?

Kusto query max x by y

I'm trying write a simple Kusto query to find the max value of x for each y. To be more specific, I'm querying the Azure Data Explorer sample table "Covid", trying to get the max number of deaths by country. I tried using a few things like this
| summarize MostDeaths = max(Deaths) by Country
| project Country, MostDeaths
But this is not working of course. I also haven't found anything like this (simple as it is) in the documentation with its examples.
Edit: Expected results:
Actual results: "A recognition error occurred.
Token: |
Line: 3, Position: 0"
Your query, as you've written it in your question - is valid (syntactically and semantically).
You can click this deep-link to run it and see for yourself: https://dataexplorer.azure.com/clusters/help/databases/Samples?query=H4sIAAAAAAAAA3POL8tMMbTkqlEoLs3NTSzKrEpV8M0vLnFJTSzJKFawVchNrNCAcDQVkioVnPNL80qKKoHqC4rys1KTS2AiOkjaACLGJoNVAAAA
Given the error message you're seeing, I can guess that you're actually running a different query.
do you have a duplicate pipe (|) ?
or - are you missing a linebreak between multiple queries in the same query editor tab?

Issue with Casting string to date in Teradata

I have a string column - COL1 in TABLE1 which is if string data type. This table is loaded by Informatica session ( data coming from mainframe) and the format of the COL1 is YYYY-MM-DD. Now I have to use TABLE1 as the source in my next mapping . In the SQL override query of second mapping i will be casting COL1 to date using the below query .
But when i try to execute this query in Teradata SQLA, just to check if it runs fine it gives me below error.
SELECT Failed. 2666: Invalid date supplied for COL1.
Can you please help me resolve this issue ? This is not the only date column which has issue, there are two more date columns . I guess the resolution is same for all three columns .
P.S - Just to verify, I updated all rows of COL1 of TABLE1 as 2016-12-12 and ran the select statement, select worked fine . I then updated COL1 of all rows as 2016-13-12, it gave same error . If either of DD or MM is more than 12, it is giving me error
If DATE is represented/stored in ANSI standard literal YYYY-MM-DD, the CAST will work.
However i doubt that in your case.
The date is most probably in YYYY-DD-MM format. In that case the ANSI standard format will throw the error. You need YYYY-DD-MM
select CAST('2016-13-12' AS DATE FORMAT 'YYYY-DD-MM') AS Date2
P.S. You can confirm the conversion to date using TYPE() function. It should return DATE in your case
Hi Please try this piece of code
instead of the transformation you are using.
Thanks for your response. However the issue was something else. Some of the incoming records had space in this column . So I had to tweak my informatica mapping to put a trim on date column . Now the select is running fine . Thanks for your time .

In Cognos 10.2.1 - how can I use substring portions of an input parameter to create an expression to use for date comparison?

In Cognos 10.2.1 (FP7), I have a situation with two tables (see below), where a given transaction may be in the same "PERIOD", but what I want to do is to only give me results for transactions that have a date after the 15th of the month (i.e - the transaction may be in PERIOD 201510, and I only want transactons on/after 10/15/2015). The PERIOD is an input parameter that the user selects - I want to build the date from a portion of the PERIOD. (Before anyone complains about syntax, etc. - I've tried to simplify this as much as possible).
Given Table A:
ID varchar
PERIOD varchar
Given Table B:
ID varchar
TYPE varchar
TRANDATE timestamp2
[A.PERIOD]=?PARM1? <- this is the user selected input parameter
[B.TYPE] in ('A','B')
Then create a join from the results of Query1 and Query2 on the A.ID=B.ID to give Results1
I've tried the following (I'm keeping this as simple as I can - so I'm ONLY working with the YEAR portion of the period):
[Results1].[TRANDATE] >= concat(substring([Results1].[PERIOD],1,4),'-10-15T00:00:00.000000000')
[Results1].[TRANDATE] >= cast(concat(substring([Results1].[PERIOD],1,4),'-10-15T00:00:00.000000000'), timestamp2)
In both cases - Cognos won't validate the expression, or, if it does validate, I get a runtime error when running the report. In both cases, I get messages basically "literal does not match format string", even with the cast.
So - how can I get pieces/portions of the parameter, and slice/dice them to use as a date comparison as I mentioned above?
Given: Column [PERIOD] of type integer in the form YYYYMM, [TRANDATE] of type date/time
[TRANDATE] >= cast(cast(cast([PERIOD]/100,integer),varchar(4)) || '-' || cast(mod([PERIOD],100),varchar(2)) || '-15',date)
Given: Column [PERIOD] of type string in the form 'YYYYMM', [TRANDATE] of type date/time
[TRANDATE] >= cast(substring([PERIOD],1,4) || '-' || substring([PERIOD],5,2) || '-15',date)
The trick is that you don't have to build a full date/time string. You only have to build a string of format 'YYYY-MM-DD' in order to cast to a date type.

Prompt comes up when running report

I have created a report from the following query
SELECT TasksEntries.Project, TasksEntries.Task, Sum(TimeTracker.WorkHours) AS
FROM TasksEntries INNER JOIN TimeTracker
ON (TasksEntries.EmployeeId = TimeTracker.EmployeeId) AND (TasksEntries.TaskID
= TimeTracker.TaskId)
GROUP BY TasksEntries.Project, TasksEntries.Task;
The start and end dates are captured from a form and passed like shown below. WorkDate is a column in the TimeTracker table and is not present in any other table.
strWhere = "WorkDate BETWEEN #" & txtMgrRptStartDate & "# AND #" &
txtMgrRptEndDate & "#"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptTotalProjectHours", acViewPreview,
"qryTotalProjectHours", strWhere, acWindowNormal
When the report is invoked, I get a box where it says
"Enter parameter value" for Workdate.. I am unsure why I get that.
The query runs fine when I run it separately with the start and end dates hard coded in there. The problem seems to occur only when it is passed through the docmd.openreport. Can someone help me get to the bottom of this? When passing the WorkDate thru the OpenReport, is it mandatory that the column name be present in the SELECT statement?
Appreciate your help in advance.
I solved it by including the date criteria in the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement and specifying the form text box names of start and end dates.
The other thing that I did was to eliminate the query name from the Docmd.openreport since the report was created from the named query.
